I swear people have been saying that home batteries will come down in price for ages and it's not worth the investment, and you should just get more solar (particularly from solar installers)
But looking at the cost of the tesla powerwall 2 it's actually gone up in price over time. Not sure about the cost of other battery storage options.
The sungrow batteries with hybrid inverter - can be had around ~$11,000 for ~9.6kwh. But when you add another battery stack to bring the storage capacity to 12.8kwh, it comes to being around a similar price to having a tesla powerwall 2 installed.
Doing some rough sums for my circumstance, I do agree that getting a battery will take quite some time to recover your costs (~8-10 years). But I'm still tempted to get it, just to insulate from future energy price rises, and to say F U to the demand tariff charges.
I already have a 6kw solar system which often has excess energy to the grid, so adding more solar would mean that I'd only be getting the FIT and there would be minimal additional self consumption. With FIT dropping and often being capped, adding more solar has little benefit and would also take 7.5-10 years to recover (depending on FIT/panel & inverter brand). If energy companies drop their EV plans that have cheap night time charging, it might then be worthwhile to have extra solar and try use the EV to soak up extra solar production, but failing that I don't see the point of adding more solar.
So in summary, should I just get a battery now, or will battery prices really go down in future?
Why would you need interest free loan?
You get it at scale. You get wholesale price for your feed in which means you can charge it midday when there is excess solar and sell when it higher between 3 - 9pm.
As a company you also get depreciation benefits.
Regular person buy a battery with after tax money (say 30% income tax), no depreciation, crap feed in rates, capped upside depending on your electricity rates and higher price of installation per kwh.