This was posted 1 year 6 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Nong Shim Shin Ramyun 5 Pack 600g $5 @ Coles


Back on sale again for a spring stockup

removed duplicate from title: Nongshim ramen 5pk $4.50 each @ Woolworths

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  • +10

    Dupe on the $4.50 at Woolies

  • They discount this down to $5 every month or 2.

  • I loved this stuff untill a few years back they changed the recipe, now I grab and love me Paldo hot n spicy.

    • I was wondering this recently and just thought it might just be my memory because the last time I ate it was 10 years ago.

      • +5

        No they definitely changed the ingredients and recipe a few years back, I had both packets/versions at the same time and the newer version didn't taste anywhere as good as the other older packets I had, didn't like the new version but Thank You Paldo, who also changed their recipe but is still awesome.

        • Where do you buy Paldo?

          • +3

            @0jay: Asian grocery stores, many stock it, Paldo Hot and Spicy is my replacement to Nong Shim,
            Also Paldo Dosirac Beef is bloody nice too.

            Paldo is also a Sth Korean brand.

        • +2

          holy crap, thank you for confirming. I thought I was having a delusion… or COVID got my taste buds

          • +1

            @Whiplash: Covid getting ya taste buds is actually relatively common!

        • They probably moved the original recipe to the premium Shin Ramyun Black packet. It's more expensive but you should give it a go if you get the chance to try it. Same thing but with better ingredients probably like it used to be.

          • @Bread Pitt: Black is less spicy, I don't see how it's worth the extra cost (and it's a 4 pack).
            I think Koreans prefer red and it's what they're used to, black bit too different and less popular.

            • @G-rig: Is it closer to the original flavour though?

              • @Bread Pitt: Plenty of discussions on Reddit.
                Red is fine and no point getting black.
                Defeats the purpose of a cheap comfort meal.

              • +1

                @Bread Pitt: Shin black is supposed to give the 'bone broth' taste. Less spicy. Not close to the original red.
                Source: I'm Korean

        • New recipe is…less MSG haha…

      • The used to have made in china Shin ramen as well, those weren't very good compared to made in Korea.

        • No, ironically, the Made in China version tastes better than the made in korea version. and the one in the pack tastes way better than the one in the bowl.

          btw, i didnt neg you.

          • @aec: All good, I think the Chinese ones tasted more artificial and weak, good thing haven't seen them much at all for years.

            Anyway should only be a very occasional food, sodium is through the roof.

  • +1

    Is this joke $1 for a 100g pack of instant noodles, I’ll just have spaghetti

    • How much is spaghetti?

      • +4

        80c/90c for 500g

        • Tinned? Or just the pasta and no sauce?

          • @illusion99: Dry pasta. I have it with canned pink salmon, no sauce.

            Tinned pre-cooked pasta shall never be spoken of.

    • +1

      no, AUD has fallen like roller coaster.
      Australia has been over-relying on exporting natural resources, without improving productivity growth.

      • spaghetti is still same price lol

        • +1

          False, spaghetti was 65c/500g @ WW/Coles or 50c/500g @ Reject Shop 2 years ago,
          now 90c/500g @ WW/Coles

          High energy price = everything is more expensive.

          • -4

            @AsukaST: Ya but I don’t care about 30c lol

            • +5

              @abctoz: Are you braindead? As a percentage, it's a massive increase.

              • -1

                @ASR-Briggs: I’m going to be crying and rubbing my eyes with spaghetti

                • @abctoz: Well if you keep crying us an ocean, it'll be the perfect salinity to cook your spaghetti. This guy might be on to something here.

                  • -2

                    @GachaGamer: My spaghetti will absorb all the moisture so there won’t be an ocean, meanwhile weak ramen eaters will actually drown not enough flour innit

          • @AsukaST: Somebody toucha my spaghet

        • Spaghetti isn't noodles lol.
          Just buy your own dry noodles, more of a fair comparison and healthier than instant noodles.

      • +1

        this is just noodles with oil sachets .. ??

    • Then eat your boiled spaghetti. Here's a tip, sprinkle with some salt to make it more bearable.

  • +2

    asian shops regularly selling for less than 5dollars

    • How much less?

        • +1

          I’ll hodl for 49c 10c/pack seems good price

      • +1

        ranging from 3.5 dola (when on special/close to expire) to 4.99
        but regularly selling for 4.5.

    • +1

      it’s regularly around $4 in asian stores

  • +2

    Get Jin ramen instead. I think it tastes better and it's also on special.

    • Jin red and blue both are legit. Noway to beat them off.

  • +2

    Once you go black* you never go back.

    *Shin Ramyun Black

    • +1

      Agree, this shit is fire!
      But so is your next bowl movement.

      • +1

        Damn , I will be able to disinfect my bowl after eating these!

    • lol will try it on next sale

    • Hard to deny!!

  • +2

    For me, I rate their Kimchi Ramen higher than this - also going at the same $5 for 5…

    • I lost track of Kimchi, got several brands of Kimchi here and none of them are what I was after, they all taste great tho, just wanted the ones with actual real hydrated kimchi satchels in them, not kimchi flavoured.

      Yes got both Nong Shim and Paldo Kimchi, neither are what I'm looking for.

      • To me, this is the best tasting Kimchi noodles out there

      • Omori kimchi stew ramen might be what you're after.

      • What are you looking for lol..

        Just go to Korean supermarket and get some real kimchi, the ones that are made fresh here not imported. Not very cheap these days, you could make your own fairly easily.

    • I used to have this Korean flatmate, skinny as hell, all he would eat was ramen and kimchi, he was smart tho he bought 1kg kimchi bottles

  • +1

    I too like the Jin noodles better - they don’t get too soft if you overcook or leave it in the pot for too long. But Jin hasn’t gone on sale for a long time

  • +1

    Stopped eating these instant noodles, flavours are pretty boring IMO. It's a very 1 dimension chill taste.

    • -1

      Easy fix, add more msg

    • Im interested to know what instant noodles do you prefer?

    • Just loaded with salt too

    • Yeah have a look at the ingredients all emulsifiers, preservatives and chemicals.

  • +3

    If you really like these they're usually under $18 for a box of 20 at costco.

    • Was just about to say.

  • +1

    I remember a few years ago it was $3 for 5 pack.

    • The RRP has only increased by $1.
      They just don't do half price.

  • Once you are done with cooking, put a slice of sandwich cheese on top. Thank me later.

  • Saw this in Asian grocery shop selling it for $4.99.

  • Just got a box of 20 at Costco for 11.99 or 13.99 can't remember the exact price. Better deal if you have a membership.

  • Did they change the sachet inside or what? I swear is used to be this really hot and spicy paste now it's a crappy powder.

    • No, still have same. You are probably thinking of migoreng.

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