Beats any local pricing and with free delivery too (Prime membership not required). My order arrived in slightly over a week.
The 255S model is also available, at a lower price.
Beats any local pricing and with free delivery too (Prime membership not required). My order arrived in slightly over a week.
The 255S model is also available, at a lower price.
This is basically a FR745 but with new firmware and future support, right?
I've had my 745 for about a year but a little disappointed that it's basically abandoned for the newer generation hardware
Yes, correct.
And multi band gps
Ita pretty good.. i went from a 55 to the 255
Biggest improvement is the screen.
Battery lasts around a week
Been swimming (sea and pool) no problems.
If it's not Australian watches, it won't naturally come with Australian mapping and warranty. Just be warned about that
Can it be updates with Aus maps?
Yes it can. I did this with my UK variant. There are free and paid options (cheap), not that difficult.
Agree re warranty but I don’t think this has maps does it? I thought it was just a breadcrumb trail.
That's right. This model does not have maps. The 955 is the one with maps
Any chance to pricematch this locally for warranty?
No luck for me. It’s sold by Amazon Japan.
But it's fulfilled by Amazon au though?
You can Read the terms. Amazon AU only facilitates.
What would you guys recommend if I’m just after tracking steps for walking daily and sports once a week. Long battery life is a bonus plus calories lost.
If you have an iphone an apple watch is hard to go by but if you want something cheaper then amazfits watches pack an awful lot at a small price.
Thanks for the reply, I’ve used an Apple watch and the battery is ridiculously bad, can’t justify using it just for fitness use. Great for apps etc.
I’ve used fitbit great for battery but over estimates by a bit.
Will have a look at the link. Thanks.
Probably obvious but note that this the NON-MUSIC model, which is crucial for me - no need for the phone. The 255M is $519 at Rebel at the moment. But this is a killer price for those that don't need the M.
Far better music listening experience if you carry your phone in a running belt and use that IMHO. I have a 645m and used the music feature just the once because it was hit garbage.
Each to their own. I’ve got a 245M and love running without my phone. Sync a podcast while getting dressed/having a stretch, then head out. Nice to really disconnect for an hour.
No difference between my iPhone 13 mini and the 255M, using Jabra Elite 7 Pros.
One of the options is the Music model, priced at $411.73 (in post title).
Ah nice. Wasn't an option when I checked this morning, marked as OOS. $100 cheaper than Rebel, solid price.
Got a price match done at Rebel. Should I go for it?
Confused between 255S and 945 which is around $90 expensive
Can you send me receipt so I could do it as well. Thanks
any chance i could get this too??
Maybe they didn't look closely enough to see that it's actually JP stock, even though it's listed on Amazon AU. Lucky you.
Ordered gray one, don’t care for the music and been looking for a smart watch but don’t like the apple ones.
Delivery apparently 22 of august
Did you manage to connect ? I facing issues while connecting
Works fine got no issues
Thanks, yes I made it work after setting account country to Japan
Was there any limitation? does garmin pay work for you
Nice find