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Reason: Banned / Counterfeit item. Customers should contact eBay seller for a refund by opening a dispute with eBay. See Counterfeit item policy for help.
$90 @CW so $40 seems like a good deal. Seller also accepts offers.…
Edit: As some people have noted this perfume may be a counterfeit / replica. I have tried to contact the seller to confirm its authenticity but have not heard back from them. However, I have received a shipping notice via AusPost so will update this post when it arrives. If it turns out to be a fake I will report them to eBay and Ozbargain and return it for a full refund.
I apologise in advance if you have purchased a bottle of fake perfume as a result of my post.
Update (Tue 25/7): I have received a reply from the seller and all it said was "it is real". Will wait and see when I receive it in the post.
Update (Sat 12/8): The item is delay so I lodged a dispute. To my surprise, the seller promptly gave me a full refund.
Update (Sun 20/8): The perfume has finally arrived and the seller asked me to pay him back. As I don't have a genuine Eros to compare it to I relief on Youtube videos and images I found on the web, anway it's definitely a counterfied. In saying that, I am somewhat impressed by the amount of effort that was put into replicating the packaging, there are very few telltale signs unlike the one shown in the Youtube video I linked below. The batch number matches what's on the bottle, there is a Versace logo printed on the inside of the cap, the colour of the cap is virtually indistingushible from the genuine one. However, the dead give away is the weight of the cap which only measures 14g whereas a genuine cap should weight 24-25g. The atomiser nozzel is white instead of black and there is a gap between the atomiser and the bottle. Also, the glass bottle itself is cheaply made, the surface is not smooth and has lumps here and there. See photos below
I have reported this seller to eBay.
Wouldn't be overly confident it is genuine given the other types of items that seller sells.