I have 2 credit cards at the moment.
- $9000 credit limit
- $5500 credit limit (Wanting to close)
Assuming my income is around 70,000
What sort of income do i require to apply for something like a:
The American Express Velocity Platinum Card
The American Express Explorer® Credit Card
And what sort of monthly spending should i be putting in as well to be eligible.
Pretty confused on the spending part.
2nd Question is since im planning on closing my 5500 card, should i apply before closing or after closing, or several months after closing.
Any credit card warriors out there to give some advice plz.
The income requirement would be stated on the product pages very clearly.
Spending part? Are you talking about bonus point spending requirement?
You should close the card. If you have a credit monitoring subscription (free), you can wait until it says "closed" before applying. It'll be safer to do this.