Hi just seeing if anyone has experience with this scenario before.
I have a contract with a government body for 50hrs a fortnight, however I have been signing a month by month contract for full time hours 80 per fortnight for just under a year.
I’ve been told by the rumour mill that if I ask for full time work that they have to give it to me after a year of full time hours.
However I can not find this on fair work or any other sites.
I feel insecure at the end of each month as I need the full time hours to pay the bills.
I have been there for 4.5 years
Month by Month Contracts

I’m Permant part time 50hrs with qld health
I sign month by month extensions to 80hrs
I have been there for 4.5 years
I’ve been told by the rumour mill that if I ask for full time work that they have to give it to me after a year of full time hours.
So you have been their 4.5 years, how long have you been on full time hours?
Very close to one year
yes, but your rate of pay will drop significantly
Pay rate is the same for both 50hr and 80hr contracts.
The only difference is I get penalty rates for after 6pm on the 80hr contract and I don’t for the 50hr even though they are the same shifts
I’m employed by Qld government on a 50hr permanent part time contract.
I have been signing a month by month full time contract for the last 11 months and I’m about to finish my 12th one on the 9/10/23 (1 year)What you've likely heard about is the Fair Work ruling on requesting a conversion after 12 months of work - https://www.fairwork.gov.au/starting-employment/types-of-emp…
I'm not sure if that applies to contract extensions, although there are huge limits on rolling fixed term contracts (they're meant to be limited to renewing twice, not 11 times). After 4.5 years with them, there's reasonable grounds to believe they wouldn't just end your contract at some point. If they let you go without redundancy and you took it to fair work, you'd win easily. But for peace of mind, I'd just put in a request now to move onto a permanent contract. 11 months of full time contract extensions is ridiculous. Considering they apparently need you, they'd be hard pressed to turn it down anyway.
tl;dr version, go have a quick, polite chat with HR. Mention the stress of contracts renewals and how long you've been there. Hopefully they sort it out.
I’ve been told by the rumour mill that if I ask for full time work that they have to give it to me after a year of full time hours.
What would be lost by you asking them if they are open to making you a full time employee? (But perhaps leave the "you have to give it to me" for a follow up conversation).
Are you on their payroll? or are you sub contracting to them via your own ABN?