All in One Robot Vacuum

Looking for an all in one robot vac, including mopping and self cleaning. There seems to be so many out there

Currently landing on the DEEBOT X1 OMNI, anything I should be looking at instead? Cheaper is always better, $1600 is a solid investment. Household of 2 German Shepherds that love to track in mud with the hair they drop. No carpets only hardwood and a couple rugs under the beds


  • I've recently tried the Deebot X1 Turbo (very similar to the Omni), and the Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra.

    I found the Deebot's mapping to be very disappointing for the price, and returned it before giving it a chance to test the actual cleaning abilities. The Roborock on the other hand was fantastic in both mapping and cleaning.

  • +1

    Also still looking for a dumb robot vacuum for just vacuuming carpeted and non carpeted areas no mopping required.

    Just want the cheapest one that I can leave on while I do other duties at work and maybe come back at the end of my shift to pick up and put back in the cleaners room.

    Would definitely help me on some really busy days where sometimes you have to skip certain things due to time sensitivity sake.

    Still kicking myself for not just getting the gen 1 xiaomi robot vacuum cleaners for like $330 AUD when they first came out would have saved me a lot of time and energy.

  • The Rosie XB-500 is a good one. Sadly it will be quite some time before it is released for sale.

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