This was posted 1 year 7 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[WA] Free Rapid Antigen Test kit @ Garden City Shopping Centre, Booragoon (WA)


Free Rat test at Garden City, Booragoon, WA. Located in front of Woolworths

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closed Comments

  • +4

    These are at shopping centres everywhere in Perth metro.

    Problem is that when you get them, the fluid in the nib things has often evaporated, making them useless.

    • I was told to take as many as i want/need. I got 6 boxes of 5 test. So i guess can use two dose of the fluid if needed?

      • Quite fiddly but if you want to, you can do that. I personally can't be bothered meself

  • -1

    Anything for mice

    Free Rat test

  • +1

    Why do we need them? People are not going to care about whether they are infected with Covid and legally allowed to travel around anyway. Yeah it’s probably immoral to do so but if the laws don’t care no one cares. Australia is a country that we live by the laws not by the morals right?

    • +1

      Whilst unfortunately what you're saying is true, and less and less ppl are doing the right thing, it's still useful when visiting vulnerable ppl etc

        • +1

          They will never get it…

        • As obvious as it was already, it's good to see you outing your true nature. It's not uncommon to find that sort of ignorant, self-centred attitude among your cohort but it is rare for someone to admit it, albeit anonymously. Or did you simply not read Hobo's comment fully?

    • +10

      Because lot's of people are still isolating when they test positive whether or not the law says they have to.

      There's also a lot of people I know that test themselves before they go see their ill relatives. myself being one before I go see my mum whose currently going through radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

      • +2

        if i have symptoms I test myself for the safety of Elders i interact with. Your mild flue can be deadly for them

        • +3

          If you have runny nose, sore throat etc , you shouldnt interact with anyone anyways. Whether its covid, influenza or common cold.

          Its common courtesy

          • @easternculture: You do realise that you can be infectious before symptoms show right……

            • -1

              @Ughhh: Based on a long history of comments, I very much doubt it.

    • +2

      Speak for yourself. If I knew I had covid or the flu I would isolate myself. I've worked jobs where the bosses demand you still come in anyway. I remember once the manager was sick but came in, he looked terrible, was sweating and pale, could barely stand. So many workers got the flu after. We all would have been better off if that manager told the boss to go (profanity) himself and stayed home for a week or so longer. I caught it and threw up during shift and boss treated me like I was cheating him of his profits somehow.

      • You guys do things differently in Austria.

      • Then you aren’t supposed to tell our Australian government to fnck itself for legally allowing people infected with COVID to travel around? Here in Australia follow laws not individual’s culture, morals or beliefs etc.

        • There's no law against farting in an elevator, but I still won't do that either.

          • @AustriaBargain: True. Which is why it is up to an individual to decide what its own bottom line is if there is no law to enforce it. If this RAT kit is for those who want to prevent spreading COVID then don’t bother to do the test but just wear face mask when you don’t feel 100% well regardless if it is a symptom of COVID or anything else.

            • @wtfnodeal: And you have the freedom to fart in the elevator at work, but your workmates have the freedom to gossip about it and ostracise you over your elevator farting habit.

              • @AustriaBargain: Exactly. You mind your own business and they mind their own. Don’t fncking tell anyone to follow your culture, standards and sh!t. You can’t control what they want to say behind your back even your fart smells like Gucci perfume and whatever. If you don’t like the smell of someone in the same building you work just take the next elevator or stairs.

                • @wtfnodeal: If you fart in an elevator or spread your flu or covid around, then it's not just your business, it's the business of those around you too. If you find the idea of people talking about your habits intolerable, then you take the stairs, or you isolate yourself.

                  • -2

                    @AustriaBargain: LOL so you set the rules and standards now? Are you going around level by level in your workplace building to check anyone has COVID symptoms but still come to work? Go ahead and see how well it is going to end.

                    • +3

                      @wtfnodeal: I'm just saying that if you spread covid or the flu to your workmates or if you keep farting around them, and you get upset that they gossip about you and don't let you sit with them at lunch, then that sounds like a you problem and not a them problem.

                      • -3

                        @AustriaBargain: If people think I am ugly and affect their appetites do I need to take a hide too? It is not the law and regardless whether it is your culture or your personal beliefs or preferences that is your problem. Selfishness may be immoral but is not against the law. Get it? People in Australia only follow the laws!

                        • @wtfnodeal:

                          People in Australia only follow the laws!

                          Dunno what universe you live in, but come to my suburbs and only a handfull follow the laws.

                          Illegal parking, speeding, building without permits/ignoring boundary rules, opening shops during lockdown, blocking street infront of houses with cones, driving defective vehicles/unregistered motorbikes, paying drs for vax certificates without taking vax, etc

                          • @easternculture: I don’t think you understand what I’m saying.

                            Laws = black & white.
                            Cultures , morals, beliefs etc = grey.

                            RAT test to determine if one was infected with Covid and needed self isolation was a law = black & white. Now the law re Covid test & self isolation has changed and RAT kits are obsolete, you can do whatever you want after contracting Covid based on your cultural or moral preferences = grey.

                            Fart in the elevator = grey. If it bothers you, you can keep it to yourself as no one will care or follow what you think they should do.

                            Illegal parkings, speeding etc = black & white. If it bothers you please feel free to report to the authorities who can legally enforce them.

                        • +3

                          @wtfnodeal: If your personality was ugly then people probably wouldn't complain if you hide

                          • @AustriaBargain: If you have zero tolerance on other’s differences then people probably don’t mind if you take a hide.

    • +8

      But the TV people told me to stay scared.

    • -1

      Not in Australia unfortunately. People still living like this scamdemic is still a thing.
      Some are on their 5th 'booster'…

      Meanwhile the world has moved on

      • +1

        Australians are the last to move on.
        Its because we have a lot of sheep in Australia.

        • +3

          Not as many as NZ…and it shows! 😉

        • +2

          The number of sheep numbers gone up dramatically after Covid period. That’s amazing 😃 we broke the world record for sheep numbers. Leading the world.

      • +2

        What's a booster?

        Isn't it just more of the vaccine? I guess it sounds better to some people.

    • +2

      Still too many sheep around listening to tv people

    • +3

      Pity about the people who are still dying from Covid. Still, I suppose they’ve “moved on” as well.

      • +3

        Correction: Dying with covid

        • +5

          So you are an epidemiologist are you? Me, I’m still listening to the experts.

          • @try2bhelpful: You dont die from covid, flu, influenza etc. You die from a complication related to the body's inflamatory response and how it affects your organs.

            Lungs: pnemonia, ARDS, pumlonart oedema
            Heart: Heart Failure, percarditis, myocarditis
            GI System: Liver failure, pancreatitis, cholingitis
            Brain: encephalitis, meningitis

            • +11

              @easternculture: Yeah and when you get stabbed, and bleed out, you die from heart failure. It doesn’t mean the primary problem isn’t being stabbed. You are talking semantics here when we should be dealing with root cause analysis.

          • +3

            @try2bhelpful: He's a cryptobro, you can't defeat that sort of illogical thinking.

            • +1

              @BoundedRationality: Unfortunately you are correct. The “fake news” group.

              • @try2bhelpful: So physiology is fake news, lol

                I guess you guys took the vax because of FOMO. Reality check, the only thing you did not miss out on is being a lab rat sheep for the phase 4 mrna tech trials

                • +1

                  @easternculture: Honestly mate. You really need to get off the rightwing sites. They are warping your view of the world.

                  As I indicated the “physiology” response is the outcome from the reaction to the initial trigger. The best way to deal with the “response” is to remove the trigger in the first place. If you stop people contracting measles, you don’t get the physical responses associated with the progression of the disease. It is about fences at the top of the cliff rather than the ambulances at the bottom.

                  I think I will believe the mass of experts that have done extensive studies on Covid rather than someone who has read something on an online website. As I requested originally are you an epidemiologist or have any qualifications in medicine?

                  • +1

                    @try2bhelpful: If that helps you sleep at night, then be it.

                    Everyone has different opinions and thats fine.

                    Ive done my research and really dont have to discuss my qualifications with you, buy many people on this site can vouch for my knowledge and experience in this field if they wish to.

                    • +5

                      @easternculture: So you have more resources to do research than the huge number of laboratories around the world who continue to investigate Covid? You refuse to confirm you are qualified to give medical advice and you think I should accept your qualifications based on the views of others on this website who would, also, probably lack the requisite qualifications and background in the subject.

                      You may be entitled to an opinion but that doesn’t mean it is an informed one. Me, I’m taking my advice from the people who have the qualifications and requisite experience either in the laboratory or the frontline treatment of the disease.

            • @BoundedRationality: twin of @rektrading? i miss the guy

              • +1

                @capslock janitor: End of the day, we dont have that mRNA shit in our blood.
                If , for some reason , one day research suggests some latent side effects, we wont have to worry.

                So whatever your opinion or argument is, not having the vaccine is actually winning. Because we have the same rights as vaccinated, even though the government convinced you otherwise once upon at time.

                • @easternculture: . @try2bhelpful

                • +1

                  @easternculture: Or, one day, not having the RNA shit in your blood might make you susceptible to another virus. What we do know is with the number of people being vaccinated vs the those unvaccinated the Scientists aren’t likely to expend as much effort trying to find solutions for a small number of people who refused the original vaccine.

                  The restrictions were to provide society with protection until a vaccine was provided. Apart from certain restrictions designed to help the most vulnerable there is no need to maintain the same restrictions now. If we get a strain that is more virulent against the unvaccinated that is their own lookout. Yours might be a Pyrrhic victory if that is the case.

                  Only time will tell what is the outcome. However, we can look at the effect of other vaccines on the vaccinated and unvaccinated. We can also see what happens if you don’t maintain immunity. My other half got Whooping cough in his fifties because he didn’t get a booster; we didn’t know we needed it. It was deeply unpleasant and has left a residual cough for sometime .

                  • @try2bhelpful:

                    Or, one day, not having the RNA shit in your blood might make you susceptible to another virus

                    I have more confidence in my immune system that polititians playing god

                    The restrictions were to provide society with protection until a vaccine was provided

                    And also destroyed businesses, families, marriages, etc. And also increased suicide rate, domestic violence and hate between people due to the gov attempt to divide people. You havent seen the full social impact of covid lockdowns yet.

                    • +2

                      @easternculture: But we did see the effect wholesale death had on overseas people. This included healthy young people, especially medical personnel, not just the elderly. The world went into lockdown when they got to have a good look at the alternative. People dying in corridors because there were no beds. Bodies in storage facilities because the funeral homes were overflowing. By and large what we saw was a populace willing to make sacrifices for the good of society. Frankly the “hate” was from the groups going to illegal protests carrying nooses.

                      Without a vaccine being found the effect of the lockdowns would dwarf the effects of wholesale death. Have a good look at the effect of Black Death on the world. This went on for 100s of years, on and off. It killed 1/4 of the population in Europe. How many businesses do you think that destroyed? The vaccine was created to stop the isolation. We seem to spend a lot of time giving perpetrators of DV an excuse. Maybe we should just expect them to not hurt people.

                      You are entitled to your opinion but it is far from an educated one. Politicians weren’t playing God. Medical people and scientists were doing their job.

                      • -2

                        @try2bhelpful: Wow , you really did get brain washed by the media.

                        Did you see with your eyes people dying in corridors and bodies stored in facilities.

                        I can confidently tell you that during lockdown, the hopitals were empty of patients. Staff were given forced annual leave because hospitals were overstaffed.

                        Even in the states, there were many videos circulating of empty hospitals. They were not fake videos because they were filmed from the road, entering the hospital, walking through the wards, and then exiting the hospital.

                        Also there was many tiktoks of hospital staff dancing while on duty because they had nothing else to do.

                        All proof that overflowing hospitals were all lies

                        Medical people and scientists were doing their job.

                        No they werent. The CMO had no clinical experience, just a paper with uni qualifications. The health minister has no medical expertise. The premier has no medical expertise.
                        And yes, they were playing god.

                        • +1

                          @easternculture: Whatever mate. Obviously you’ve swallowed the rightwing conspiracy theory guff. So you think the whole thing was a giant conspiracy that took in the whole worlds medical profession, the vast majority of the worlds politicians, the families of people who had family members that died, the worlds epidemiologists and scientists. I suspect you’ve seen videos from rightwingers that get off on providing misinformation to the susceptible. Our medical personal did have down times when the virus wasn’t circulating but they had very busy times when the virus was.

                          The CMO etc were acting on the advice of the people who were investigating the virus. You are talking about a worldwide conspiracy of politicians to cripple the worlds economy for no reason. You do realise this sounds barmy?

                          • @try2bhelpful: I didnt say anything about conspiracy. Nor went to any facebook, telegram or whatsapp group.

                            All these videos were posted on tiktok before being deleted by tiktok.

                            As i said before, i was in a job position that allowed me to see everything first hand. Dont ask me what position because i was under an NDA.

                            Im speaking from what i saw in real time. You are speaking from what you saw on the news. 2 different sides of a story.

                            • +2

                              @easternculture: You believe everything on TikTok? Interesting hypothesis.

                              Unless you are omnipresent you can’t have seen everything first hand in relation to Covid. For someone under an NDA you seem eager to talk about this. However you don’t have the courage of your convictions to identify yourself. I wonder why I’m having trouble believing your views?

                              So if you don’t think this was a world wide conspiracy what do you think it was? Suddenly everyone had the same spontaneous delusion?

                              • +1

                                @try2bhelpful: @try2bhelpful you're wasting your time. Let @easternculture go back to the rock they've been living under the last few years, it'll be better for everyone.

                      • @try2bhelpful: Just take the L dude.

      • Never heard one!

  • +1

    Do those even remotey reliable? Thrown into rubish whatever tests I had some time ago

  • -4

    Free test kits are everywhere, so not a deal

    • +3

      Free 🤦

      • +5

        Easier to give away then to spend thousands disposing them in an enviromentally friendly way

    • What other places around Booragoon?

  • Had some in my local bunnings too

    • With bbq or tomato sauce.

    • Don't think available for everyone yet?

  • +1

    covid is not over!! maintain social distance!!! wash hands frequently!!!! take tests often!!!! boost religiously!!!!

    • +2

      You sound like one of those tv people?

      • +3

        you can nver be too safe or too effecftive is my motto!!!!!

    • -1

      You sound vxinated

  • +1

    They are still people getting sick and dying from Covid. There are still people getting long Covid. You can ignore what is happening, if you like, but it doesn’t mean Covid has gone away. We have picked up a few free test packets from Fitzroy library and use them if we are visiting someone elderly or vulnerable due to chronic illness. My attitude is given it is costing me nothing to do this why wouldn’t I? I, suppose, if you are in granny’s will you might take a different attitude.

    • Never seen never heard one especially these days may be at the start

      • +2

        There are a lot of things that people die of that aren’t in your immediate surroundings. Doesn’t mean these people are still alive.

    • +2

      It's not costing you nothing. You paid for it already.

      • +1

        They are going to be dumped if people don’t use them.

  • +4

    More plastic pollution. Stop making these.

    • I suspect they, probably, mostly have. The free ones will be old stock.

  • -1

    7th wave by the way, not mandate but a notice. There are people out there on medical to be cautious

  • go to any medical centre and their all handing them out by the 10-20pack. majority of them only got like 1-3 months left.

  • -2


  • did they borrow this meme image?

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