Should Dried Herb Vapes Be Allowed to Be Posted on OzBargain?

G'day! I went to post a competition deal for a dried herb vaporiser, and was surprised to see the retailer was banned from posting.

After a conversation with a moderator, it became apparent that there is a blanket ban on eCigarettes / vaporisers. There are previous threads about it here and here discussing as much.

My point is as follows: while dry herb vaporisers (vapes) have a common name to the nicotine vapes so prevalent in society today, they aren't related to tobacco or nicotine consumption. They're fully legal to be sold and advertised for the use of aromatherapy with all kinds of legal herbs (e.g. "All items on this site are intended for legal aromatherapy purposes only and are not designed for use with nicotine / tobacco / medical products"). Of course, however, it would be obtuse to ignore that they are very commonly used to ingest cannabis, and is a product many have transitioned to for their cannabis consumption to avoid the harmful impacts of ingesting smoke.

I do believe these products sit in an entirely different category to eCigs / nicotine vapes, and that our interpretation of the rule casts too wide of a net to be including these products in our ban.

Look forward to hearing the thoughts of the community, and of course, whatever the case we must ultimately respect the decisions of our hard-working moderators :)

TL;DR – our rule states "Cigarette/Tobacco and related items (banned Australia-wide Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992). Examples of related items: cigarette cases that disguise plain packaging, e-cigarettes." Posting deals for eCigs/vapes can be seen as advertising by the TGA, and OzB could be in trouble for that. That seems totally reasonable. However, at current, it seems OzB interprets that rule in a way that dried herb vaporisers would be included in this too.

Poll Options

  • 117
    Yes, allow dry herb vapes to be posted
  • 388
    No, dry herb vapes should be included in the previous interpretation and stay banned
  • 5


  • No probs as long as it’s legal and a legit bargain. Are you scared other people will find the bargain irresistible, order it, get totally addicted to pot, and ruin their lives? LOL. Shouldn’t these be banned also?
    Shot glasses
    Knife set

    • +2

      Shot glasses
      Knife set

      Sounds like a good night

  • -3

    Given the health damage that vapes cause and the problems of their widespread usage amount young people then the answer should be no.
    If people are silly enough to do things likes vaping or smoking it should not be unlawful as that just creates a black market.. but any promotion or advertising should be banned.

    • +1

      Did you even read the OP?

    • +1

      Read the bloody post and try again Mr ignorant

    • +1

      Wrong kind of vapes sir

  • +3

    I wish a mod or somebody would watch over this because at the end of the day this is a serious topic.

    Look at all the up votes attached to completely inaccurate information.

    If you don't know what a dry herb vaporiser is why are you voting?
    Why are you commenting?

    Everybody has the right to an opinion but who on earth gives an opinion on a topic they don't understand at all slightly.

    I know this website gets toxic but let's not spread misinformation

    • +1

      I wish I could upvote this 100 times

      • You could've at least up voted it once

        • Haha

        • +1

          Doh! 1 upvote. Lol

    • Here here. Exactly. Comments should be removed for being irrelevant and maybe remove those same users votes from this poll.

    • Everybody has the right to an opinion but who on earth gives an opinion on a topic they don't understand at all slightly.

      First time on the internet?

      • Getting 'Decision To Leave' post flashbacks 😵‍💫

  • Another dried herb vape deal on the front page with overwhelmingly positive comments banned because of a loose interpretation of an outdated rule. I guess now OzB and the Australian Government are now on the same page with the illogical view, at least, with dried herb vapes getting caught up in the recent regulation.

    • We most definitely need to comply with the rules and regulations set out by the Australian government. A bit pointless to complain here — write to your MP instead.

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