Our Popular Deal is on again! Crazy Price 2 locks for $5.99. While stocks last.
Portable Security Door Lock - Security that Travels with You
Perfect for Home,Travel Accommodation, Rentals and Share Houses
Qicklock Temporary Security Door Lock 2 for $5.99 (Was $11.99) Delivered @ Qicklock

Last edited 28/08/2023 - 12:58 by 1 other user
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I'm locked on to the comments
the website looks like it hasn't been updated since Myspace was around
Lol reminds me of the old msy website haha
I'm old enough to remember when Myspace was a cloud storage site.
It's refreshing isn't it. And with paypal handling the payments hopefully all those unpatched server exploits won't matter
The robber in the picture looks like Joe Biden now
Political Bias? To me it looks like Jean Nassif
Can't afford to update their site
No, apparently, it's quite deliberately bad :P
Crazy price? I dunno…
Do I have one and put it on my door when I go on holidays? YesI've had one of these for around 10 years. I think I used it once or twice in my old sharehouse. Good to have handy if you remember where you left it
well, it SHOULD be in your door
should go in your lock box.
i love buying crap, but how does this work? seems useless.
Yeah, it works though it may depend on the door.
I've had one for 5 years or so. Though, I've never remembered to take it with me when it would have been useful.
They work against low effort attacks. Basically the folded over bit goes into the latch receiver on the door frame and then a peg goes through that. If someone tries to open the door (say if the door doesn't have a lock, or if they have a key) then they can't push it open. Deviant Ollam has demonstrated that they don't work against shouldering the door, but they do something.
Also useful when your door doesn't have a lock.
couldn't you just turn the knob and push the door open even with this thing on it?
ok, a pass for me now. lol. that military grade milk jug is easily available everywhere.
Take things from McNally with a grain of salt.
Lol, why!?
Because a lot of his stuff is either faked or heavily cherry picked. Not saying that this video is, but also security is about effort and reward, if someone gets through the lock is a door and the door still doesn't open then they're going too give up unless there's a really good reward. How do the know that this is the type of latch that's vulnerable to this attack? It could just add well be a slide bolt and you've just wasted time trying to flip it with a strip off milk jug.
I used to use one of these when I lived in an apartment after there were a few break ins in the same building. Now I live in a house there are about 20 different ways someone could easily break into my house so not much use to me anymore but a good option if your front door is the only way someone could break in. It's not going to stop someone who is determined to break in but will buy you some time and wake you up if you are in bed.
You don't have a lock in your own house?
Um, what?
Likely yes, but every house has other means of entry. Why put a superstrong lock on a front door, when burglar can go around and easily open the cheap laundry door? Or just smash the large window?
So if you're not in bed it won't buy you any time?
Um, what?
Do you meant, um WOT?
They're just trolling @onetwothreefour 😀
They MUST be!but will buy you some time and wake you up if you are in bed
Good to take when travelling as some doors don't have locks. Had one came in quite handy so I didn't have people come in to take advantage of me
We've had a pair for years.
We have it on our packing list so use it whenever we travel - quite useful for hotels where they have electronic keys (most, not all, have been compatible with this lock)
I'm pretty sure we've had someone try our room when I was watching TV and this prevented them from gaining access (and there was no knock, and it wasn't room service or turndown time)These are great if you are worried about an attack like this
I'm so determined to buy after watching
part of me wanted to open the door and kick them in the
part of me expected it to be a cat at the end
use it on the dodgy warp door in the garage…works a treat
what warpdoor
The 'thank-you' page for order completion is in the navigation menu, amazing.
I have been using one for a few years now. Works perfectly well to stop kids etc. from barging in when you dont want them to. Those in the comments expecting to counter Ocean's 14 will be disappointed and should look elsewhere.
Bought again through this deal.Yeah I was gonna pass on this but then I thought hang on…imagine if I didn't have to baracade my door every time I don't want someone barging in.
Door wedge at Bunnings, $3.
Can't complain for the price!
Had one. Used it once. Now junk
Bought one years ago. Lost the pin instantly.
Won't it create indentation in the door when someone tried to push the door open?
"Ask Pete Australia Pty Ltd doesn't ship to this location. Please use a different address."
Wth??? Who's "Pete" & you don't ship to WA?
Who's "Pete" & you don't ship to WA?
Please check your messages as I have sent you a message. Yes we do ship to WA.
Tried again & it went through.
Thank you.
The comment section of these always pops off lol