So i was looking for a foot pedal to do a couple keyboard inputs, without the need for a Keyboard
This looks alright and currently on special
Save your Fingers F5ing on Ozbargins!, if you simply dont go to the live page
So i was looking for a foot pedal to do a couple keyboard inputs, without the need for a Keyboard
This looks alright and currently on special
Save your Fingers F5ing on Ozbargins!, if you simply dont go to the live page
Apologies if you know this, but these are digital switches, not analog. So if you're fine with just replicating yaw and brake as it would be on a keyboard (off or on), these would be fine. if you're hoping to hold the pedal down half way for instance, these would not work.
Thanks for that! Might be a bit tricky to use in FS when crabbing but looks like a potentially handy little unit anyway, thanks OP.
all in if you can use this in Mordhau for run, crouch, and kick (or for flourish, weapon drop, and thumbs up lol)
should be able to set them to any keyboard key. So you'd just change the pedal to send "k" or whatever the key currently is for kick, etc.
I use one of these in shooters for Crouch, Prone, Jump
the knights of ardougne are going to go bankrupt
Oh snap, CODM just you wait!
So, for being able to use only one hand on the keyboard, right? Right?
Holy shit. Perfect companion to my teleprompter!
I'm all over this if I can use it in Flight Sim for left/right yaw and brake.