Appears to be a clearance item. Price shows in Google shopping, doesn't show on the website. Seems to be nation wide. Enjoy your cheap meals.
Super Vegan Coconut and Jackfruit Curry $1.87 (Was $7.50) @ Coles (Selected Stores)

Last edited 07/09/2023 - 09:04 by 3 other users
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That's an article on "Coconut Oil".
Coconut cream and coconut oil aren't one and the same. Coconut cream has half the calories, and a quarter the fat of Coconut oil.
Coconut oil is made by pressing the coconut meat with pressure, friction, and/or heat, producing an oil. Coconut cream, on the other hand, is made using coconut meat and water.
Coconut falling on your head isn't healthy either…
Too right. The damn husk and shell always gets stuck in my throat - not healthy.
Tasty tho
It was 30y ago then they change their mind lol
I saw a video a few days ago about new research showing plants have defense mechanisms like certain toxins to discourage things eating them. After watching it youtube kept serving this up in my suggested videos: (It seems even the lefties at youtube can't stifle their sense of humor entirely.)
Then I was at Colesworths a couple of days ago… I'm so sick of seeing heaps of vegan stuff marked down because not even they want to eat it. And the fake names they use like, "Not really CHICKEN" really p_ss my off with the "not really" part in such a tiny and thin font you can barely see it - making you think from the "CHICKEN" part it's actually chicken, in order to deceive us into ingesting those dangerous plant toxins I guess. Normal people must be paying for all that WASTE through higher grocery prices to cover the loss, only to have them try it once then never eat it again.
Its the latest super hero.
Stoopid heroes more like it.
Just for my friends who like MSG , this one has it
That will uncle roger very happy.
Lol. The effect of getting punched in the stomach usually doesn't last either, but it's not something I'd go looking for.
The only problem with MSG is that it makes food taste good; allowing one to eat far more than usual.
@DrSwag: My Grandma always had atleast one 1lb bag of Ajinomoto. She added it to everything. Probably even Kopi and Teh Tarik.
Personally, if I'm already using soy and/or fish sauce, shitake mushrooms, belachan or ikan bilis, I don't see the benefit of adding MSG. Seems like lazy cooking.
But to each there own.
@Tiggrrrrr: I've made delicious Chinese "takeaway" at home from books, without MSG, that tasted better than Chinese takeaways with MSG. I guess many of them must use it to hide the fact they're awful cooks.
@DrSwag: Agree. Still safer than iPay addiction ot feel good with show-off with overpriced gadgets & services.
Key phrase would be "very high amounts". Salt is by far worse for you and that shit is in everything. MSG contains two-thirds less the amount of sodium compared to table salt. Don't eat MSG by the spoonful and I guarantee all will be fine. Moderation is key with everything anyway.
Then you better stay away from salt as well then if you are going to eat the same extremely high amounts in the report. Normal amounts of msg are fine extracted or from meat mushrooms and other extraction methods such as fish sauce etc.
@BumbaT: Synthetic MSG is made from fermented sugar cane, beet or corn starch through the process of fermentation.
I wasnt saying dont eat msg. I was saying there was plenty of glutamates already in anchovies (ikan bilis), sambal, mushroom, etc, that adding more isnt required. I also dont add salt. Plenty of salt in everything else.
@Tiggrrrrr: Most people would know that high sodium intake isn't good for you. The recommended Daily intake is about 1600mg, these packet noodles would have at least that much alone.
May as well not kid ourselves, these are a convenient junk meal but there are better ingredients around than msg.
people don't want to be told about their bad habits in general.
That is SO OFFENSIVE. It's "weirdos" - so please spell it correctly next time to not offend.
Maybe they were referring to people who really like old dams?
Nothing like strolling the old country eati g jackfruit curry and admiring old fishery dams.
Super Vegan Coconut and Jackfruit Curry
Not a Vegan. Looking forward to try, if available locally.Jackfruit (4%)
Boiled young Jackfruit is used as a bland Vegan meat substitute. So takes on the taste of the curry. Used for its meat like texture.
Quite unlike sweet ripe Jackfruit.$7.50 on Google shopping where I am😞
I've eaten a jackfruit based microwave meal once. The stuff is awful.
This is NOT "jackfruit based" - has very little Jackfruit (4%). Probably won't noticed it in the curry. Should give it a little "meaty" texture.
*Not all microwave meals are the same!
Ingredients: Cooked Rice Mix (26%), Chickpeas (11%), Sweet Potato (11%), Bok Choy (11%)
with 40% curry sauce which includes Coconut Cream (6%)… & Jackfruit (4%).But as is full price in Qld, won't be trying it unless price falls.
… has very little Jackfruit (4%). Should give it a little "meaty" texture.
No, it gives a 4% jackfruit texture.
Which is nothing like meat.
@[Deactivated]: The processed young Jackfruit is used as a meat alternative, by Vegans.
Is VERY different to ripe Jackfruit!It's used for the texture that is said to be similar to meat. Not the taste - which is reportedly bland, absorbing the taste of the curry in this product!
@Tiggrrrrr: Not if you have Mammalian Meat Allergy.
Eating red meat can potentially kill some people who were bitten by ticks - in cattle country.
Lived in cattle country, bitten by cattle ticks hundreds of times. Now allergic to tick bites. So moved.
My digestive system has been affected. I like eating limited amounts of red meat, and like to try other foods like this! So I read up about foods. Never tried processed young Jackfruit as a meat alternative.
Better than posting about a field you seem totally ignorant of😜
Eating red meat isn't for everyone!!
@INFIDEL: People still think of red meat as a status of wealth, but it's not really good for you at all and a probable type 2a carcinogen. Definitely good to avoid processed meats.
@G-rig: Cultures can determine foods we eat.
My parents grew up here on farms in cattle country. Eating (red) meat was cheap & our "patriotic duty"!
No one questioned that. Some still endorse it.
Until my Father had a triple heart bypass… (Now know his side of the family is genetically predisposed to coronary illness, killing most.)
We suddenly became vegetarians! Later reintroduced some fish & non-red meat.
For nearly a decade, I returned to a vegetarian diet on economic reasons as a uni student.
But it was more difficult then when travelling in remote areas overseas.Due to stressful political problems in Asia, ended up malnourished (42kg).
(Long term, a vegan / vegetarian diet generally requires more attention to dietary intake than a diet based on meat.)
Recommendation by treating Dr was to eat some fish & later meat. Put on weight.My specialist recently requested a costly coronary artery score (CT Scan + ECG). I have near perfect arteries (0 is perfect, my score was 2 - better than 95% at my age), so unlikely to have blocked arteries & major coronary issues😄
I now eat a limited amount of red meat. Lots of veggies. And avoid almost all processed meats. Like with my Jewish friend, a little bacon is hard to refuse.
Staying in a South Korean Temple Stay (Buddhist temple catering for tourists) - they were amazed an Aussie could go without meat! Loved their vegetarian food🍲
So much easier to access tasty non-meat alternatives now😄
@INFIDEL: Yeah wasnt directed at you particularly, just a general comment. A lot of people don't want to change their ways regardless. Of course it's pretty easy these days to go meat free, all good points.
@G-rig: Many haven't tried different foods, let alone non-meat meals. They only eat what they're used to.
Without that first step, there is no hope of change.
What are they scared of??Was staying at an organic farm in Tas. Picked up local seafood - fresh shucked oysters & pickled octopus.
Offered to share the treats with Dutch travellers - Yuk! They only ate what they were used to - mainly Dutch '1 pot cooking' of meat & potatoes! (Coming from a country known for it's raw & pickled herring I enjoy, I was surprised.)
Was lucky my Mother introduced me early to a wide variety of international foods. It helps prevent children becoming "fussy eaters". More open to experience the wide variety of wonderful foods.
The different & tasty foods available, is what I travel for.
@[Deactivated]: Real jackfruit is a good meat sub and have noticed it more in restaurants.
Like any instant microwave meal it probably isn't healthy (but most likely healthier than its meat counterpart). Just have to check the ingredients and nutritional info for yourself in general.
@G-rig: As above I'll give a tentative ok for now because lots of people say the same about nut "milks" and I've tried them all, even mixed them in different ratios, added sugar, even a little dribble of cream and/or vanilla or cocoa to try and get something close to milk instead of what it really tastes like: water mixed with flour - but none of them tasted anything like milk.
I was super surprised how this deal had nobody taking issue with the word "vegan" within 10 minutes. I'm glad to come back and see ozb is true to form.
What we hate is that plant-based fake meat that is being pushed. Nothing wrong with good food that happens to have no meat. This looks tasty and healthy. A pity it's a frozen "TV dinner".
True that. There are plenty of amazing plant-based made with whole foods that anyone can enjoy. Leave that overly processed faux-meat in the bin where it belongs
why does it inspire hate in you? Who is 'pushing' you to buy it? Don't you think it's better than torturing and killing animals???
exactly. apparently we should all eat what certain people want otherwise we are wrong.
It's just a latent inferiority complex.
One: Because people are fed up with fanatics preaching a cult-like faith-based religion by pouring milk on the ground, blocking roads, abusing people at restaurants, etc.
Two: Possibly because like me, they're fed up seeing what seems to be a new "CHICKEN" or "BEEF" meal appear in ColesWorths, only to realise after looking at it and thinking, "Gee that's looks really weird… is it off?" we see the tiny and thin print: "It's not" or "Not really" (or whatever the hell it is) before it, to deceive us into wasting our valuable time looking at it. (And if they're targeting VEGANS why the obsession with making it "LIKE CHICKEN or BEEF" in the first place!? Do they really think people who hate eating animals still love eating meat!? WTH!?)
Three: Because we're also fed up seeing all the fake meat products close to their use-by date being discounted, which we have to pay higher prices of our food for to cover the loss - when even the vegans themselves hate and don't buy it.
Four: Because I'm fed up at other products I do eat disappearing to make space for products even the vegans at #3 hate, don't eat, so get discounted and discarded.
@[Deactivated]: 4 points of absolute snowflakery. ❄️😭
1) What is so faith-based about not eating animals products = less suffering?
2) This just sounds like a made-up grievance - do you seriously not notice the big PLANT BASED sign in that section? And then are you moronic enough to return to that same section each time you visit?? 🤨
Are you really so maddened to have wasted seconds looking at this product?Many vegans still like the taste of animal flesh, but just don't want someone to die for that taste. Very straightforward.
3) This is a massive stretch
4) What has disappeared that you can't buy anymore? Last I checked all the usual body parts are still available for you. Have you seen how large the meat section is at supermarkets? How many more products do you need?
1) What is so faith-based about not eating animals products = less suffering?
I'm not talking about vegans' eating choices. Unlike them, I don't care what they eat. I'm talking about the cult-like, faith-based, BELIEFS vegans brainwash themselves and attempt to proselyte new converts with. e.g. Animals have souls, you can "see it in their eyes they know they're going to die" at abattoirs, etc. Wot rot! They can no more to prove this nonsense than Christians, Muslims, or Hindus can prove Allah, God, or Vishnu are real, therefore their beliefs are firmly within the realm of FAITH - and faith is required for religions, and extremists are recognized by both religions and secular society alike, as toxic/dangerous CULTS.
Their beliefs and claims are religion/cult-like, their proselyting is religious/cult-like, thier indoctrination is religious/cult like, the glazed look of wonder and "I'm so HAPPY someone is listening to my horseshit" in their eyes while "witnessing" is religious/cult-like. The illogical and patently false claims presented by dishonestly wresting the round pegs of facts and science into the square holes of reality are cult-like. (If it passes the "duck test" …. then it's a duck.)
2) This just sounds like a made-up grievance - do you seriously not notice the big PLANT BASED sign in that section?
No, because if such a sign does exist, the marked down fake food is never left/placed there. (Evidence below.)
Many vegans still like the taste of animal flesh, but just don't want someone to die for that taste. Very straightforward.
LOL. Obviously. Hence the foolishness and hypocrisy of their radical, faith-based, cult-like nonsensical claims at point one.
3) This is a massive stretch
You mean like the stretch: "Pwoor widdle piggies have souls and fweelings, we just KNOW it becawse we… well, we just know it!"
Of course. How silly of me to think supermarkets take all expired vegan food out of their own profits, while only passing on the cost to consumers of all non-vegan discarded food.
4) What has disappeared that you can't buy anymore? Last I checked all the usual body parts are still available for you. Have you seen how large the meat section is at supermarkets? How many more products do you need?
You would think a vegan (or at least, someone ready to be a religious apologist for them) would know not all food is meat. Products disappear from all categories because they don't sell as well as others, so they are replaced with products with a higher turnover. One example is a particular can of strawberry flavoured soft drink I liked. I can understand them not restocking it. It's expensive and doesn't sell fast as other things. But at the same time I see the same brand and "strain" of vegan fake meat marked down every single time I go there, but it never gets pulled. Usually it's at least a dozen trays (not just three like last night). But instead of applying the same arbitrary rules as my favourite delicious soft drink, this toxic vegan muck (that even the manufacturers warn not to eat too much of) gets restocked again, and again, and again - in spite of another dozen trays being marked down every week or two because no one wants to eat it, not even vegans.
At least ColesWorths staff have a sense of humor with product placement ;-D…
@[Deactivated]: Where did you get these concepts of veganism from?
Veganism has nothing to do with 'souls' - it's just giving animals' lives greater moral worth than your temporary taste pleasure.
In the same way you wouldn't unnecessarily eat a dog, a cat, a dolphin - vegans just extend that to others animals. I'm sure you don't support the Yulin Dog Meat Festival.It's that simple man - nothing 'religious' about it.
You should consider directing your seething rage away from the companies making things from tofu, and towards the companies slicing necks open and chopping up body parts
Why? Just don't buy it haha
It is one small section in Colesworths that is pretty clearly marked "Meat-free". Just avoid it, much like those who consume it avoid the meat section.
I cook for vegetarians, and they love the veggie roasts and mince as substitutions in dishes that are traditionally made with meat.
I don't know which store you go to, but where I shop it's not small, it's not only one space it's multiple places, and it's not clearly marked either.
@Raynes: If it were natural healthy vegetables or meat I'd be coming to eat it. But it's not… it's artificial toxic crap that even its manufactures and the businesses who inflict it upon us (like McDonalds) warn us not to eat more than once a day.
How is it being pushed? It's just one of many options in a small section of the supermarket.
This is not a fake meat product though. It doesn't claim to be one, and it doesn't market itself as one.
It clearly states it is a Coconut and Jackfruit curry.No bullsh1t "meat-free" or "plant based" plastered all over it.
If someone posted a 1kg bag of carrots for 69c would you hate the fact they are pushing plant-based sausages on you?
Price shows as $7.50 on Google shopping for me so may be location specific
$7.50 on Google shopping - Also in Qld
“How vegan are you?”
- "How would I know if our new neighbors are vegan?"
- "Don't worry, they'll tell you"
Is it jack juice or nut juice? no wonder nobody wants it
I heard there are a few people that like to consume nut juice. Comes from a wide variety of sources, some small, some big
I'll be honest, nut milk from my own nut bag is my favorite
Just add meat and stir..
How can you tell if someone's a meat eater?
Don't worry, they'll tell you.
No actually.
"How can you tell if someone's a meat eater? Don't worry, they WON'T tell you."
Or more specifically: "They won't proselyte their religious cult."
Came for the comments
Well, seems you're easily excited. Not sure that's a good thing though. Might want to work on that lest word gets around among the girls in your area.
Not nationwide, most likely this is the price only at your coles. Went to coles here in Brisbane and they are $7.50
Commented above - $7.50 as shown on Google shopping in Qld
That's such a weirdly arbitrary price.
It's 75% off.
Is this the WARRNAMBOOL store?
Eww what a waste of delicious jackfruit… as a fruit
Usually boiled young Jackfruit produced as a Vegan meat substitute - different to the tasty ripe Jackfruit you know!
My Coles is full price too
eBay web dev's favourite meal - JACKfruit
Selected stores only.
So wierd how I know which of my mates are vegan. Make such a big deal about it.
Has anyone found this at this price besides OP? Full price at my local Coles.
It seems so, it seemed to only be limited stores, I will mark it as expired.
Super Vegan is next to the Super Supreme