I am not trying to be rude to anyone's profession but I am honestly asking and hope someone can explain the process.
What I don't understand is a pharmacists role in filling a script other than putting your details into the system. You already see a physician who prescribes the medicine, tells you about dosage and side effects, knows what other medications you are taking and also what the new prescription is for.
What's the point of the pharmacist then asking a bunch of the same or similar questions? Why does it take so long to dispense especially when you have been to the pharmacy before. Looks like it all comes straight out of a machine now anyway.
Seems like their only purpose is to keep people in store to buy other crap.
Your specialist should know what you are currently taking as the referral your doctor wrote for you to see him will contain all the relevant information on previous conditions, and what medications you have been prescribed.
Your doctor should know what the specialist is doing and what medications - if any - he/she has prescribed as that will be in the letter he writes to your doctor after he has seen you. In any case, if he puts you on a regular medication, your doctor will be responsible for issuing the repeat scripts once the script the specialist gave you runs out.
That's how it all works for me. However I only see one GP, several specialists, and one pharmacy.