This was posted 1 year 6 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Specialized Kenevo SL Comp 2022 $7299.99 (Was $13,800) + Ship ($0 BNE/MEL C&C) @ PedalHeads via BikeExchange + The Cycling Fix


Now I know this deal will be very niche, but hear me out… COVID absolutely boomed the sales of bicyles and the electric category has always been stupidly priced above that of a regular bike. Pack on top of that, a top tier brand like Specialized who's Turbo Levo and SL versions have won a multitude of bike review awards for the past few years means it has been a long time since we have seen discounts like these for a run-out model.

The Comp is on the biggest sale at 47% off but I believe the Expert is the sweet spot at $9499.99 with much superior components throughout. If you have deep pockets, aren't being crushed with home loan repayments and love kashima gold, the S-Works is on sale for the price of a fairly decent used car.

Points to note:

  1. Guaranteed there is a new model of the Kenevo SL coming out with the 1.2 motor (~50nm of torque vs the 35nm in this, plus a larger peak wattage) in line with the trend of the Levo SL to keep up with the likes of Orbea/Trek. Unfortunately word on the street is Specialized will not release this model until the majority of the 2022 models have sold.

  2. This is an SL version of the Kenevo or super-lite (light?). If you have been riding a full-fat E-mtb, you will feel slow on this, no doubt about it. The lightness of the bike (4-5kg lighter than the regular Kenevo) will not make up for the reduced peak power output in the climbs. You will not keep up with your mates if you are riding in a group of full-fats unless you are quite fit or prepared to put the work in. Better suited for combining with other lite (light?) e-mtb riders or people on regular mtbs where you would prefer to keep climbing to a more relaxed workout.

  3. Without a range extender (RE), the 320Wh battery should get you around 800-1000m elevation gain in turbo mode based on most online tests I have seen, however this all depends on the mode you are riding in, your weight with gear and what sort of trails you are riding up. As a standalone without the RE this bike is suited for those who want more beef than a trail bike like the Trek Exe, Orbea Rise or Levo SL but stick to short 1-2 hour pedal sessions. The battery isn't easily removable to carry a spare so the extender (added cost) is the most viable option for longer 4-5 hour rides. I believe the extender is about $750 AUD for an additional 50% capacity. It is included free if you buy the S-works.

Anywho.. happy dealing!

Edit: This deal is available Australia wide at select Specialized retailers. I purchased the expert from The Cycling Fix in Malvern and they also included a $200 promo to apply on anything in store that was Specialized branded so I received a new pair of pedals too.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    How many will they buy?

    • +9

      Bought 7. One for each day of the week.

      • Don't you mean one for each hill climb?

        • +2

          Maybe if I had a dollar for every comment JV has posted on this forum.

      • +1

        Bought 7

        With or without pedals ?

        • +2

          dont need pedals…this thing rides itself

        • -1

          Fancy paying seven and a half thousand for this when you could have a fully fledged enduro or trail bike , just insane.
          Better still , the original recommended retail price is mind blowing

          • +1

            @Murkymerv: FWIW the Giant Reign Pro 2 (which I’d consider pretty competitive on price at retail for a decent enduro) is $6500 and comes with:

            NX vs GX
            Similar grade suspension though Rockshox
            Deore 2 piston vs SRAM 4 piston brakes
            Lapin/shimano vs DT Swiss hubs and spokes

            So for $800 more, I’d argue it’s well priced. On retail I agree with you it’s absolutely stupid but most e-bikes are unless you go direct-to-consumer brands.

            • @Pelicannn:

              So for $800 more, I’d argue it’s well priced.

              I’d argue it’s similarly priced.

  • +2

    If you have deep pockets,


    • Bought 3. One for morning , afternoon and night 🌙

  • +4

    If you have deep pockets

    Have the pockets so deep that I can feel the crown jewels. Maybe the pockets have holes.

    • -1

      Maybe you need a lobotomy !

      • +1

        It's on my list of things… Just waiting for a deal on ozbargain.

  • +2


  • What’s the car equivalent in terms of pricing lmao

    • For the S-Works. It's a touch over $15k (retail was in the vicinity of $24k) but you do get the range extender thrown in for free (valued at $750 haha). Like I said, they have always been stupidly priced. The only people buying those at retail have as I said deep pockets or probably sponsored riders.

      I guess these are akin to buying MB/BMW or Audi. There are still more expensive e-bikes out there, particularly from smaller custom brands like Yeti or Santa Cruz. They are your Ferarri equivalents.

      • +5

        Yeti are pure dentist bikes.

        Regular folk need not even check RRP in Australia

    • -1

      Car cost only begins with initial purchase. The financial torture continues well after you buy the car.

      Car rego is like a yearly subscription from hell. Even if you don't drive the car after rego lapses, you must pay for a road-worthy inspection if 3 months passes.
      Perhaps your rego lapses for only 1 month? Too bad, your re-registration starts from a month ago, not when you decide to pay. Authorities made sure that nobody can choose to save money for a few weeks by not driving after their rego expires. This is unfair and should be changed, but will they? No, because profit comes first.

      Owning a car is to submit to a dodgy system of excessive fees and penalties, geared for profit more than a fair system of road maintenance and taxes.

      • NOTHING is free , especially life !

      • Yep and if you have to run the car through the pits you can bet they will find something wrong that will need a costly repair.

      • Yeah you need to pay to set foot on the ground. I pay land tax.

  • +2

    this is a pretty decent lams motorbike…

    • +1

      It's also about 72.997 Macpac Halos at the usual OzB price but who's counting?

      • +1

        Or about 365 AA Eneloop 4 packs. Actually, upon reflection this bike sounds cheap by comparison.

        • If only I could power the SL with 365 AA eneloops… big oooof

  • +5

    When i was a kid in south asia in 2007, my father bought me a cycle for roughly 80$ AUD. it was the best and the only bike i ever had.

    • +12

      I cried a little with this beautiful story. Ride in health friend.

    • SHAAAIIIIT! You were a rich mofo! $80 in Asia in 2007 would be worth about 80k now.

    • Australia is technically South Asia, so I can relate to this

  • +2

    Electric bikes are crazy expensive.

    • Interestingly, it can also be argued that they're more dangerous than motorbikes. The points they make in this video make a lot of sense.

      "Why Electric Bikes are More Dangerous than Motorcycles" -

      • +5

        That is American. Their ebikes are more moped than bicycle. His top speed is 60 kmh! Still safer than a regular motorbike.

        When we say e-bike here, we normally mean street-legal electric assist like the above bike, so 250W nominal motor.
        I wish there was a category for 750-1000W electric mopeds, as long as they are treated like mopeds, and not allowed on bike paths, or with unlicensed riders.

        • +2

          Except for all the delivery food riders in the CBD riding at 60kmh on illegal batteries ignoring red lights at crossings , and with no insurance for who they hit

          • -2

            @Onemoredeal: and Dan is doing absolutely nothing about it.

            • +4

              @jv: 4 Aussies lost in the US open today and I am disappointed that Dan didn't do anything about it.

              • -5

                @RSmith: That's not his responsibility… Keeping the streets in Victoria safe though is his responsibility…

                • +1

                  @jv: So why doesn't police catch the offenders or do you want Dan to personally catch the people disregarding the laws?

                  • @RSmith:

                    So why doesn't police catch the offenders

                    Because there aren't enough police thanks to Dan…

                    • @jv: Did he fire the police officers?

                      • @RSmith: No, just the fire brigade officers.

                        • @jv:

                          just the fire brigade officers.

                          So your earlier statement was incorrect…

                          Because there aren't enough police thanks to Dan…

                          Long live dan

                          • -1


                            So your earlier statement was incorrect…

                            No, it's correct.

                            There are not enough police officers in Victoria and as a result, crime is on the increase… Dan is doing nothing about it…

                            • -1


                              Dan is doing nothing about it…

                              You said he is firing brigade officers. So he is doing something.

                          • @RSmith: Imagine how many extra police officers we could have had if Dan hadn't wasted hundreds on millions of dollars on a wasted commonweath games fiasco.

                            • @jv: If Australia wasn't a part of Commonwealth, we wouldn't be talking about this.

                      • @RSmith: No , all the cops with morals left the force during covid !

                    • +1

                      @jv: You are a blight on this website.

          • -1

            @Onemoredeal: Well that son of a bitch wants a dystopian society , he's got it !

      • +2

        I think the real problem with e-bikes is we have a lot of illegal overpowered ones and delivery people have no concept of road rules. We still see more deaths of people from motor bikes than e-bikes. In both cases a lot of the trouble is the acceleration from the lights and the weaving in and out of traffic. Although it is hard for me to be totally objective because my brother died on a motorbike when a taxi went through a give way sign straight into his path. Interestingly he was a postie so he road a bicycle for his job most days.

        The point with both modes of transport is people need to ride defensively. In a bike vs car scenario the ruder comes off worth.

        • Firstly, my condolences to your brother - that is heartbreaking to read. Hopefully, justice was served against the perpetrator.

          In both cases a lot of the trouble is the acceleration from the lights and the weaving in and out of traffic.

          I don't think we can generalise fatal incidents because we will end up victim-blaming. Like you have experienced, your brother was not doing that when he was killed. So imagine if passers-by made the assumption that your brother deserved it because they assumed he was riding dangerously.

          • @brotherfranciz: I know the guy was charged but, in all honesty, I didn’t care about what sentence he got. The guy had pulled a night shift and lost concentration at the wrong time. Vengeance wouldn’t bring my brother back.

            Don’t try and guilt me on my views by saying what the passers by might assume about my brother accident. Honestly mate that is just appalling! I’ve seen enough motor bike riders weaving in and out of traffic, and accelerating at the lights, to know that a fair number do not think about their own safety. I’ve got a learners permit and the motor bike riders weaving in and out of lanes freaked me out so much I stopped learning to drive.

      • No noise for a start .

        • I hear that Ninjas are now using these.

  • +1

    Why is it called a comp? Are there e-bike races?

  • +1

    reminds me when i go into bike shops and they try and sell “ it was $7000 but is 50% off so $3500” and i ask “ do you have the $2000 bike 50% off down to $1000” and answer is no …. never surprises me how many crazy priced bikes shops have that don’t sell rapidly and how few cheaper bargains, the zagames of the bike world, if you don’t know zagame, they sell ferrari, maserati, etc.

  • +2

    Turning a beautifully simple tool, the bicycle, into a high maintenance pain in the backside.

    • +3

      Is it though?
      More like taking a heavy, noisy, smelly dirtbike and making it lighter, sound and exhaust emission free…

      If looking at it from simplicity, why would they have powered watercraft?

      Turning a beautifully simple tool, the rowboat into a high maintenance pain in the backside.

      Edit: man, the electric jetski would be such a relief on my ears

      • +1

        mtbs are not dirt bikes…very different applications

    • agreed. high costs, maintenance schedule and adding tech to the mix just means it will be obsolete sooner rather than later…

      • maintenance schedule

        Taking an e-bike for routine service is no different to a normal bike. You get brakes checked, chain cleaned etc. They don't touch the motor or battery unless faulty.

        And in the event your motor or battery fails on a ride, your e-bike becomes a "bike". You can still ride home.

    • Fixie fans - a very small bike rider demographic - would probably agree, What do you think of bikes with multiple gears and sprockets?

  • How is the e range like? Is it any good for the commute, say 2 days a week, ~60 kms return. My place is on a steep hill and hence looking for an e-MTB or similar which can provide some additional torque when on the way back home. From Google map estimate , there will be around 500m elevation in total for a return trip as well.

    • +1

      This isn’t made for commuting because you will lose a lot of pedal efficiency due the geometry and tyres have a high rolling friction. Perhaps look at the Levo if you want a fuel suspension but on relatively flat terrain my guess is you’d maybe just make it depending on weight.

      There are some run out models close to 5k in alloy.

    • +3

      Are you joking? This is hardly a commuter :)

      Almost any mid-drive will suit a hilly commute. Even my hub-drive will handle steep hills, but is less efficient at lower speed, so would not make the 60km.
      Just get yourself a mid-drive commuter. One with 8 or more gears will have a good gear range.

    • +1

      It's a terrible choice, unless you commute on a biking trail.

    • If you must commute on an eMTB, make it a regular model with a full sized battery and motor, not one of these expensive lightweight jobbies. And put some urban tyres on it.

      Incidentally I see more full suspension eMTBs riding around the lake under elderly folk than I ever do on the trails. And that's absolutely fine, they're comfortable bikes.

    • Fat tyres my man. Fat.

  • Needed one for Uber deliveries

  • I struggle to comprehend when bikes got so expensive… I got my Sworks Stumpjumper for around $2300 in the USA about 20 years ago… but now the equivalent cost the same as a car?
    What happened?

    • +2

      Ebikes are much more expensive than "analogue". Batteries are ludicrously priced compared to 12 and 24V LFPs for example. Components are also significantly better now and demand is higher, esp for ebikes. Covid hit Taiwanese industries so supplies of bikes/frames/parts were scarce for a year or two. That said I don't think all that explains some of the top end prices.

    • +2

      Specialized got too big for its boots

  • +1

    This just isn’t a deal for me. Between the battery and some metal, I just don’t see the value in anyway for $7000.
    I have a BMC road bike worth $8500, and honestly it’s probably a little better than a 99bikes $1500 job.

    It “feels” good. But it isn’t actually much better, sorry.

    • You should keep the price tag on it; to show off.

  • Did you say pedals were $200?? WTF. My MTB second-hand was $150. Got it form Bike nut who had 12 other bikes apparently. He had put this one together with various leftover components. It's quieter than a Trek bike that my friend bought for $1k.

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