Just received an email today
Citi Plus was one of the best travelling card, free international transaction fee, free atm fee overseas
Now being moved to NAB, looks like these nice features no longer exist
From the email, the account transition will be happening in March 2024
Here's the email:
In June 2022, we, National Australia Bank Limited (NAB), informed our customers that we had acquired the Australian consumer banking business of Citigroup Pty Limited (“Citi”). As part of the next phase of the journey, your Citibank Plus Transaction Account will be moved to a similar NAB branded account. This is expected to occur by March 2024, however there are actions you will need to take now and in the lead up to this time to ensure you can access and manage your NAB branded account.
As part of the changes, you will receive a notice of changes, your NAB branded account details, and a NAB debit card for each Citi branded account you have that currently has a Citi branded debit card. We will give you notice before we move your funds to your NAB branded account.
While there will be some changes to your Citibank Plus Transaction Account, the essential features, including interest rates and product fees and charges, will remain the same.
To make sure you have flexibility and sufficient time to familiarise yourself with your NAB branded account, we will be opening your NAB branded account before closing your Citi branded account. Once you receive your NAB branded account details, you will be able to complete the set up of your NAB branded account and start using it.
Please note that if you hold other Citi branded accounts, including a deposit, savings and/or offset account, home loan, investment, credit card or personal loan, you will
receive separate communications about changes ahead of time. If you have a Relationship Manager, they will continue to be available to answer any questions you may have.You can visit our dedicated support page citibank.com.au/nab-transactions-savings.
@timhn: Where has this been written?
Or just personal experience?