Any Credit Card Recommendations?

Currently have a CBA Credit Card (CC) that has changed its T&C's, meaning I will most likely need to be paying $35 in fees p/m as they increased their minimum monthly spend from $2,500 to $4,000.

I'm guessing other banks have also recently followed suit so I wanted to seek recommendations for a new CC. I purely have a CC for insurance purposes when purchasing things online/traveling overseas, and to earn points/rewards. My bills get charged to it, and I immediately pay it off, so I never pay any interest. I can spend $2,500 minimum p/month and looking for a card with minimal fees/ one that doesn't charge any fees if I meet the minimum spend.

Cheers and looking forward to hearing your recommendations.


  • +2

    Also had that card for the points promo and changed it to one tier down.

    Still get insurance, no foreign transaction fees and reward points at a lower rate though.

    Monthly spend is $2,000 per month or $19 monthly fee

    Check for churning cards

  • +2
  • -3

    My CBA card has no fees.

    • Yours is not a personal one. I didn't neg.

      • Yours is not a personal one.

        Yes it is….

        Platinum Awards Mastercard. No min spend. No fees.

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