• expired

Get 6 Months Free Trial of Uber One Membership (Normally $9.99/Month) - Set PayPal as Your Payment Method @ UberEATS x PayPal


heya gang
happy thursday

Link to offer:

Screenshot of Banner from Paypal:
"*Offer and Uber One Terms Apply. Excl. current Uber One members."

Link to Uberone terms:

I couldn't find offer period / specific terms, it may be the 4am missing important info
Thanks, Chickenleg for the info below regarding expiry:

T&Cs say offer expires 5 November so could postpone if you don’t want to activate straight away.

Have fun, Don't forget to Eat / Ride / Deliver responsibly.

great success
edit edit:

Sign-up offer valid in Australia, for eligible PayPal Australia customers. Offer excludes current Uber One members. Offer expires on 512 November 2023. Full Uber One membership benefits only available if PayPal is used as the payment method in your Uber or Uber Eats wallet during the 6-month trial period (Trial Period).

After the 6-month free Trial Period, your membership will auto-renew each month at the rate of $9.99 per month or the then-current monthly rate using your selected payment method, until you cancel. Cancel in-app up to 48 hours before the Promotion ends to avoid incurring the charge for the next billing cycle, or contact support. Subject to consumer laws, your recurring payment is not refundable. If you cancel your Uber One membership and re-enrol, you will not be eligible for this offer.

If PayPal is removed as a payment method from your Uber or Uber Eats wallet during the Trial Period, you will only receive the following Uber One membership benefits during the Trial Period: ‘Uber One exclusive offers’, such as access to promotions and experiences for Uber One members. Full Uber One membership benefits will be resumed once PayPal is re-selected as your payment method in your Uber or Uber Eats wallet during the Trial Period.

View full Terms and Conditions for Uber One here.

Referral Links

Referral: random (1446)

$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.

Related Stores

Uber Eats
Uber Eats

closed Comments

  • +21

    6 month plan from Mastercard offer just finished and it’s perfect time . It’s working . Thanks .

  • I tried to join Uber one using above link. However, add payment method does not show any of payment methods - how to link PayPal?

    • +4

      It should show PayPal as an option.
      Perhaps Login to UberEATS and Manually add PayPal as a payment method, then it'll be able to pull it when verifying the payment method:

      • Worked, thanks!

        • +1

          You can now use another PayPal account to get a 6-month free trial of Uber One membership in a different Uber account.

  • I’m not a current Uber One member but when I go through it says “There’s an issue, you’ve already added this payment method” even though I haven’t and I’ve never added PayPal as a payment method. I’ve double checked in my Uber wallet.

    Any ideas?

    • Try adding another PayPal account.

      • +1

        You can create a 2nd paypal? Never knew that. I guess just with a different email? I'll try. I thought they would have cross-checked personal info

      • +5

        Perfect. Worked! Never new I could create a 2nd account but now done. Thank you

        • +1

          Technically it's not allowed, but they don't do anything unless one of your accounts gets banned.

          It's useful if you live between countries.

    • +2

      I had the same issue. After going through and then getting the error at the end, backed out to he main uber page, reclicked link to promo, and on the second attempt it worked perfect.

    • +2

      I had PayPal added a while ago but it worked for me going through this link

  • Worked, thanks op

  • +1

    Cheers OP! 🍻

    • +1

      fila happy

      • +1

        Thank you for milking a difference in the world! 🍼🍪

  • +1

    Have never used uber eats, any benefits or cheaper trips having uber 1?

    • +4

      You do seem to get cheaper trips with Uber.

      • +1

        just had a look, also free to cancel and priority i think
        Cheers, signed up will just have to add a note to cancel in calendar.

        • +3

          Just cancel it straight away. Your membership will still valid until its expiry date anyway

          • +1


            End your Uber One membership.
            By continuing, your membership will end on 17 Feb, 2024. Keep your membership active to keep the benefits coming.
            - leave uber one
            - keep your benefits

            So hitting leave uber one the trial will stay in tact until 17 Feb?

    • +1

      The trips seemed to be the same price if, if not slightly higher IME. I’ll give it a pass, and keep using InDrive instead - much cheaper.

      • I drive, I have never used. I have uber and Didi. How good ins indrive. Typically only use them to got to and from the airport. Has it been cheaper in your experience? Cheers

        • I drive too, or bus, cycle, walk ideally.

        • 20 - 40% cheaper. Best for longer haul trips.

      • Isn't InDrive closed? Is it still operational?

        • +1

          It's still a thing.

          My trips on it have been terrible though. Crazy dangerous driving and other unsavoury driver habits. I think they get Uber rejects. YMMV but I realised after two trips that the 10 bucks I save coming/going to the Airport via InDrive just aint worth it

          • +1

            @yoogz: My experience with Ola and Didi was quite good in the past and both were cheaper than Uber.. Not sure if they are still around. Haven't used for a while. It seems they are giants in India and China respectively.

            • +1

              @virhlpool: The ola and didi drivers are funny they always complaining to passengers how difficult life in australia, cant find a job, and how police target them..

              • @CyberMurning: I'm sure they could easily get other jobs but just chose something easy. The smart ones are just driving part time and doing study etc.

                Surely it's still a better life than in India, cost of living not easy for most people though.

                • +2

                  @G-rig: yeah the whole trip this one dude was just complaining, showing me pages of his resume he said prepared just in case, when i said but we are in the shortage of labour he said ah thats just a politic agendas by gov.. blah blah

                  mate, you have a car and i dont, thats why i sit here behind you right now, who is more fortunate?

  • +10

    Thanks Milk, the previous Mastercard offer was the only time UberEats was worth it for me with the coupons.

    Btw the T&Cs day offer expires 5 November so could postpone if you don’t want to activate straight away.

    • that's great, mine expires in 6 weeks. so i will wait until then.

    • Hey where did you check the T&C? Thx

  • code:invalid-argument message:We are unable to accept this payment method. Please contact your payment provider or try adding another payment method.

      • i had my paypal still linked and i am a member still till the 27th of this month

        i removed my paypal didnt seem to work, added paypal to my mums account and it worked on her account she was not member

        i am not sure, i don't really use uber often and never been banned

    • I had same issue. I tried loggin in from app and added Paypal as payment option from wallet. Removed all other payment options. Tried it again by logging out and logging back in. It worked.

  • good offer BUT you have to use Paypal as the payment method for future trips?

    kind of line ball whether its worth it or not due to the regular xx% off Uber gift cards (which are classified as "Uber Cash" in the APP)

    • +2

      You do not. You just need to establish connection to get the promo.
      I immediately deactivated the Auto Payments.

      • +1

        How to deactivate the auto payments? I don’t use them often n can’t find this option on the apps. Thanks

    • +3

      Uber cash will be utilised 1st and the payment method is only charged if the order exceeds Uber cash balance.

  • Thanks.
    Just signed up.

    Can I cancel the auto renewal now?

    • Seeing Jimbler's comment below:

      "If you’re on a free trial of Uber One and cancel your membership, then your membership benefits will end upon cancellation. For all other memberships, you’ll have access to your membership benefits until the end of the current billing period."

      If need, I would set a reminder for 5 months period from then, cancel then (:

      • +7

        I just signed up using this offer and then canceled. Shows Uber One for 6 months and then it will stop.

        • Why did they even include that line of text then? Is it an error that you still retain all the benefits? They might fix that you know.

      • +1

        You don't have to wait. I immediately canceled and it says "Your membership ends on 17 Feb, 2024" with a manual "Renew" button.

  • +2

    "If you’re on a free trial of Uber One and cancel your membership, then your membership benefits will end upon cancellation. For all other memberships, you’ll have access to your membership benefits until the end of the current billing period."

    • Good info, thanks

  • code:invalid-argument message:We are unable to accept this payment method. Please contact your payment provider or try adding another payment method.

    • +1

      Similar to recommended above - I would recommend to try and remove any payment methods and add them manually again, then try to confirm the subscription again.
      You can follow this link to manage your payment methods:

      • Thanks this fixed the error for me

      • Thank you 😊. It works.

  • +1

    I have 10 days left on uber one. Will this work for me too?

    • +7

      No. I’m in the same boat. I think we have to wait until it’s ended

    • I tried tocancel my current Uber One, but they offer me 90%off. So I'll stay for another month. This offer expires in November, so I think I have time to cancel end of September and take up this offer.

  • Nice, thanks!

  • My MasterCard one still has 6 weeks to run. Should I cancel now? Then try this one?

  • +1

    Not about to use uber eats but signed up anyway.
    PayPal was already my payment method so just clicked the link and all good.

    Cheers OP

  • +11

    What are the benefits of Uber one?

    • This.

  • Thanks OP!

  • Works thanks

  • -6

    Just realised that its a stupid offer. Before signup i paid a ride to international airport $73 and now its showing over $100 and giving 5% credit

    • +1

      Ride costs vary depending on hour and demand - they constantly change.

  • Thanks

  • Thanks OP, I first encountered an error but after removing all other payment methods and re doing the steps resolved the issue.

  • +1

    damn it im still with UberOne til 12 Sept..didnt work

    • +3

      "T&Cs say offer expires 5 November so could postpone if you don’t want to activate straight away"
      Actually works out nicely for you! Do it on the 13th.

      • +1

        Strange, showing 10 November expiry for me.

        • My e-mail (that just came in a moment ago) has expiry of 12 Nov so looks like it might different for different users?

          • @Craze: Ha didn't even get any emails, just said it's active in the app

      • +1

        Legend thx

  • +1

    Uber Eats was offering me $30 off $40 spend if I sign up for an Uber One trial. Seems to have stacked with this offer as well.

    • Same. And that offer is valid for uber one members only. I though normal uber got it

    • Got that one and also there was a $30 off $50 grocery shop that I could claim in the promo section

  • great deal, thanks OP!

  • Done. Thank you OP.

  • +6

    I reckon Didi and Menulog are cheaper even with Uber One. Feel like Uber service fees are insane and even after discount not worth it. Trips always seem to be 20% more expensive

    • +1

      Just take advantage of Uber Eats offers when they come around

    • Yes Didi is cheaper, but Uber seems to have more drivers.

  • Can I do this and then when I make uber eats orders just pay with my card or via other methods?

    • +1


    • +1

      From our experience with the Mastercard promo, you can pay using Uber cash which is funded by gift cards.

  • -1

    What are some of the benefits of ubereats one membership??

  • worked even though PayPal was already linked ;-) Thanks OP!!

    • Same, it worked

  • "Unfortunately, that payment method isn't eligible for this Uber One offer." weird

    • I removed Paypal from my wallet and tried again, and it worked.

      • I tried that and didn't work for me 😭

        • +1

          I had the same error initially.

          What worked for me was removing my Mastercard from Uber so that PayPal was left as my only payment method.

        • Tried exactly this step - Used an incognito browser to claim the offer. Works!

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