In celebration of reaching 1,000,000 likes, are giving everyone FREE shipping for the next 24 hours with coupon code 1MILFB.
Prices are pretty good here guys, depending on what you are looking for.
In celebration of reaching 1,000,000 likes, are giving everyone FREE shipping for the next 24 hours with coupon code 1MILFB.
Prices are pretty good here guys, depending on what you are looking for.
I wonder what the 'B' stands for…
Can't believe they didn't pick up on this when making the code. Or maybe they did?
no protein shipping to aus but. sadface
oh man.. yes you're right…
how come? will customs sieze it?
Because protein contains, well, proteins… usually from plant or animals, so customs consider it a health risk for our country.
They have to specifically examine each protein brand, flavor etc to consider it safe for importation, which they do, very very slowly.
There are a few proteins they allow through, they can be found on this page:…
theres some things you can get and some you cant,
for example, I know they dont ship Dymatize but they do ship Optimum Nutrition…
That's odd, i wonder why? I've had Dymatize shipped on several occasions through Vitacost
Oh it actually comes? I've been thinking about buying Vitacost but I've heard a mixed amount of people say that it comes through and those who say otherwise (customs).
cheers brah, but do you even lift?
Yea brah. God-mode achieved.
u mad brah?
lets watch some Zyzz videos brah
reds gon red.
b4 miscers
Don't forget to add 2 free samples to your order :)…
OMG Just bought 2 things from there.
We are sorry, the following item(s): Gold Standard 100% Whey cannot be shipped to the country you have selected. Please return to cart and remove the item(s).
Looks like they don't ship "Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100%" to Australia :(
How do you know if your stuff is going to be taken by Aus-Customs?
Customs send you a letter. You can either pay for it to be sent back or destroyed.
I received one a few years ago and argued because you can buy it here locally. They said there is no banned substances but it was confiscated because i didnt have a distributor licence to import.
This is something that I discussed with my PT at the gym when I told him I wouldn't mind buying some stuff from the US with a few mates to save on delivery charges as its still cheaper even when delivery is factored into it.
He said that some brands cannot be imported into Australia because the companies (manufacturers) have an arrangement with customs to stop people importing it for themselves (or something along those lines)..
SIGH Just another way customers are forced to pay more in Australia…
Hence the price gouging on part of the distributors who nicely enjoy a protected market. :)
In most cases, they take it and they put something in your parcel to tell you something was removed, thats it. No way of getting it back.
They have an Aus landing page -…
My only question is, howmuch can we buy and ship here for free? And how much will customs allow?
I wanted to buy Mass Tech 3.1 kg as it's less than AU$50 from BB store:…
Unfortunately, their OZ distributor, Mr Supplement, carries this item on their stock and retail for AU$ 89 for 2.27 kg version (MASSIVE SAVING OF 28%, RRP AU$ 124.95!!! ROFL)
so does it mean the Custom will stop me from bringing in this item to OZ???
So is it safe to order the items which are on the Aus landing page?
i can confirm, i am protein
Strong username to bargain correlation
I can confirm, I am coupon
I can confirm, I was house
i like the code 1 MILF B
currently have everything i need and more, but i've been wanting to get one of these just for the sake of having one. $10 was a bit much, but $5 without shipping shipping i can deal with. thanks OP…
Ok im guessing this is standard shipping(post)? not Fedex or courier?
What are you guys getting? I'm getting some beta alanine
I'm getting some alpha alanine
Ummm, either my promo code failed after using Paypal as payment (shipping was removed before), or I navigated away from the cart with the promo code on and got charged for shipping. Chat doesn't seem to work, gonna have to email them.
chat doesn't work on my Chrome, using firefox
Has happened to me in previous orders. Sometimes it removes your code right before checkout. Just send them an email. I've have always got an immediate response and quick refund with no hassles.
Same here, I connected to chat and the agent said "This code has just expired (it was only active for 24 hours) however I can still get that applied for you!"
"Thank you! I have this applied for you and your revised order total is now $99.97"
Hopefully this is what they charge.
3 things that i think is worth to get:
Blender bottle (28oz $6.5):…
Mass Tech (3.1kg $50):
Opti-Men (90 tablets $13.2):
pretty good deal on Opti-men but its a low quality multi.
has anybody had any experience in mass gainers, is the mass tech any good?
Im currently trying to get in 4k calories a day and the 1000+ calories per serving in this would be ideal on days im too busy to consume 4000.
edit: also do those you listed ship to aus because theyre on the aus website
Just wondering, if you can find products on US site but none of the same items on AU site, that means those items can't be shipped to aussie and/or are banned in aussie?
So many natty OzBargainers. I am proud.
U mirin' brah?
Jimmies not rustled by this offer.
u wouldn't know a bargain if it smacked u in the face..
Can you only use the code once or as many time as you want?
You want free shipping on top of free shipping?
Yo dawg I heard you like free shipping. So I let you apply free shipping to your free shipping so you can ship for free while you ship for free
You can only use it once per account
I switched from Opti-Men to Orange Triad since i heard the quality of the vitamins were not that good. Can anyone confirm the quality Opti-Men?
I can confirm. I am Opti-men.
Anyone have a list of what can be shipped out to Australia?
cheers brah!
hmm looking to start on a creatine cycle, any recommendations?
kre-alkalyn has worked pretty well for me. Noticeable difference when i first used it, could squeeze out an extra set out of most exercises i was doing.
Don't waste your money a creatine monohydrate is all you need. No evidence that kre-akalyn is any more beneficial, just supp companies trying to get you to pay a premium
gonna make all kinds of gains
Good Advice. I used Musashi which worked well (overpriced as all hell but) and I have APS to use next which I would gamble will work just as well. There are a number of creatine monohydrates that work well. BSC has one as does Bioflex (I think thats the brand name) and they are pretty well priced. Just remember to take the correct amount based on your training and weight/weight goal (5g a day is pretty standard but it can vary a bit).
all kinds!
creatine, not even once
Lol. Brb "cycling" protein.
Why do you need supplements when you can ride a bicycle? U aware?
gonna get me some of dat der cell tech
derpa derpa
found this on a site
"AQIS (Australian Quarantine and Inspection Services)- is a separate entity that also deals with ingredients but mainly plant and animal products. While a whey protein powder (without added vitamins and added minerals) is classified as a food and therefore is not under the jurisdiction of TGA it is still an animal product and hence AQIS is in charge. AQIS basically says this: we only allow certain animal and plant based foods from certain countries and ONLY if they satisfy our requirements. For example whey protein can only be imported with a permit. You tell AQIS you want to import whey protein x. AQIS says you can import it as long as you can provide them with a government endorsed certificate that says the milk (used for the protein) has been pasteurised at a certain temperature for at least x number of seconds, the cows were healthy and you need to provide the lot numbers etc, etc. ANYONE can obtain a permit (costs about $75). The permit is useless because it will say you can only import the dairy product (whey protein powder) if you get a manufacturer declaration endorsed by the exporting country's governing department. The actual manufacturer of the whey protein will not waste his time to obtain a declaration for a small order. After all, the whey protein manufacturers are HUGE companies and they don't deal with small guys. There are some loopholes though. For example (and the rules change from time to time) if a protein powder has less than 10% dairy you can import it. I personally know of a large importer who was claiming his product (a whey protein powder) only had 10% dairy and believe it or not customs let it go through. Obviously the guy was lying. I found out because I had an exclusive deal and was wondering how in the world this other guy is getting the product through AQIS. The manufacturer gave me a declaration to show AQIS I was the only one with an official manufacturer declaration. AQIS then did an investigation and that is how I found out how the other dude managed to dodge the normal requirements.
It all depends on how "sharp" the guys at customs are but the official rule is the ONLY milk powder that you can import without a permit is baby formula and only if the mother or father is travelling with the baby and only a maximum of 1kg (enough to last to feed the baby for a few days).
If customs do their job properly no whey protein powder should be allowed into Australia without a valid AQIS permit no matter whether it's for personal use or not. The irony is that I had once received a sample from USA of a whey protein and the box was opened and inspected by AQIS and still they let it through in clear violation of their very own rules. That sample was sent to me without my knowledge and without the required manufacturer declaration. And yet everytime I import a container of protein I have to give them a declaration of about 3 pages before they release anything to me.
Another loophole is if the protein comes from New Zealand then you have no problems because Australia and New Zealand have a very close relationship. However, the protein must be of New Zealand origin otherwise if it's of American origin and comes to Australia via New Zealand you still have to go through all the hurdles above.
So for certain products customs checks with TGA but for animal and plant products customs must check with AQIS. Hope this makes sense. Personally I had more issues with AQIS than I had with TGA. TGA will still let you import certain products for personal use (without any permit) yet AQIS should not let anything with more than 10% dairy into Australia without a valid permit. This is basically the official policy."
Great Wall of Text can be seen from outer space.
This is just protectionist bullshit to protect those lazy inefficient dairy farmers. Screw them!!
i order clifs from wiggle there fine
can some1 aware me on whether this free shipping code can be stacked with the regular 10% off code? If not then this code is pretty much pointless…
Not really, saved $30 shipping on $60 protein order. So saved about 33% ($30 of $90). Much better than 10% (plus the 10% only works on the sub total and not on the shipping)
Do they still put this in a box that says all over it. Don't want anyone else to know I'm buying supplements and hate buying from them because they make it so obvious.
the last box i had only had an a4 page stuck on it. (1 or 2 months ago)
and it will say on it. with a bunch of other text
in my opinion its not obvious…
Your family or the post man?
Oh yeah if u are buying pretty bulky items which arent too expensive then this code is def better. but i couldnt find any protein which ships to aus on the bb site??
omg just found the only protein powder they ship to aus is their own brand powder and it is complete sh!t. Only 25g of protein per 37g serve… way better off getting whey locally from either bulknutrients or nobull
wat about musclepharm? considering buying this:
yeah saw that but it looks like a blend which means probably hardly any whey and mostly casein and egg protein or something like that
yea i dont mind that though, i've got a tub of ON for post workout, i'd be either mixing this with my oats in the morning, or right before bed
I bought the NOW WPI
Bought 4 x 1.8kg Muscle Pharm protein. Tried to order a 5th but it said i exceeded my 10kg max…. confused.
I think if the protein is on the Australia store of, it "should" be safe enough to buy. I got reassured by the CSR that they will get it thru customs:
Keep in mind your package will need to clear custom inspections before it is released for delivery. No worries though as our export team will make sure your customs agency has the paperwork they need to do so.
The coupon code also disappeared when i went to pay by paypal. I think i switched from US to AUS. Emailed them straight away about it and they replied saying i will get a refund of the shipping in 2 business weeks.
2 business weeks ?
For all of the peeps wanting to know what does/doesn't ship to australia……
change the 'current store' on the top of the page to AUSTRALIA. then search away to find all of the products that will ship :) there are 53 different proteins that ship here
on another note: i have ordered HEAPS of protein from, some have been checked by customs. all have made it through apart from one shipment that needed further detail. i contacted nutraplanet and they sent me a letter to use explaining that there was no egg protein in my order. that was enough for it to pass
key message; DONT OVER THINK THIS! Order if you think you want it. i wouldn't bring over a 40ft container though
39.9ft on its way now. packed in some illegal immigrants to cut down costs. ozbargain
they may arrive with intense lean muscle gains
Whats everyone ordering?
I'm order 4 xtend and 3 or 4 ON glutamine capsules .
ok guys, this is what i ordered
4x Optimum Glutamine 1000 Caps 240 Capsules
4x SciVation Xtend 90 Servs
1x Fat Gripz Fat Gripz
4x Controlled Labs Orange Triad 270 Tablets
4x Green Tea Extract100 Capsules
Couple samples and a free towel
the cost? you don't want to know…..
Vote revoked as I couldn't get what I wanted to Australia.
Good prices. Saved $80 on shipping.
Most products end up being similar prices as ordering the raw ingrediants locally but this way I can get extra made up chemicals and bottles with EXTREME SUPERIOR and ADVANCED written all over them.
2* MusclePharm Combat Powder Multivitamin, 200 Capsules
BSN CellMass
MusclePharm Assault
SmartShake SmartShake, Black & Gold - Jay Cutler, 20 Oz.
Blender Bottle Classic Shaker Bottle, Black, 28 Oz.
Wide Mouth Water Bottle
Is there any mass gainers for australian buyers? Doesn't seem to have any on this link;…
Got 1 Xtend and 1 Musclepharm Combat Powder! Thanks op!
$1 left in my paypal account……
I just ordered 64 lbs of MP Combat in all the flavours, 4 seperate orders, 4 free gifts.
Similar product from bulkpowders in Australia costs me $12.50 per lb delivered, this cost me $10 per lb delivered.
Going to be a field day for customs
4 separate orders, they wont say anything..
also, it comes with documentation to say that it doesn't contain egg so it will come into Australia no problem.. will refund you your money if it doesn't arrive..
plus one for MILF in code :-)