Free complimentary meal for all women and girls
Go Matilda's!
- 1 Complimentary main meal per Matilda.
- Membership discounts may apply on remaining parties meals.
- Only applies 5pm-9pm Wednesday 16th August 2023.
Free complimentary meal for all women and girls
Go Matilda's!
The title was changed, it should be for "women and girls" as Rashay's termed it.
The word "female” connotes a biological category, while a “woman” is a whole human person and adjective so if you want to identify go ahead and try for the free meal
FHG, re:
'… “woman” is a whole human person and adjective so ..'
'Woman' is not an adjective. It is a noun.
will there be checks to verify gender?
you uncovered their cunning plan
RIP to the marketing intern that came up with this promo…
For this to be true people would first have to become interested in womens sport. ;-D
Missed the last game? most watched sporting event in the last 20 year?
HAHAHA. Yeah sure it was.
@[Deactivated]: It the most streamed TV program ever in Australia, and the most watched program since Cathy Freeman's gold medal win. Which in incredible because most people were out and about watching in groups of hundreds or thousands. Incel.
@Bdawg: They probably did what CNN does in the USA… aired it in public venues like airports and subways so they can guesstimate (lie) the number of people who "saw" it. Even people I know who are into every other sport imaginable like football, tennis, and the olympics wouldn't watch womens sport. I mean MAYBE it's possible so many men have an inverted sperm count now that has changed, but I'm still seeing a demand for prams and kids car seats on facebook marketplace, so…!?
@[Deactivated]: OzTAM data does not consider out-of-home viewing at clubs, pubs, sporting venues, airports meaning the audience is significantly greater than the number reported.
@Bdawg: Myself and most peeps I know could never stand to watch an entire game of the notoriously low-scoring (ergo boring) game that is soccer, and just flicked it on at the end of the game to see who won. We then watched a genuinely exciting/thoroughly entertaining penalty shoot-out.
In my opinion they need to widen the goals by a couple of metres so that there is frequent scoring, in order to render the game genuinely watchable/entertaining. Some reckon this would also function to reduce 'soccer violence' after the games, because both teams' fans would have had the chance unleash some emotion during the actual game (i.e. when their team actually scored).
On second thoughts why not just do away with the actual game altogether, and change the sport to 'soccer goal penalty shoot-out'. One goalie, everyone on the team has one penalty shot at goal. I'd probably watch every 'game' then.
@[Deactivated]: Semi final was the most viewed program of all time, champ. Basically half the country watched.
@Alejandro: Ah bullshit. If it was the final, maybe. But a semi!? In women's sport!?!? In SOCCER!?!?!? Just, LOL. Obviously they're lying, trying to get people to watch the final. As two years of pseudoscientific nonsense revealed, some people will believe anything. Oh and you do know how they get viewing figures, right? They sample a small selection of homes then extrapolate (assume it's the same blanket-fashion) across the entire country. First you'd have to assume soccer is the most popular sport for it to be the most-viewed in history, then the female version more popular than the FIFA World Cup! HAHAHA! Not long ago the Matilda's were thrashed by an under 15 year old boys team, 7 to 0. Same thing with the US national women's team courtesy of a Dallas under 15s boys team. Yet we're supposed to believe THIS event, soccer, and women's soccer at that, who routinely get embarrased by school kids, was the "most viewed" … Yeah sure, and pigs have wing reassignment surgery now and fart M&Ms at 20,000 feet. It's probably the ONLY sport that half the country - Australian men (at least those without a skin regime) - are going to turn off and go mow the lawn instead like the wife asked.
@[Deactivated]: The data collection of figures are the same for every program, and this was the most watched of all those programs.
It's really not that hard to understand.
@Alejandro: "Icel" Translation: Derogatory term for normal heterosexual males coined by abnormal effeminate men with low sperm counts.
@Alejandro: Well I suppose it would be since most women don't want their skulls caved in with the other contact sports.
So British women eat free but not Australian men, ffs
This ain't it
The boys in the house have got their little noses out of joint. This is hilarious.
Im confused who are the snowflakes again? Panties all in a bunch over a Rashays meal
So public holiday will also be just for the women?
If I knew what rashays was, and had the balls, I would definitely go in drag and try score a free meal. They can’t knock you back if you want to identify as chick and score a free meal. Society says so apparently, trans women are women after all.
But, I won’t.
Got everyone here so pressed lmao it’s a f** meal from Rashays, chill please
Yeah they're not missing out on much
OzWhinge lol… Funny how these negging sooks never complain about any other targeted offer, of which there are many, every single day.
Point out a targeted offer that selects people based off immutable characteristics and I'll neg it.
The fact that most hairdressers charge a lot less for a male haircut rather than a female one.
Lot less effort involved. Time them next time you get your hair done…
@ajr5k: Absolute rubbish. My other half and I both have short haircuts and get them done in similar timeframes. In fact his often takes longer. He still pays less than me.
@try2bhelpful: I never would have guessed you had short hair that based off your other comments. Is it done with the buzz clipper?
While called Mens and Womens cuts, the actual factor behind the pricing is not the gender of the customer - It is the cut. One is shorn like a sheep, while the other is cut with a pair of scissors.
I've got longer hair and my barber doesn't charge me the mens cut price because it is done with scissors.
@ajr5k: So you have “views” on women with short hair? Good Lord.
Except my man doesn’t get a buzz cut either. As I said he often takes longer to get a hair cut than I do. We have the same hairdresser and in both cases he uses scissors. The same tools, the same hairdresser, similar cuts and a price difference.
I’m sure if you did a comparison around Melbourne you would see a very similar pattern developing.
@try2bhelpful: I communicated no views, I simply said I would not have guessed.
You should absolutely ask the question of your barber - If the effort is the same, there should absolutely not be a price difference based solely on gender. If you and hubby have the same cut, there is a very fair and reasonable expectation the cost should be the same as well.
@try2bhelpful: Do not assume that effort is based on time. There are numerous variables that could determine effort required eg. Not everyone has the same type of hair.
Perhaps next time you should ask your hair dresser why you are being discriminated because you are female as you clearly believe that can be the only reason.
@czechboi: If you look at the price of male and female hair cuts, in general, you will see the price difference. So you think time shouldn’t be the differentiating factor for the same hairdresser doing two different people? Do you think he sees my other half and goes “he’s only male I’ll be less careful”.
@try2bhelpful: No I don't it is just one of the factors. Like I said, as in all service based businesses, time and effort are the key factors that are used when determining prices.
'Do not assume that effort is based on time.'
Excellent point. One of two peeps who get exactly the same hair cut may simply be extremely annoying to be in the presence of due to their incessant and deluded gnattering. Therefore, cutting their hair would be a lot more arduous.
That is such a terrible and uninformed comparison you must wonder why no one agrees with it.
@Willy Beamish: Exactly who are you talking to? If me, then my point is totally valid. There would be almost no hairdressers that charges less for a male haircut than a female one. It doesn’t matter how long the cut takes, the products used, the style of cut, etc the male one will, overwhelmingly, cost less.
That's obviously because the time it takes to complete a typical male haircut is a fraction of the time it takes to do a typical female haircut.
You'd have to be a special level of …… special….. to fail to understand that.
Free public transit for people over 65. Free vaccines for people of Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander heritage. A gym offering any free women only classes. I mean there's heaps of examples in our society.
Shhh. You will confuse them with facts.
Still bad comparisons. The people are in need of these services because of situations they may be in. I'm sure plenty of homeless men in need of a feed would've loved this too…
@BarneyStinson: The Melbourne club refuses female members. I’m sure the homeless females would like a feed there as well.
@BarneyStinson: A safety concern? Do you think women members might bleed on the seats or just give the old boys a heart attack?
@BarneyStinson: Statistically there's plenty of single-parent families who need access to free public transit and discounted groceries more than a typical elderly person. I mean 80% of Australians below the poverty line are 64 or under in age and I'm sure they could use free public transit or discounted groceries. Heck even the Aged Pension is a bit of a benefit that the rest of society doesn't have.
Again, I'm not saying that no one in those groups deserve these positive discrimination - they do. My point is that there is plenty of positive discrimination in our society and that we oughtn't to get so upset over it when it does occuer.
Also, not sure what this has to do with homelessness, considering women account for 44% of the homeless population it doesn't seem that this is somehow an anti-homeless campaign.
@rightguy: Absolutely on the money with the services not necessarily aligning with the need. Every person over 60, who isn’t working, can get their Senior card. There is no means test on your income.
@try2bhelpful: In fact anyone who 'isn't working' can get discounted public transport, at least in most (all?) states/territories of Australia. Many other concessions as well (car rego, power/water bills, pharmacy scripts, etc.).
@rightguy: You’re acting like there aren’t social services for those that you’ve listed. Also, you do realise pensioners still pay for public transport in NSW they just have a reduced/capped fare. I’m sure I could keep going but there’s no point considering what you’ve already commented here.
this is a taste test
none of the women i know would eat at this shithole
Exactly, inclusion of women to a boring westfield pizza & steak place.
That's what makes the 'I'm so put out by this targeted deal' comments even funnier.
Came for the incel neg train, did not disappoint.
whats an incel?
got any pictures?
and more importantly, what's the discount on them?
I am man
What about non-binary?
"Every female is a Matilda!"
… and quite a few of them are Karens too.
Surely this is a joke!
Shouldn't that be all caps?
Doubt these guys get too upset any time they see a person over 65 getting a free bus ride or getting a discount at the grocery store. But for some reason they seem angry about women and don't have the internal awareness to wonder why.
Who gets a free bus ride over 65? In NSW anyway it's 60 for a gold seniors card which entitles them to a gold opal card for discounted travel, not free.
How many times do you want to trot out your poorly thought out and irrelevant analogy?
The sad thing is, now everyone's run out of negs :(
I was hoping RG would be induced to reconsider his hilariously pinko ideals, by an epic thousand negs.
It is funny how often things that are considered “normal” at the time are accepted as discriminatory later. Imagine if the female dominated professions walked off and demanded what they were worth. How would you feel with weeks of no nurses, no teachers, no aged care workers. For nurses and aged care how soon before people started dying? Frankly these are critical jobs and they are highly skilled. In many cases they are dirty because you are dealing with other people’s bodily fluids. I’ve worked in factories where I’ve ended up covered in dirt and hessian. I would much prefer that to dealing with someone urine, faeces and vomit. These are critical professions and we can’t afford shortages in them. I spent my life working in a man’s profession and being paid a man’s wage and I’ve never done anything as critical as these people do daily. You guys whining about a free meal is a joke.
Downvotes but nobody is challenging what I’m saying. You guys know this is, absolutely, the truth.
I'll play. :-)
Professionals in what you are calling "female dominated profession" do walk off the job and demand what they are worth. So does everyone else subject to union driven salary negotiation. It is called a strike. Here are a couple of examples from the past year:
How do you measure what a job is worth? And how do you compare different jobs?
You clearly think the examples provided are underpaid however the only one under the average Australian salary is the aged care worker.
And what is "man’s profession and being paid a man’s wage"?
Were you a professional man by trade? Or, were you being paid the same as what other colleagues, who may have been male, for the same hours and work? Be careful answering this one, you might accidently disprove the wage gap propaganda in the process.
I worked in a heavily male dominated profession. Funnily enough, as it turned out, at one point one of our managers was paying less to every women in the team compared to every bloke. This was in a major company and HR didn’t even question it. I found out when we got a new boss and he looked at this and went WTF? We were all doing the same sort of ok.
@try2bhelpful: I know I have been dunking on you and rightguy repeatedly in this deal, but if this is legitimately the case and the only difference between you and the lads is your genitals, and you have that in writing, can I suggest you consider applying for an equal remuneration order from Fair Work?…
If everything is the same in terms of skills, hours, effort etc, the salaries should also be the same.
It is illegal to pay women less than men by virtue of them simply being women.
@ajr5k: The new boss that came in took HR to task and pointed out what had been going on. He then set about remedying that. As we have seen by so many comments here there are plenty of ways some people can say women are performing “poorly”. It is only when it is looked across an entire group the bias can be shown. If the previous guy had only done it to select women it probably wouldn’t have been picked up.
Just because something is illegal doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Also companies strongly encourage people don’t discuss their salaries with each other. It is a very brave woman that takes on a company, it is a great way to destroy your career and reputation. How many times have we read these stories where suddenly the good reviews they had previously suddenly become doesn’t meet expectations when they create waves.
I don’t work for the company anymore and, as a case was highlighted in The Age yesterday, the remedy can’t be done after you resign from a company. You guys are pretty naive if you think the discrimination doesn’t happen. I worked in IT for over 30 years and the discrimination might be a little more hidden than what it used to be but it is there. Just before I left I had to explain to one guy the video he was showing everyone, and thought was funny, was actually domestic violence. I’m a pretty Bolshie woman but it can be hard to “fit in” and also get the guys to understand when their attitudes are out of line.
@try2bhelpful: Re:
'… the remedy can’t be done after you resign from a company'
Who told you that? Legally it can. If you are again referring to something that happened 30 or 40 years ago you may have a problem, but if it happened more recently and there are records, you can seek recompense.
It's not that deep, a lot of people are just pointing out the irony.
Because they are largely public sector jobs where the amount that can be paid is entirely dependant on how much taxation the population is willing to support and how much further in debt the current government is willing to go with the magic money printer.
nah, you need to use paragraphs otherwise it's an assault of wordsmithery.
Period pain, child birth, eating rashays. Women really do have it tough!
And I offer a free breast cancer check and not even one reply
I’m sure some of the guys here would like a free grope. You can do a testicular cancer check whilst you are at it.
Sexual assault and homophobic "joke"?…
Honestly? The original joke was about sexual assault. Is it OK if a guy wants to do it to a woman?
@try2bhelpful: You're the one who mentioned "grope". At least you didn't the deny the homophobic part. No need to get so worked up about a deal over a complimentary meal.
You're comment thankfully shows you know the difference between a man and woman.
@ozhunter: You haven’t addressed that the original comment was talking about sexual assault. All I did was point out what would happen if the original poster was talking about doing this to a man.
Why do you think it is homophobic? Why can’t straight guys check for testicular cancer?
@Willy Beamish: Calling me sweety? Talk about patronising.
You are assuming my comment was non consensual either. As I said “I’m sure some guys would like …..”. My comment is about as consensual as the first one. A non qualified person who things he can check women for breast cancer. Why do you think he is offering?
Also you haven’t indicated why this is homophobic. Touching another guys testicles isn’t necessarily sexual. In fact checking for testicular cancer is not sexual. Just ask any doctor. You are the one assuming it is homosexual. Frankly you are the one who is homophobic.
@try2bhelpful: Read back. There was no mention of any sexual assault, in jest or otherwise. Some of you people seem to be just itching to get on some sort of righteous PC/pinko high horse; to the point where you invent 'breaches' out of thin air. It's bizarre.
Nothing offends men like perceiving their male privilege has been challenged. You guys complain about Karen’s but you mob are the biggest Karen’s out there. Wah, wah, wah why doesn't everything apply to me? This are some of the funniest comments I’ve ever read. Keep it up boys, I’m sure you will find a way to complain you don’t get killed at the same rate of DV as women do. Or you should get a period every month and you don’t get the privilege of squeezing another human being out of your body.
How juvenile and pathetic stereotyping….. shame on you….. enough said.
This is sad, predictable, dicrimatory marketing at it's best nothing more or less. NO PLACE IN AUSTRALIA.
And we know government are always right because the government tells us they are.