This was posted 1 year 6 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

27% off Supplements + Delivery ($0 over $80 Spend) @ iHerb


27th Anniversary Weekend Deal at iHerb — this weekend enjoy a saving of 27 percent of supplements at iHerb using coupon 27SUPPS. While the coupon is listed at Cashrewards and will stack with 3.5% cashback, it may be worth waiting for an increased cashback to make up for the Aussie dollar tanking.

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Referral: random (338)

New Customers: Give a 10% discount & get US$10 in Rewards Credit for your referral's first order.
Existing Customers: Give 5% discount & get 5% commission in Rewards Credit.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Wow includes Thorne, time to stock up on pre natal!

    • Heads up it doesn't include all Thorne, eg Berberine

    • Is it a top brand?

      • Yes

      • Thorne may or may not be better than others, but it is 100% a reliable brand so you can't go wrong.

        I just wish they sold some of the emergen-c flavours ive had before.

      • It is the best prenatal available.

        • Based on what research? Ingredient list looks pretty standard

        • i thought best prenatal is naturobest

          • +1

            @ivyholmes: Interesting. Didn’t come across this brand but I like the ingredient list and the company story. Seems like a good option!

            • @Mr BoMBAStiG: i was pregnant because of Naturobest, I couldnt get pregnant before with another brand, unfortunately i had a miscarriage and now we still try to concieve again

              • @ivyholmes: Not the best then

                • @Kongzi: i dont think it because the vitamin, many factors can occur to miscarriage

    • I also stocked up :)
      So happy, thanks OP!

  • +6

    Be sure to get all you want in the one order as coupon can only be used once.

    • +2

      Will wait and see if there's increased Cashback. Cashrewards has the code listed already

      • +1

        How long to wait? 😅

        • Sale ends in 2 days and approx 16 hours from now. Plenty of time to wait for an increase.

          Have ordered recently so don't need anything unless it's a really, really good deal

  • Yes, excellent timing. I am getting low on sustained release fish oil (ordinary fish oil really upsets my stomach) and melatonin. I generally stock up for a year.

  • -7

    Big bizniz of peddling vitamens to people who dont need them


    • +4

      Yeah big government also peddling stuff to people who don't need them… 😂

    • +4

      Yep, especially when you get bloods done and the doctor tells you that you’re low in vitamins and to take them…

      • +6

        Or you get bloods done before and after and you can see the improvement (Vitamin D, for me)

        • +1

          Same here, Vitamin D as well. Must be fairly common during winter

        • +1

          Yes I took Vitamin D supplements for a while and my levels were off the charts (too high actually haha), so Vit D supps definitely work.

      • Might wana take a better look at your diet and lifestyle before grabbing the easy option

        • My diet and lifestyle are fine but I do work long hours and have a baby so don’t get much sun during winter… hence the vitamin d deficiency

    • +1

      All anyone NEEDS is food, water and shelter.

      Anyone selling anything else is peddling stuff to people that don't need it. But that's fine because people like stuff. If you don't buy this then I guarantee you're just spending that money on something else that you don't need instead.

      • That is the life belongs to 50000 years ago dude. We dont live in the jungle anymore.

      • What about money? People need money.

        Also what about technology? How are you writing to us? Is someone translating food signals from your shelter?

        • Money is only useful in that it helps you obtain things you need / want. It is not a need in itself. People survived for thousands of years before the invention of money, it just made things more convenient than bartering for everything.

          Technology? Assuming you're talking about computers, phones, etc… WTF? We haven't even had those for a hundred years. You can survive without them. You may well WANT them, but you don't NEED them. Yeah I'm writing to you using technology, but I don't NEED to. My life (and yours) would not be noticeably poorer if I didn't type comments on OzBargain.

          People seem to really get confused between what they actually need and what they want. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the wants aren't nice, they're great. Hell, I'm planning to drop a significant amount of money on a new car in the near future. Do I need it? Absolutely not. Do I want it? F*** yes.

          My comment was a response to the comment above referring to businesses selling vitamins to people who don't need them. The point of my comment was that just about everything we buy (certainly damn near everything posted on OzBargain) is something that people don't NEED. Whether it's needed or not is irrelevant. People want stuff and people like stuff and people are going to buy stuff, whether they need it or not. The stuff being offered in this particular deal is not something that people need more or less than pretty much anything else being offered on OzB, so I don't really see "people don't need it" as being a valid criticism of the product. 27% off is a good deal on anything, whether you need it or not.

          • @AngusD: All I saw was a bunch of mumbo jumbo whacky bonanza talk.

            • -1

              @jaygee: That's all you'll ever see if you don't actually read.

  • Any good probiotics?

    • Best chewable multivitamin complex anyone recommends?

    • +6

      These are on sale at coles at the moment:

      Life Space Broad Spectrum Probiotic Capsules 32 billion cfu | 90 pack | $34.50

      Cheaper per tablet then buying the 60 packs at amazon even with s&s.

      Quick look at iherb couldn't find something with similar strength for close to that price per dose (1 tab)…

  • -4

    how come they sell weird brands is this scam website

    • +5

      Legit from America, maybe sure your cc doesn't charge you international transaction fees. And check their specials.

      • +1

        When they do it is cheaper to pay in usd.

        The fee gets charged as well even when you pay in aud if the transaction is processed outside Australia.

        Iherb is cheaper paying in usd as the transaction fee gets charged on both aud and usd payments.

        • +2

          Really cheaper paying in usd? I pay with PayPal using an Amex. So no transaction fees, just pay the iherb aud price.

          • @sintro: It sure is, ever since visa and mastercard made that change.

            It applies to a lot of things too, ea games is one example.

            I've also found that converting the usd order price to what visa or mastercard will charge with their conversion is a little less than the aud list price on iherb.

            Rather get stung once with usd to aud conversion and intl tx fee then a slightly worse conversion and then pay a intl tx fee on top.

            If you don't have to pay the intl tx fee with Amex then your option sounds good.

    • +4

      Scam website? Really? They've been running for 27 years. Hence the 27% off, but you do you

      • -4

        Sad I was going to say they’re pretty bad at scamming since not even cheap

    • Because they are based in US, not your everyday brands at AU supermarkets.

  • +1

    Their prices have gone up quite a bit, and some people have said that before a sitewide sale, they will increase prices. Not sure if true though.

    • +1

      This is true for some items but depends on what you’re buying.

  • Really good deal just bummer it’s only on supps. Wish it also extended to the best damn instant decaf (Mount Hagen:…) that they stock. Would buy a stack of them!

  • +1

    Use Cashrewards they have the code. It's only 3.5% right now but I didn't want to risk waiting for upsized cashback and have my supplements not in stock. Still ends up cheaper than buying from chemists here

  • anything worth buying?

  • -4

    I was going to get some items and paid on Paypal. Then the website said that the payment didn't go through and I had to pay again. Paypal registered a payment authorisation that would need finalisation from iHerb, with a confirmation of the total cost. This seemed a bit scammy so I cancelled the order.

    • This sometimes happens, you just need to wait a bit and it will change status.

      I've seen the same thing on ebay.

      This is iherb's 27th Anniversary so I'm fairly confident they aren't running away with your $100 and closing down…

      Plus I've been using iherb (and paying with PayPal) for 9 years

  • Anything worthwhile? I was going to load up on fish oil but its much more expensive than locally.

    • Has your fish oil been screened from heavy metals like Mercury?

  • Ordered thanks OP tracked via cashrewards google pay authorisation failed so had to order via credit card direct.

    Prices have gone up probably 8% vs same order 2022 (May) checked old invoice.

    Muscletech multivitamin

    Been ordering since 2018 iherb definitely cheaper than local when on sale

  • I have not purchased from iHerb for some time now as comparatively it’s cheaper at eBay but some items are only available at iHerb.

  • +1

    TopCashBack has 5%, they stack with 'GOLD60' in my experience but not sure with this one.

  • Damn missed this by like 2 weeks, bought around $250 of things :/

  • Added 3 supplements to my shopping card, none are eligible…

  • Can anyone recommend a hyaluronic acid supp?

  • Any recommended melatonin from iherb? More so for just keeping in hand for when you want to be zonked, rather than regular use. Such as after having a mad day at work and can't get the brain to switch off.

    • We use Now brand, works for us and good value last time I did a review and price comparison.

    • We use NOW foods liquid……

      They used to come with droppers which we reuse as they don't now have them.

      If you want a dropper bottle to reuse you could add one of these to your order……

    • Yes liquid would be ideal as you can titrate the dosage, ideally starting at 0.5 to 1mg, a fraction of this product's dose. Even smaller doses are effective, down to one drop. Most products are too over dosed as a maximum of 2mg is recommended by many, and that would also be a sustained release tab.
      Be sure to read product details carefully or get professional advice as it has contraindications for some conditions like auto immune and mood.

    • Thanks for the replies. I'll give it a whirl.

  • -3

    Hi Jack

  • +3

    Good lord, my stuff I ordered on Saturday just got delivered. That's coming from the US.
    Whereas I'm waiting on something from Melbourne that has an estimated delivery date of next Monday, shipped last Friday.
    WTF Aus post?

    • +1

      Yeah, I ordered on Saturday, shipped that day, arrived today. How iHerb manage their logistics is top notch. I just hope they are still somewhat independent & haven't been bought by the cabal.

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