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Anova Precision Oven $870.99 (Was $1169) Delivered @ Anova Culinary


Inflation is stinging everywhere - look at the jump at the base price of this oven! I was waiting for another 25% deal to finally get one but I'm not sure I can afford a 870 gadget just because I like cooking. Would love to know if we think this will ever see a better deal.

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Anova Culinary
Anova Culinary

closed Comments

  • I bought mine for 700, was 939 before discount

    I don't think you will ever see a better deal unfortunately

    It's great I still use it all the time.

  • +2

    I had one from the previous deal in 2022 and it kept shorting out. It'd brick up afterwards and I ended up returning it twice before giving up and getting a refund.

    Seems like it's till quite a prototype product.

    Just fair warning to others considering this.

    • +4

      The only thing getting bricked up is me, after eating another awesome meal from this oven.

      That sucks tho

  • I just looked at the site: it gave me a pop up of 10% off on the first order….I didn't try it but look for it if you are in the market

  • +2

    Beware of os credit charge, cost me an extra $35

    • I hate companies that do this. If you quote in AUD you should bill in AUD. 😡

      • Even if they bill in AUD if they use an overseas payment processor the charge is still applicable (unless you are using AMEX).

  • +1

    Bought this for $700 last time and it's been awesome. Use it multiple times a day.

    The app is still as rubbish as their other apps, but once you get your recipes set up they're OK.

  • Same. V happy with it - haven’t had a second of trouble with it.

  • Mine worked fine for a year. Got it in that all time low deal. Then they forced a firmware update on us last week and the update broke my perfectly fine oven. Lots of people were having the same issue as me after upgrading… Oven randomly switching itself off.

    It seems to be a bit better now that they've release a new new firmware. But it shows how shithouse their aftersales is, their customer support was of no use on this well known issue. And it seems their ability to write good quality software is non existent as well. On both the oven firmware, and the app.

    I'm stuck with mine now since its out of warranty, but I wouldn't buy anything from Anova ever again.

    • +2

      You wouldn’t buy Anova one?

      • Nah I reckon I'll buy Anova brand instead.

    • I'm not sure this is a fair critique. Everyone makes mistakes and then it seems they issued a fix. If anything it shows they are actively developing it which is better than most products out there that just get left as abandonware with bugs and all.

      • No.

        The only reason they had to update the firmware is because they are switching their backend from google to aws.

        The app would stop working on non upgraded ovens after this switch. And the oven would lose a lot of the functionality that people bought it for.

        A proper company would not make a product that 100% relied on a direct connection to some server somewhere on the internet for it to work.

        And they certainly wouldnt keep doing that after already being burned. Theres no reason for it.

        Fine their app can do all that backend data harvesting crap, but not the actual oven itself.

        I will still be looking for Anova brand for my future steam oven needs. Mainly because their customer service over this firmware issue was complete rubbish.

  • firmware fluffing your oven seems crazy and sad.
    Is this not your oven, microwave or airfryer, just another appliance?

    • someone create an open-source version a la DD-WRT for Anova and I'd more than happy to contribute to that :)

  • these posts need a trigger warning as they give me statistics PTSD

  • Is that worth getting it at this discounted price? Does anyone know if they will run a black Friday sale this year?

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