Hi all, I'm a credit card churner of many years and have a few spreadsheets that I use to keep track of my expenditure and my application and closing dates for various accounts so that I can re-apply after at least 12 months to get the sign up bonus again.
I'm considering building a cross-platform app that lets the user track dates, client numbers, and generally just keep all of the information in one place in a foolproof and simple way. This could be expanded later to do track progress towards spend requirements, set custom reminders for paying statements and also provide summaries of the various available credit cards with their rewards and terms and conditions.
Is this something that anyone here would be interested in using? If so, what are some other features you might find useful.
Thanks for your time!
Honest opinion, the app will add very little on top of spreadsheets. How do you propose to make money off the app?