This was posted 12 years 6 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired International League Pass 2012-2013 Including Playoffs (15% off Discount Code) $186.9 USD


For those that don't know NBA League Pass lets you watch EVERY NBA game live and on demand for the entire season on your computer, iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone and Android device.

Received an email earlier today offering a 15% discount for League Pass 2012-13 Regular Season as well as Playoffs. Considering Playoffs alone was about $50 AUD after a 20% discount, it seems like a pretty ok deal.

Promotional code was apparently for renewals but works for new subscriptions as well (have checked by making a second account and proceeding through until the final payment confirmation page)

Takes the price down from an expensive $220 USD to a slightly more acceptable $187.

P.S. As far as I can gather and from past experience, there are no blackouts for games in Australia.

EDIT: As someone pointed out below, you can also pay it in five (5) $37.4 monthly instalments

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closed Comments

  • No blackouts in Australia. Also, I'm pretty sure this is what I paid for last season + playoffs, and it was a shortened season.

  • Can you get NBA league pass on Apple TV in Aus or on a Smart TV? has to be an easier way then streaming from your pc.

    • Streaming from the PC is fairly easy. Are you just looking for a more comfortable way?

      • Can't stream through Apple TV in Aus; though if you have an iPad/iPhone or a recent Mac running Mountain Lion you can airplay it through ATV

        • I set my region to US and can see the NBA TV apps on my ATV. Not sure, if it'd work though.

  • Nice deal.. I'm getting NBN in about 4 - 6 weeks (fingers crossed) and would love to get NBA season pass.. BTW: Does anyone know how much data you would use to watch a game? Are they in full / HD quality??


    • I was using about 1GB an hour steaming HD content from NFL Gamepass, so I presume it'd be roughly similar

    • You can watch it in several quality modes - I remember 1600 kbps and 3000 kbps. It all depends on your internet speed. I was happy with 1600 kbps, but 3000 looked fantastic on a HD screen.

    • Not sure about data usage, I'd suggest an unlimited data plan (no idea what that costs on NBN), but yeah, you have three or 4 quality settings, I think it goes 400, 800, 1600, 3000kbps and HD. Do yourself a favour and watch in in HD though.

    • Yes they are in HD, but the quality is jumpy at full def - probably not with NBN though. You can also downgrade the definition.

      I notice after they upgraded the software part way through the last seaon, watching the games at High def was pretty much impossible.

      Very worthy purchase. Whats sharing a password between friends as well?

      • Yeah, it became more CPU-intensive after the mid-season client update. Works fine if you have a PC with the specs to play it. I upgraded my media PC specifically to get this sorted out before the season kicks off!

    • +1

      I think approx 3GB for a full game (approx 3 hours) if you're watching at the highest quality.
      I have mine on 1600kbps though and hooked up to my 46" tv and it still looks great.

      Highly recommended purchase.

    • I had watched full HD last season and it cost me around 3-4 gb per game. I wish I have unlimited adsl. This is a great deal though. I will probably get this deal and see the "good" 10-15 games a month :|

    • I second the 3-4Gb a game at 1600kps. I think my husband found it really hard to watch it at a higher speed, and we're with iiNet's ADSL2. We pay for a huge cap, just for the basketball season, we barely use any of it in the off season!

      It still looked great though. Though, I remember in previous years you could make the game full screen and watch it on the TV, these days it seems that the video is embedded in the page (like YouTube) and you can't full screen it. Though, it might be my husband's technological ineptitude, I haven't had a look at it.

      If I'm wrong, please let me know!

      • +1

        Yeah, they changed the site to include the ability to view live stats int he panel beside the video, but you can still view it in full screen.
        You used to have to hover the mouse over the video to bring up the full screen button but from memory the button has been moved to just above the game timeline?

        Can't remember exactly, but the full screen option is definitely still there.

    • As other's said, it's around 3-4GB a game at full res. If you can afford to buy this pass, really, do yourself a favour to watch it at full res and get better internet package. It's huge difference and should be the only reason you want to get this pass (otherwise, you can just watch the low res on other unofficial live streaming). I'm on TPG ADSL2, though the speed is not that great (as I'm on the border of my nearest exchange), and it's streaming fine at full res.

  • Also each game is about 1gb or more I think.

  • Also, is it possible to download / stream a HD game to watch later??? (So I can watch it after work in HD without stutter / interruption?

    • cant download just has to stream. but my experience has been very good. VERY FAST and Smooth!

    • I know you can watch past games, there were all in one archive.

    • All games are available to watch at a later date. Just make sure you turn the "Hide scores" option on so you don't know the final results before the game.

  • Has anyone got NBA league pass to work with XBMC?

  • Can you use this with your PS3 and watch on the tv ?

    • not last season, might be a feature explored this year due to demand

  • Can't wait for the season to start! I got the email today too but I'll wait till October to sign up. I remember last season I signed up with a 15% off code and then found out the 20% off code just expired. Or maybe it was 10% off and 15% had just expired? Either way, the fact that it's the same price as the lockout season is a good thing, and 15% off is great.

    Hopefully their Android apps are better than last year too, the iPad app was great, but the Android tablet version was just the phone app. NFL's apps are much better.

  • I got it last season for a similar price. HOwever, I dislike the fact that you can only subscribe to full seasons, whereas MLB lets you subscribe per month.

    Once the finals were on, it was shown on foxtel so I never even League Pass to watch the finals series.

    The streaming was mainly fine, with a few glitches here and there, but overall quality of the streams was good.

    The NBA should definitely consider allowing customers to buy monthly subscriptions.

  • I have apple tv on a unblockusa and get a NBA app on there. Does this leauge pass work on that?

  • Work on the monthly installment option. Pay $37.40 cent per month. Thx OP :)

    • Post edited. Cheers!

  • Anyone know how to get this working on a Boxee box?
    Apparently it can be done with some tweaking (

    • As far as I know, LP does not work on Boxee because it's all Flash but if there is a way then I would love to know

      • Last season i streamed a couple of finals matches by going to sportlemon and grabbing the URL and then opening that up in the browser, that worked but it's quite poor quality.
        I'd snap up the LP in a sec if it would work

  • Wondering why there's no "Team Pass" package as there was last year

  • Awesome deal (as always). Been a subscriber for a few years now. Just gets better every year. Only gripe for next season is that NBA TV Live is not included! They are asking for an extra $5 per month. I've provided this feedback to them already.

    In terms of usage, I was using around 1GB an hour at "best available quality". Can stream up to 4 games at one time as well! But my measly 6MB/s connection couldnt handle that. Besides it did get confusing watching it.

    Can watch on iPad and iPhone too.

    And like someone mentioned, NO blackouts in Aus!

  • what's there to watch if I subscribe now?

  • all set up for the new season, thanks op
    Let's go HEAT!!

  • +7

    Hello, u can have even better disc out rates if you use a proxy server, located in hungary, europe. For example look here : Here you see a list of proxy-server in hungary.

    Now set one of your chosen proxys in the settings of your web browser. Firefox : Settings, Advanced, Network, settings.

    Select manual proxy, enter here the IP-Adress of the Proxy and at Port enter here the port of the proxy-server listet as above in the list.

    Then log in into your nba tv account. and voilá you will see 139 USD as price. THEN enter the bargain code as above and see league pass for less then 120 USD.

    It works like a charm.

    Oh, and of course, once you bought it, remove the proxy-Server from your web browser as it has served you very well and is not useable anymore till next year :) You dont need the proxy for watching your favorite nba team.

    • thanks trevorcolby. i just tried it out and it really worked like a charm. was a bit worried about going through third party proxy server with private info but once i know nba used 'https' it should be secure enough and i went for the usd 118 deal.

      • The discount code has expired as of today though hasn't it?
        I would be a bit worried too sending through payment details through that.
        No offense or anything but you both signed up specifically just to post that info?

        • +2

          yes, the discount is valid through 1/10/2012.

          I was looking for a code and found this one here first. Then I found out that another site in germany has another way to save money (the proxy-thing) and that no one here has posted it here on this site. Then I decided to post the info here as well - thats why I registered here.

          There are several bargain site around the world:
          The german site :… Of course its in german but it works exactly the same way like this site here and the way described above is the same.

          I was only trying to save you some mmoney.

          No offense taken.

        • Sorry for being a little cautious, just wasn't sure if it was real or not :)

          But thanks for taking the time to pass that info on!

    • im trying this but its taking ages to connect to the subscribe screen. is it supposed to take this long?

      EDIT: fantastic, it works but took a really long time but finally got thru. around 116 dollars season pass

    • +1

      Wow! Thanks a lot for this Trevor! I was debating whether i could afford league pass or not this season but this sealed the deal for me! Thanks once again for saving me +50 bucks!

    • Thanks TColby, nice work.

  • thanks trevorcolby. i just tried it out and it really worked like a charm. was a bit worried about going through third party proxy server with private info but once i know nba used 'https' it should be secure enough and i went for the usd 118 deal.

  • just another thing, im logged in, and clicked nba league pass on the top, yet it still asking me to select a package. is that option still supposed to be there? or does it take a while before that option disappears?

    • I think that stays there until the season begins.
      You can go to My Packages and make sure that what you've subscribed to is listed though.

    • i'm getting the same thing. a little worried i won't lie haha, but i guess we'll find out tomorrow when the season begins

  • Tried the code today and it still works, I was able to purchase an annual subscription using a proxy.

    Thanks to OP and trevorcorby!

  • I want you all to know that this still works.

  • Code still works but proxy trick doesn't

  • can anyone confirm that the proxy trick doesnt work anymore?

    i tried the proxy and it changes to USD but it still says $200+

    • +2

      proxy trick still works. just did it. took a while though cos a lot of proxies just wouldnt load a webpage

  • Proxy worked, code worked. BANG

    • Go spanish product. US $20.40 a month/5 months

  • Hi, if i go through the proxy above do i need to put in a fake hungarian address or just my normal address. Thanks for any advise…

  • +1

    Can anyone confirm being able to watch games with no problems after purchasing the league pass through one of the proxies? I can get the hungarian proxy to work and the code - of course all the CC details will be in there (no one been hit by strange charges either?) - but before hitting through with the deal I'd like to confirm that you guys who have purchased it can watch the games. In another thread someone used a Spanish proxy and can't watch from his location when he turns it off. Appreciated :)

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