This was posted 1 year 6 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, VKPlay] Chernobyl: Origins - Free Game @ VK


Before we get into the details, I would like to state that I don't support any war in any country. I post this clearly because it's free and normally costs $$. I separate bargains from politics. I hope you do too.

VKPlay GameCenter app required.

Game it's available on Steam for A$17.75

"Chernobyl: Origins" - is a quest game with psychological horror elements. You have to solve a lot of puzzles to find out the terrible secret of the catastrophe at the nuclear power plant. The game will take you to 1986, to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. You will have to be in the shoes of one of the scientists of a secret laboratory based in the depths of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Escape the station before it's too late! Chernobyl is a dangerous place.

Game features:

  • Three unique endings
  • Six game chapters
  • Difficult puzzles
  • Atmospheric music
  • Unique game design

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closed Comments

  • +15

    A website called sounds like the kind of place you'd go to find sketchy cracks to games downloaded from the Bay in 2008

    • +5

      Yeah if it's a straight up download, I ain't touching it with your 10 foot pole.

      • Upload it to then wait a few days and re-scan….

  • Is it a steam key, exe download.. what?

    • +2

      It's a download. No steam key.

  • Have you tried it McScrooge, does it work?

  • +3

    Yikes, russiankeylogger.exe

  • -8

    You don't support any war. And yet here you are, posting and by default supporting Russia. VK is almost 60% owned by Sogaz and Gazpromvbank. State owned.

    F Russia

    Slava Ukraini!!!

    • -6

      Yup, making the VK concripts-managers bragging to their CEO comrades about excellent overseas traffic.

      A game called Chernobyl from the people who for 18 months have been trying to turn a 40-million nation's country into a wasteland and openly wanting to exterminate its people.

      F Russian fascists.

    • +4

      How do I support Russia? It's free. We don't pay them a cent.

      • -3

        You may think you don't support maccas by having free chips or whatever they give you for a survey; or that you don't support Epic by adding free games every week to your library.

        You absolutely support those in such circumstances and you support VK by adding to their stats, starting a library (like we all did on Epic, for one), getting others to join their ecosystem and start receiving their newsletters, even if you personally unsubscribe.

        • +2

          I didn't think of this that way. As I said, I don't support any war in any country. I personally see it as a freebie.

          • -2

            @Scrooge McDeal: Please keep in mind it's hard to get something for free for real, there's usually a reason freebies are offered to people.

            Even if they don't get much off your account, they may get it from others. And then, you are surely participating in their popularity charts.

      • +4

        Unfortunately, we're all contributing to Russia by buying goods in world markets that Russia is a major contributor to. This includes oil, gas, coal (energy), wheat, potash (for fertilizer), palladium (cars, jewellery, fillings, electronics), nickel (stainless steel, batteries, magnets), platinum, rare earth metals (electronics), latinum, etc.

        By buying goods and services that use these resources, either directly or indirectly, Russia benefits because all our additional demand helps keep market prices higher than they otherwise would be.

        So unless someone has absolutely cut most of their spending to all but the bare essentials, they'll be contributing far more than some increase in game stats.

        (*Disclaimer: For those that know what latinum is, yes, I may have made up that bit about Russia dealing in it.)

        Edit: Oops, this was meant to be a reply to pizzaguy. I'll be in timeout if anyone needs me

        • +1

          There's only as much we can do about how the (flawed) economy and international relationships work, but we certainly can refrain from enouraging people creating account in fascist Russian onlince services.

        • +1

          Yes that's my point. I'm pointing to the hypocrisy of it all. Russia exports oil and by nature it's non fungible. This means you can't easily differentiate from Russian or another country products. Boycotts do not work.

        • Well said 👍🏾😊

    • -3

      “Slava Ukraine - heroyam slava” (Glory to Ukraine, glory to the heroes) is an exact copy of the Nazi salute "Heil Hitler - Sieg Heil". The greeting was officially adopted by the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, the OUN-B, led by Stepan Bandera, a Nazi collaborator, who was responsible for massacres of Russians, Poles, Jews and even Ukrainians in Ukraine and Poland during WWII.


      • The phrase first appeared at the beginning of the 20th century in different variations, when it became popular among Ukrainians during the Ukrainian War of Independence from 1917 to 1921.[1] The response "Glory to the heroes!" first appeared during the Ukrainian War of Independence or later in the 1920s among members of the League of Ukrainian Nationalists

        Nice try though, Russian sympathiser.

        • +4

          Dude. We are looking for bargains here. Politics and propaganda have their place but I don't think it's here. While we are on the topic, you have Saudi Arabia waging a 3 year+ war on yemen,one of the poorest countries in the world. There has been more than 300k dead.

          Please boycott Saudi oil 😏

          • -1

            @Raj09: That's a full on whattabouism. A primitive and shitty rhetoric device that historically was used by Soviet/Russian/Nazi/any propagandists.

            "We have gulags and piss on your human rights, but there's gun violence in the States!"

            "You are talking about Ukraine but you don't talk Saudi Arabia". Duh, let's start talking SA once somebody posts a SA-sponsored bargain.

            • +1

              @pizzaguy: Pointing out the hypocrisy of it all. Boycotting one country or its products is not going to change things. You don't buy Russian products? Guess what Russia produces oil and gas and agricultural products. They are selling their oil to other countries even with sanctions. We are two years into this war.

              • @Raj09: Thanks for the info, I'm on my way in my personal battlecruiser, about to stop the tankers in 3, 2, 1…

        • -1

          Look at this far-right, Russian sympathiser news portal from America:…

          And this far-right news portal from Israel:

          Whatever someone’s politics maybe, just make sure to leave it outside OZB thanks

          • @Wrongguy: Hey 'Wrongguy', this is totally off-topic, but are you in any way affiliated with that other OzBer called 'RightGuy'?!?

            Are you two, perhaps, identical twins who have hated each other since birth?!? That would be epic …

          • -2

            @Wrongguy: Sweet, let's pick some pieces of news that's suited for your current stance and ignore the last 18 months of daily news of Russian atrocities.

            Because, you know, "Ukraine has a nazi problem" sounds simpler to comprehend, get excited about and spread, that openly fascist rhetoric that poor-but-proud, despicable-and-desperate Russia adopts: How Putin's Denial of Ukraine's Statehood Rewrites History.

            I'm pretty sure that Australia has a Nazi problem too. Let's spin something out of it and even out of context!

      • This is exactly what Russia wants you to think. For Ukrainians this phrase is a symbol of their fight for independence no matter who invades their land, Nazi Germany or Nazi Russia. Don’t let Russian propaganda fool you.

      • -1

        For those who have been brainwashed by russian propaganda and like to talk about nationalists and Nazi in Ukraine:
        1. Not a single person got elected during Parliamentary elections in Ukraine in 2019.
        2. Zelensky who has Jewish background and a native Russian speaker was elected president of Ukraine in 2019.

  • +4

    People don’t like Facebook using their data, but are fine with giving it to VK, which is a Russian social network stolen from its creator by Putin’s fascist government? I thought OzBargainers knew better than this.

    • It's free, don't care about anything else.

    • Should we all stop buying on Ali?

      Yeah nah.

  • War never changes…

  • -3

    Looking at all the negs I got earlier and smart-ass replies straight from Putin's propaganda and at the same time listening to another news on how Russia keeps kidnapping Ukrainian children to naturalise them as cannon fodder in the next 10-20 years…

    Lucky people of OzB in a lucky country, applying their smalltown wisdom to distant politics.

    • Where were your high standards on the invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan? The latter country has been left for themselves work generations of girls left with no education and an uncertain future

        • +1

          I expect you to boycott every technology and goods come from USA. They have bombarded and killed innocent civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, recently. They have stolen golds from Iraq and they even raped their women. Currently, they are busy with stealing the oil from Syria. I didn't even mention about immigrations that USA caused. I didn't even mention about the all the massacres in Vietnam and Japan USA has caused before 2000. I only mentioned about recent events. Now, if you are honest, you should boycott every American good. If not, you are a big hypocrite and your thoughts are meaningless.

          • +2

            @bilmania: Well said. 😊👍🏾

          • -4

            @bilmania: Thank you that.

            It was so unwise of me to petition against Putin bombarding schools and hospitals. It's dumb to do that, because others do bad things too. Such a silly goose I am, I must have been crazy to mention Russians killing their neighbours without mentioning all the other conflicts and I didn't realise one can come up with so many other world issues, like @bilmania did. Who would have thought there are so many issues!

            Re my lousy behaviour - it was a spur of the moment, you know. I felt there was a context for that, but now I'm humbled and I'm at peace, after being lectured like that!

            So what do we do now in our lucky country? Let's!

        • +1

          I écho bilmania. If you want to boycott all so called fascists then be real boycott everything else go play chess with your mom

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