This was posted 1 year 5 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free: "2000 Mules" Film @ D'Souza Media via Twitter/ X


A controversial film "2000 Mules" available for free on Twitter/ X until 10 of September.

Was the 2020 election the "most secure in US history"? My film "2000 Mules" reveals the evidence, so you can make up your own mind.

Watch it free this Friday September 8 through Sunday September 10 only on X. Watch here!

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2000 Mules
2000 Mules
D'Souza Media
D'Souza Media

closed Comments

  • +6

    Exactly how I would like to start my weekend.

    Grabs popcorn

  • +11

    Yeah this isn't a deal. There are many films that are available free on the internet. This post is bait.

    • -3

      Do you post this on every 'x film is now available for free on y streaming service', or is there something special about this one?

      • Yeah alright Eric Trump calm down.

  • -1

    Fake news. “A documentary which purports to prove widespread, coordinated and deliberate voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome, and claims Trump won swing states like Michigan, Georgia, and Arizona.” I expected no less of X.

    • -1

      Why the neg?

      • they belong to a cult

        • Can’t you have your own thought and opinions instead of spitting out whatever the media tells you to ?

          • @swxfty: sure, you can have your own opinions, are you saying I cannot have mine?

            • @cr0n: “They belong to a cult” is typical parroting

              • @swxfty: Even if it was parroting, which it wasn't, would that diminish the point being made?

                There is a cult of personality around Trump.

    • But most of what is in the film is also backed up by this Times article (just from the opposite perspective):

      So call it "Fake News" all you like, but both sides are saying the same thing, just with a different spin ;)

      • Where did that article actually say anything about them both doing the same thing?

        One side was trying to make the election as democratic as possible, while the other was trying to do anything to just win.

        that's more than 'just with a different spin'

        • both doing the same thing?

          Um, not both "sides" doing the same thing, but both "articles" saying the same thing making the same points …

          The Times article backs up the actions presented in the movie (just from a higher-up perspective from the opposite side)

          • @7ekn00: So when does the truth win out or is that not a consideration if it doesn't appeal to your agenda?

            • @cr0n: You have no idea of my agenda and obviously completely missed the point … whoosh

              My point being, the movie is not conspiracy, as the democrats 2020 plan has been backed up by a supporting Times article ;)

              • @7ekn00: I'm not attempting to say I do have an idea of your agenda in any way, it's the reason I asked the question. And I still don't get your point.

                If the Times article is truthful in what it is reporting, and the movie says the same thing but from the opposite side while implying it is truth…. well those are just conspiracy theories.

  • Normal price is free. Not deal.

    Also, lies. Trump campaign trollop.

    • -1

      Normal price is free

      No it’s not, you pulled that one right out of your..?
      Mate, you’re spreading some serious misinformation here 🤣🤣

  • +4

    X gonna give it to ya.

    This seems boring as shit.

  • -1

    This or a climate deniers film?

    • +3

      Who denies that there is a climate?

  • +1

    This should give me something to watch now that Andrew Tate's content has dropped off a bit

  • +8

    Can we keep spam for US political wars off OzBargain?

    There is no indication of why this is a bargain.

      • +6

        I was waiting for you.

        Sorry, I was busy leading and enjoying life in Australia.

        Where is your buddy nocure?


        Free film. That's the bargain.

        But I have an issue with the product, hence my neg.

      • -1

        Whats your deal? Neorectionary edgelord or Black pilled accelerationist, something other?

        • +1

          Hundreds of millions of free films here

          Feel free to post them all

      • Amanita phalloides is free too.

  • +4

    Always free, not a bargain.

    Also, a nuanced view suggests "the evidence" = 💩

  • +10


    “2000 Mules is a 2022 American conspiracist[4][5][6] political film from right-wing political commentator Dinesh D'Souza. The film falsely[7][8][9] claims unnamed nonprofit organizations supposedly associated with the Democratic Party paid "mules" to illegally collect and deposit ballots into drop boxes in the swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin during the 2020 presidential election. D'Souza has a history of creating and spreading false conspiracy theories”

    “The Associated Press (AP) reported that the film relies on "faulty assumptions, anonymous accounts and improper analysis of cellphone location data" provided by conservative[11] non-profit True the Vote.[7] found the film's "supposed evidence is speculative."[12] National Public Radio (NPR) reported True the Vote "made multiple misleading or false claims about its [own] work".[13] AP reported that the assertion that True the Vote identified 1,155 paid mules in Philadelphia alone was false. The film presented a single unverified anonymous witness who said she saw people picking up what she "assumed" were payments for ballot collection in Arizona; no evidence of such payments was presented in any of the other four states”

    • +7

      OP's next deal: there is a pile of trash out the front of my house

    • yeah, that Dinesh D'Souza really is a piece of shit human being

  • +6

    The Little Mermaid on Disney+ is more of a deal and factual than this.

    • This perfectly illustrates the point.
      Some people think the recent live-action The Little Mermaid is a great film. Others think it is absolute trash.
      Regardless, it is a legitimate post on Ozbargain when it first becomes available to watch for free.

  • +4

    Anyone want to stare at a bin, it's free.

    • +1

      Only if it's upsized to a dumpster and we can light it.

  • +4

    Not the place (or country) for this rubbish

    • I agree it's rubbish, but people are allowed to be interested in countries other than their own…

  • -4

    Very fine movie. Free DJT.

  • +6

    Advertisement for propaganda.

    Remember, your time isn’t free even if this garbage is.

  • I’m guessing most of the neggers haven’t watched it

    • I've seen plenty of ridicule but no refutation. I assume response to my comment would be a typical disregard "not worth the time for right wing propaganda etc etc". All you're proving is that you're either a blind, partisan bigot or you can't debate the issue.

      • +2

        so you have watched it and believe it to be a factual and honest representation of what happened?

        • Nope, haven't seen it.

          I'm simply pointing out the obvious of all the comments here, except for Gehrin's below which is a relief and moves the conversation forward.

          • @m0usju1c3:

            Nope, haven't seen it.

            So why +1 it?

            My fav part was when they said
            "You need to start reporting this to the world and stop.fact checking it".

            • +1

              @M00Cow: Plenty of other freeby or "reminder" deals that I've upvoted before, do I need to validate my reason to you for my upvote? I've yet to see it so thought this would be a good opportunity.

      • +10

        -the film claims geotracking phones solved a cold murder case, however the criminals were already arrested with one turning themselves in

        -it's big claim is geotracking of these 2000 mules in the voting areas, yet no footage or other evidence these people didn't just walk by or were at a neighbouring place in these busy city areas

        -the attorney general during the Trump administration and state investigations said the geotracking data proved nothing

        -only one anonymous whistleblower to backup the claims made that apparently is widespread across the country

        -film opens with Biden saying he has made a voter fraud organisation, the context of the clip being an organisation to prevent and investigate

        -various claims of mail in vote being fraud, Trump voted by mail

        -claims that one particular person visited various voting boxes yet evidence is only shown of them at one

        -the film shows people dropping off multiple ballots, perfectly normal when you have a family that can vote and one shown in the film is suing them

        -the film shows footage that it claims is from the presidential election and is from a different election

        -it provides no real evidence, just big foot style videos and unsubstantiated geotracking claims

        -claims the mules were antifa, no evidence

        -claims of dead voters, no evidence

        -claims workers wearing gloves to not leave fingerprints, during winter in covid peak

        -a panel of people with the same view, no differing opinions allowed

        -the film maker said he would provide more evidence and names in his book, he didn't and actually recalled the book and removed some claims

        -the film maker is clearly biased as shown by his other works and only presents his side

  • -1

    The beginning of downfall of X.

    • +1

      shouldn't that be April 14 2022

      • -2

        We are Aussie, we are generous and give a leeway honeymoon period.

  • -2

    Whether you find the film persuasive or not, whether you are left-wing or right-wing, this is just as valid a post as any of the other posts with 'x film is now free to watch on y service' - and we all see heaps of them posted.

    • +2

      Those are usually very popular, pretty recent movies, coming to a streaming service for the first time (IE - Avatar 2). This is an older, obscure movie about a niche subject that most people on an Australian website would not be interested in.

      While I'm sure that some of the negs you are copping is because you are trying to push bullshit propaganda (or you are trying to have a laff by riling people up), it doesn't change the fact that this isn't a deal. If someone posted about the RBG doco being up on SBS On Demand for free, it would also not make the front page.

      Stop trying to sook and make yourself a victim.

      • But the RGB doco would be just as legit a deal as this one or any of the others about films being available - that is exactly my point.

  • +1

    Not a bargain, film has always been free.

  • +2

    reveals the evidence, so you can make up your own mind.

    Ahh I see the light! The Pete Evans light!

  • +1

    Not a bargain, because this propaganda piece is always free.
    Let's do better and reject rubbish from all sides.

  • This ain't it, ozbargain.

  • Conspiracy nonsense is not a deal. When the US Supreme Court said no fraud happened, then I am definitely not going to listen to a crank on Twitter.

  • I know this film has been thouroughly debunked as pure bullshit, but is it worth watching as a laugh? Is it 'so bad it's good', or just dull?

    • the biggest issue is, even if you have that opinion and only want to check it out for the lulz, they will surely count it as an extra view and that will make them happy

  • This is not free, as the bulk volume of aluminium foil that would be consumed to make the hats the believers must be wearing would offset any perceived benefit of the offer.

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