Powerball $100m Next Week Are You Playing

Just a quick poll on the OZbargain communities willingness to dream/waste money like i do on these tickets - now i know playing powerball and lotto in general is an 'silly tax' but i think the 20-30bucks i spend a ticket gives me 1 week to dream of what life would be like if all my financial problems where gone [which is like 95 percent of my problems]

Anyway the poll is simply will you play Powerball next week to try and win a piece of the 100m dollar prize….. apprently the last 100m prize pool had 1 in 2 Australian Adults purchase a ticket

bonus question if you want to say what you plan to do if you win the entire jackpot [becuz i always find it fun hearing other peoples dreams]

fun story - had a patient tell me her brother in law spent 6k on tickets in the last 100m draw….he won 42 dollars back…[just a reminder gamble responsibly]

for those who are playing i wish you luck

for the record - if i won the entire jackpot i'm buying this joint https://www.realestate.com.au/property-apartment-qld-surfers… and you're all welcome to come party with me, beers on me

Poll Options

  • 346
    You bet im playing - got to be in it to win it
  • 261
    No im not buying a ticket - lotto's an idiot tax


        • +1

          If you put $1 into a savings account you can retrieve $1 tomorrow and spend it.

          If you put $1 into Powerball you will on average, across all players and plays, get back just 30 cents for every dollar put in.

          It is extremely unlikely you will win the jackpot. 1 in 134 million. You have much higher odds of dying in a plane crash, drowning in a bathtub, getting hit by lightning, etc, yet people think 'Yes! I will be the chosen one!' to win.

          Think about it another way: The MCG hold up to 100,000 people. Imagine you're in the MCG audience and someone is going to be chosen to win $100M. Everyone thinks they'll win, but obviously the chances for any one individual winning are extremely small.

          Now imagine another 1340 MCGs, all stuffed with people, and only one person will win. Still feeling lucky?

          Sure, it's only a few dollars to play. That's the way people rationalize it, and the government thanks you for it.

          • @Cluster:

            If you put $1 into a savings account you can retrieve $1 tomorrow and spend it.
            If you put $1 into Powerball you will on average, across all players and plays, get back just 30 cents for every dollar put in.
            It is extremely unlikely you will win the jackpot. 1 in 134 million. You have much higher odds of dying in a plane crash, drowning in a bathtub, getting hit by lightning, etc, yet people think 'Yes! I will be the chosen one!' to win.
            Think about it another way: The MCG hold up to 100,000 people. Imagine you're in the MCG audience and someone is going to be chosen to win $100M. Everyone thinks they'll win, but obviously the chances for any one individual winning are extremely small.
            Now imagine another 1340 MCGs, all stuffed with people, and only one person will win. Still feeling lucky?
            Sure, it's only a few dollars to play. That's the way people rationalize it, and the government thanks you for it.

            everything you are 'saying is true' but here is what you dont count on

            most people want to be 'rich' but the fact is to be in the top 1 percent of wealth in Australia is having a next worth over around 8.5m or great. NOW unless you are born into wealth, are in the top percent of earners from a young age, or get ultra lucky with investments - chances are you will never join the exclusive 1 percent club - as you are not smart/hard working/lucky enough to get their via 'conventional means'

            NOW even if you DO happen to earn enough money at some stage in your life and invest in property/ETFs and hit that level of wealth chances are you will be old as f—k and given up the best years of your life working/building a business etc to get there …so you probably wont live all that long to enjoy the wealth you built…..

            Matter of fact 1/3 of people NEVER touch 90 percent of their super as they DIE before they get to retirement or shortly after…..

            Winning the lotto is near impossible but on big jackpots like Thursday the Ultimate cheat code, it is for average bums like myself it is the golden ticket away from long hours, living for the weekend and annual leave….it is a spark of hope that 'spark' has value imho it has more value then it gets given credit for…..

            • @Trying2SaveABuck: This is genuinely sad. Your post history suggests someone who is miserable with their life, and looking for 'get rich quick' schemes to dig them out, whether it's lottery, crypto, or the Gamestop short squeeze. Is getting into the 1% seriously your one goal in life? Because you can achieve relative financial independence and a comfortable lifestyle with significantly less than that. What, exactly, do you think will change once you hit that magic $8.5m figure? Ferrari and penthouse apartment? Will you be satisfied then? What's to stop you then from wanting in on the 0.01% club?

              This degree of envy is not healthy. I suggest you seek therapy to rewire your brain to be, if not happy, then at least partly satisfied with what you have. Consider picking a job you hate less, and take comfort in the things you can actually control. Because what you're doing now, is blowing money to fund someone else's fantasy. If that short, small rush you get buying lottery tickets gets you up every day, it's a pretty sad existence.

              • @SydStrand: more so just want to to stop trading 'time' which is 'priceless' for money which is a means to an end… anyway have a good life

    • -3

      Because some people have a functional brain and a basic concept of probability?

  • I've been putting in $50 a week for the last 40 years on lotto

    • +5

      Congrats, you just won second division prize of over 500k…
      Well, you would if you'd just put that into a basic index fund every week :)

    • +1

      Depressing but the statistical norm.

  • of course but doubt i will win anything

  • dont believe there was any jackpot .

  • what are the odds of it being a $120m jackpot next week :)

    • Pretty low to none if it doesnt go off this week it will be 150m…maybe ill do the same post see if we get a change in Poll numbers as theoretically it should me more ppl are tempted to play

  • Didnt one lucky person won $100,000,000.00 in draw 1414?

    • +3

      Yep, they bought Tasmania and still got change


    • +2

      But then they get less suckers keen to play. Advertise $5 million and people yawn. Advertise $100M and people lose their minds and queue up to play.

  • The lotto is for people who don't want to work hard to earn generational weath ie. most people.

    Therefore it's fitting that most who win end up in the same/if not worse place in 5+ years after winning as they blow it all on dumb sh*t and surround themselves with 'friends' who are only there for the $$$.

    • +4

      The lotto is for people who don't want to work hard to earn generational weath ie. most people.

      What a load of crap - Rich people win too! And most rich just crush the poor to make money :p

      Therefore it's fitting that most who win end up in the same/if not worse place in 5+ years after winning as they blow it all on dumb sh*t and surround themselves with 'friends' who are only there for the $$$.

      Yes there are some that buy lots of sh*t or blow it away but not everyone is like this!

    • +2

      The lotto is for people who don't want to work hard to earn generational weath ie. most people.

      Yes, only the hardest of hard working become rich. Everyone else is a lazy deadbeat.

    • Not like the backbone of the economy to jump on a shortcut , which does no harm to the entitled overlords.

  • +1

    Yes I'll play my usual numbers.

    With the measely winnings I will buy some of my favourite chocolates.. lol.

  • +1

    for the record - if i won the entire jackpot i'm buying this joint https://www.realestate.com.au/property-apartment-qld-surfers… and you're all welcome to come party with me, beers on me

    Very extravagant!

    Elon Musk is not anonymous - most rich people are not!

    100m win for me - well lots of things.

    To me the small things are just as important as the big things, for eg. helping a homeless person get a caravan or tiny house is just as important as giving some random stranger some cash

    I'd help people however I can with the current housing crisis, and the homeless - we are meant to be living in a golden age, the 21st century and it just isn't like that.

    Naturally I'd help immediate family, not extended though - they have enough already. I do have big ideas but no musk or gates is gonna solve any issue today with anything they do cause they drip feed donations and ideas instead of fully funding them.

    Oh and I have a few chips on my shoulder I'd sort out

  • +1

    we all know what the odds are, that's why its called the lottery. Some of us are blessed with the genetic lottery (good looks, elite physical and intellectual abilities), for others the State lottery is our only ticket out of the mundane and average. If you spend a few hundred on lottery tickets a year and get no return , you need to ask yourself the question what is the opportunity cost in losing a lazy few hundred. If the answer is you can't eat or pay rent then maybe you shouldn't be taking the punt. If the opportunity cost is effectively zero as you whatever you could have spent that money on would make no difference to your life then by all means have a crack.

  • +1

    Yea, the odds are insane but somebody somewhere does win it and that person might as well be you.

    • I am 99.999999% sure if won't be you. Still feeling lucky?

  • -1

    Only if I can get a deal on a ticket not paying full price to win a 100 million

    • -1

      You may be interested to know that of the Quick Pick options the Regular/12-game ticket is the best value at $1.345833 per game. The next best are the Super and Jumbo tickets at $1.34722 per game and the worst are the 6 Games and Mini tickets at $1.35 per game

  • I usually jump in only when it goes above $50 million.

  • I'm not a regular player, but I have a dip on the big jackpots. Was in last week for the $60m and will parlay my winnings from that (about 12 bucks) into this week's $100m!

  • Aaah Pascal's Wager.
    Although i disagree with his original contention, I've still bought a few Powerball entries.


  • +1

    You've got to be in it to win it!

    If you have a go, you'll get a go!

  • +1

    imagine how big a penis enlargement you could get!!!!

    that would show those emails and ads.

    • not even in the top 200 things i'd spend the money on…

  • I would spend it on a farm with rolling hills and no salt lakes where I can run Angora goats possibly boer goats and be surrounded by Boxer dogs living in perfect unison.

    A brick and iron solar/electric fence entrance with a door bell pa system/intercom camera set up. When the bell is pressed for entry, guests will be required to get out of their car and do the "git up", "cotton eye joe" or other dance. If the gates open they with be greeted with a Jacaranda lined driveway leading up to a new farm house which is based on an original style homestead with weeping wisteria creeping along the self cleaning wrap around verandas. A big party shed barn with a stage, lights, sound system and bar.

    quite simple really

  • for the record - if i won the entire jackpot i'm buying this joint

    I'll see your apartment and raise you this. Now that's what I'm buying, or maybe even buy both?

    • Are you joking? OPs apartment is way nicer than that place lmfao.

      Actually, on second look, it's not bad. Still prefer OPs place though.

  • Yes.

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