This was posted 1 year 6 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Topping DX3 Pro+ Headphone DAC AMP $263.12 Delivered @ SHENZHENAUDIO AU STORE via Amazon AU

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With a lot of people probably taking advantage of the Focal headphone deals (I got the Focal Clear myself), I thought it was good timing to see a price drop on this highly rated DAC/AMP combo, being considered the best value at this price range (outside of the Fiio K7, which is currently $339).

Usually goes for $299 at Addicted to Audio, and can be further reduced with the Coles Mastercard deal here.

Makes the final price $244.42 with the Mastercard (buy an Amazon gift card for $250 first to checkout and pay excess of $250 price).

For reviews, YouTuber Joshua Valour puts this DAC/AMP on his S-tier, so take from that what you will.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • +5

    I have this paired with my HD6XX's. It's fantastic.

    • Good to know! That's exactly what I wanted it for. Do you know if it can do multiple sources at once, so I can hear Bluetooth from phone and PC output at the same time?

      • +1

        You select the input you want (source).
        Use USB from PC.

        • Thanks. So I guess that means it won't do Bluetooth at the same time. I do use an app to get around that, so NBD.

          • @happykamper: why or how would you want to do both at the same time?
            I'd forget about the phone and enjoy it for music listening..
            BT is a handy bonus.
            Perhaps you need a mixing desk.

            • @G-rig: I listen to music while working, as it helps me focus, and drowns out some pretty bad tinnitus (not caused by excessively loud music btw). I use YouTube clips or Spotify for this, but don't want to use Spotify or YouTube on work PC (plus I'm using Revanced on my phone to avoid YouTube ads). I use this app so my PC acts as a Bluetooth audio receiver, and I can hear my phone and the PC at the same time. Just thought it'd be great if the DAC could take over doing this. I think something like a mixing desk is too hardcore, but thanks for the suggestion. I do use a Loupedeck, which allows me to change volumes independently.

              • @happykamper: fair enough, sounds like you don't need anything fancy for background/white noise then but a dac and pc as source is a lot nicer to use than a phone, and better sound quality.

                Phone + BT (or 3.5mm adaptor with buds) is my go-to at work as it's just easier.

                • @G-rig: Yeah agree nothing fancy required for what is pretty passive listening. However, I WFH and so it's the same desk setup for my personal PC, where I'll definitely enjoy some more active listening activities (gaming, music, movies). So might grab this DAC to go with my 6XXs.

                  When I'm out and about, or listening to music in bed, I use the Qudelix 5K with a set of iems, which is great, but don't want to have to hook it to my PC, and switch volume/equalization all the time for the cans.

                  • @happykamper: do it - would be a good setup iwth the 6XX

                    Still fine to use the bluetooth mode other times too or just setup a pc speaker for work notifications and other stuff.

                    I wouldn't mind getting one either, more flexibility in case you want to connect to a speaker setup etc. The ifi is good for my desk setup at the moment though, and not exactly an upgrade just different (both about $300).

                    • @G-rig: Haha, yeah will bite the bullet once I can decide on which colour will suit my setup best. Cheers!

  • What about the SMSL SU-6 and SH-6 stack for $176?
    Same DAC chip, a lot less money. Seem like similarly loved in the hifi dac/amp scene.

    • +1

      Doesn't look like a stack to me, the first photo is a pic of the back of it underneath the top image, they shouldn't do that. The last image is the white version underneath.

      Seems like an amp dac combo, no idea about it but separate components are usually better than all in ones.

      • +1

        I think they've only bothered putting in pictures for the amp…
        I think they'd have to take a refund if it wasn't a stack of the two products. The description clearly refers to two products. One a dac with Bluetooth and USB, and the other being an amp… This combo does exist in reviews online.

        • +1

          Pretty cheap could always send back or complain for a refund and keep

    • $175.99 & $220.87 for the whole stack, the listing has the option to choose one or the other FYI 🤙

  • DX3 Pro+ seems like a good choice

    Darko youtube review is worth a watch (including Massdrop HD6XX and Wiim Mini)
    A KICK-ASS HEADPHONE SYSTEM with Spotify, AirPlay & Tidal for $500!

    I'd add a Topping L30 headphone amp if budget allows otherwise the DX3 would be pretty good for a while for the price and convenience.

    Worth also considering the iFi Zen Dac, it'a a bit warmer sound and less clinical however the DX3 would provide more flexibility in a nubmer of setups (not just pc), and has a remote. The ifi supports MQA which works well with my tidal setup at the desktop.

    • The company behind MQA went bankrupt recently, and the authenticity of their 'master quality' has been questioned. Tidal announced they are supporting FLAC, so no need to worry about MQA-compatible hardware in the near future.

      • That's easier for everyone.
        Maybe they'll offer different hi res options but FLAC is what we need. A lot of albums are offered in cd and MQA but easier just using CD quality.

        • 100% agree, FLAC all the way.

  • I have a topping D30 DAC, anyone can suggest a dedicated headphone amp to stack with it? preferably of the same dimensions

  • -5

    everyone in this comment section has golden ears.

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