My Children Have Had Multiple Colds for The Last 2 Months

My 5 year old and 1 year old have had non stop colds for the last 2 months. Maybe we have a 2 days a break then bang another cold.

My 5 year old goes to a big school with over 1000 kids I don’t know if this is the problem? What can I do so they don’t pick up every cold/virus out there.


                    • @bigticket: Sorry but you seem really over obsessed with this stuff, to the point it’s probably more unhealthy than an unassuming piece of fruit.

                      Herbicides (round up etc) are used on both GMO and non GMO crops, fruits and otherwise. All power to you if chose organic for everything (even then some stuff allowed in certified organic is questionable). But most people who’ve had an issue with round up are those who have been spraying it with inadequate protection.

                      Undoubtedly no diet study is going to be a gold standard clinical trial. Reality is diet studies have to occur within a context to be valid and meaningful, which means there will always be confounders. Irrespective., all evidence available points to fruit = neutral at worst, mostly likely helpful, especially in the context of respiratory viruses.

                      You want to avoid fruit? You go for it. I’ll be eating my fruit and veggies over here, and confident that it’s a good choice for me and my family.

                      • +1

                        @morse: Blatantly misrepresenting my comments to further your support your comments certainly requires a response for all to see.

                        Undoubtedly no diet study is going to be a gold standard clinical trial.

                        Why attempt to post irrelevant supportive links then.

                        I agree with your second paragraph, except for

                        But most people who’ve had an issue with round up are those who have been spraying it with inadequate protection.

                        Nothing would be further from the truth. Most people would have issue if they literally saw round-up been directly sprayed on their food prior to consumption. And no, washing prior to consumption does not help.

                        Side stepping my main argument of bio-availability means you have no valid counter. Good attempt at with misdirection though. No counter argument? Huh.

              • @morse:

                I would argue eating a piece of fruit versus a biscuit with the same amount of total sugar is better - not because of the sugar, but the other nutrients.

                Both are poor choices, don't eat either.

                Give your kids a fruit option that is low in sugar instead, which is both a cheap and easy solution. That way they get all of the benefit and very minimal of the bad.

                • @infinite: Meh - I give my kiddo all the fruit options, grapes, watermelon, bananas, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, apples, pears the lot - whatever he goes for. I don’t want him to develop an issue with being picky about food and I’m super confident if something makes him unhealthy it isn’t going to be fresh fruit.

                  • @morse:

                    I don’t want him to develop an issue with being picky about food

                    That's called educating kids about body, health, nutrition & weight.

                    You should be picky with what you eat, it's literally how you ensure a positive and healthy life.

                    • @infinite: If I let my kid be ‘picky’ he’d pick ice cream. I think if he picks strawberries that’s a good thing, we manage to get a good mix of fish, veggies, grains, nuts, pulses and fruit and I think that’s good. We do talk about too much sugar in the context of genuine junk food, but I would never say that about whole fresh fruit, even if it is grapes, mangoes etc.

                • @infinite: No point trying. Decisions are not based on facts these days.

    • +8

      yeah, TOTALLY AGREED
      feed your kids process food crap, food containing sugars, diet foods and sodas, and overdo lots of various carbs
      RESULT - your kids will become sick and have difficulty shaking of any illness.
      REMEDY Feed them only natural foods, THAT HAVE NEVER BEEN PROCESSED, as much as you can,
      limit any forms of sugar, limit or remove any vegetable oil in all ways including cooking,oil its processed with chemicals, only use any natural oils, like olive oil.
      Stop slowly polluting your children and yourself s, thats when inflammation/illness starts to set in
      IN the last 2 decades, its been proven that a healthy gut microbiome,
      has a major influence on your immune system, health and well being, its extremely important,
      look it up, give your children and yourself the opportunity of being healthy.

    • washing hands

      Do you wash your hands after going to the toilet? You make some good points, because why bother. Everyone keeps saying to wash your hands, only sheep's do it.

      And isolating them from the big bad virus is nonsensical. Micro-organisms are freaking everywhere.

      Please go Exposé yourself to Ebola. I refer you to the Spongebob show.

      • I'm glad you brought up Spongebob. Imagine Spongebob visiting a pre-school class. What will he observe?
        Practically every kid at some stage or another will have had every other child's hand in their mouth.
        Do you really see that washing hands provides a benefit in that situation?
        Off course keep them clean and presentable, but in terms of providing a health benefit, not so much.

        • Off course keep them clean and presentable,

          Why? Why care what others think? Be a lion, not a sheep.

          • -1

            @Ughhh: There is some confusion here. The "sheep" are those who voluntarily lined up for the experimental covid jab.

  • I visited my elderly mum in a nursing home in NZ and noticed her nose was a bit runny, so I immediately sent a care package including Vit C gummies. Thought they were more interesting than tablets. Was very pleased with myself

  • +1

    I noticed at Myer when I bought my diffuser, Natio had a childrens one and a child sniffy colds oil blend to go in it. I just stocked up with a number of oils on the weekend including two to treat mould, clove and lemon tea tree

    • Sorry to break it to you but essential oils are modern day snake oil. Also, exposing your kids to them over a long period May cause the onset of allergies

      • -3

        Actually you are wrong, but I dont have time to go over the science.

        • Every doterra advocate I know has terrible skin and digestive problems from all the oils they’re sipping and exposing themselves too, but they’re too into their cult to realise

          • @binti33: yes well my cult has the exact opposite to yours so must be something in the water. My time is too valuable to waste trying to educate the uneducated. Good luck to you, sounds like you need it.

            • @screensaver: Time will tell, enjoy the sensitising effect of fragrances in the meantime.

              • @binti33: they are not fragrances, they are essences of plants and flowers

                • @screensaver: “ An essential oil is essential in the sense that it contains the essence of the plant's fragrance—the characteristic fragrance of the plant from which it is derived.” - Wikipedia page on Essential Oils

                  As you said: “ My time is too valuable to waste trying to educate the uneducated.”

                  • +1

                    @binti33: essential oils are not referred to as fragrances, they are aromas, hence aromatherapy. No one refers to them as fragrances, that is reserved for man made perfumes etc

                    • @screensaver: Denial is not just a river in Africa.

                      • +1

                        @binti33: almost everyone knows that eucalyptus oil is helpful when you have a cold or flu. But some folks would deny that too I guess. Look that up on Wikipedia

  • +2

    Welcome to Parenthood OP

  • +1

    to some degree there isn't much that can be done. You can take some reasonable precautions but kids get sick especially if they haven't been exposed to the common colds going around yet. I think your GP is right on the money.

    You could try Garlic or horseradish but that's just going to be a placebo anyway. Just something to distract you and make you feel like you can do something.

  • +1

    What we are seeing is immune system damage from Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines

    • quick, get a few more boosters :-) /s

    • +2

      I doubt it. The one that has been most sick is our 2 year old who was never vaccinated because of age limits.

    • -3

      its actually tragically worse than you state (only immune damage )
      Australia had 25,000 excess deaths after the jab roll out…

      the truth, click on the other links also
      yet the governments want to pollute your children for the sake of big pharma profits and corruption
      can we still trust them with their new vaccines ?

      plz take the time to read all the article in the link, it may save your life or people close to you

    • Take a look at this report just released from the Western Australian Department of Health.…

      Page 8. Dramatic spike in excess deaths directly after the vaccine rollout.

      Page 33. The shocking data showing the adverse effects between the vaccinated and non-vaccinated.

      • Just seen the government data above page 8,
        PLUS the true shocking results on page 33 showing the difference between the Vax and Unvax for Covid
        covering the multitude of diseases the vax has proliferated to humans in a big scale, compare ?

        • +1

          See below reply to big ticket. Page 33 does not show results for ‘vax and unvax’ it shows raw totals of adverse events for non COVID-19 vaccines (eg flu, MMR) vs COVID-19 vaccines. It’s not comparing it to people who did not have vaccines at all.

          The reason adverse events are higher for COVID-19 vaccines is because more were delivered. It’s also known to be one that is likely to give you things like headache, rash, aches etc, as that’s part of the immune response to the vaccine that makes it work.

          The tables in this report are quite clearly labelled.

      • +1

        Bahahaha - stop reading these reports if you don’t understand them

        Page 8. Dramatic spike in excess deaths directly after the vaccine rollout.

        Page 8 does not show this at all. An AEFI is an adverse event following immunisation (not from). An adverse event is any symptom/event that happens after immunisation irrespective of whether it was caused by the vaccination or not. This is how all medicines are evaluated for safety. When you read the possible side effect section of a medicine information sheet, that is anything that has happened to participants in that trial, then they compare that to the rate in a placebo group to see if it is likely to be the medicine causing it or just incidental. Anyway these AEFI include all symptoms, headaches, rash, abdominal pain etc these are not all deaths (on page 8) in fact only 40 are deaths. Of these deaths 1 was caused by the vaccination, the rest were people who would have died anyway. The 40 deaths were found by linked data, this means they search death records and cross referenced them with records for vaccination to find these people, they weren’t reported as a direct consequence of the vaccine.So in total in the reporting period 40 deaths occurred out of the 5,756,723 doses given of vaccines of any kind. The death rate for all causes in Australia is around 40-42/100,000 depending on the time period. People die for a variety of reasons.

        The reason for the increase in total volume of AEFI is due to far more people receiving vaccines, than normally. It’s not the rate of AEFI per population, it’s the total number.

        If you don’t understand what I’ve just written either stop trying to take meaning from reports like this or do a basic health statistics / epidemiology course, so you understand what you are reading.

        • See below reply to big ticket. Page 33 does not show results for ‘vax and unvax’ it.

          Someone should read and comprehend the information on papers before making comments like
          "Bahahaha - stop reading these reports if you don’t understand them"
          By skimming over abstracts and the table headings and not delving deeper leads to mis-comprehension.
          Yes you are right, non-covid19 and covid19 on appendix 2 does not mean unvaxx and vaxxed directly.
          But, I refer you to table 14 (a summary of appendix 2) and the paragraph below it which reads

          "This report demonstrates that vaccination with scheduled and influenza vaccines
          continues to be safe, with little change in AEFI rates compared to previous years…"

          I'll spell it out for you. I means that the non-covid19 AEFI rates are similar to that of previous years and therefore data presented under the non-covid19 column is also representative of the unvaxxed, since it logically follows that in the previous years no one was vaxxed. BAMMM!

          The reason for the increase in total volume of AEFI is due to far more people receiving vaccines, than normally. It’s not the rate of AEFI per population, it’s the total number.

          This a classic case of circular reasoning. Even top researchers have fallen for this trap.
          The claim that better monitoring is the reason for the increase is ridiculous.
          Its apparent that, when normalising the data, Table 14, that non-covid19 (~unvaxxed) vs covid19 AEFI's are 11 and 264 per 100,000 doses respectively (2400% increase). By no means is it overstating the fact that its overwhelmingly significant. Considering the level of under reporting and the high rate of adverse events of the covid vaccines, the vaccine rollout required an immediate stop.

          • +1

            @bigticket: You literally have no idea what you’re saying, and are either a massive troll or embarrassing yourself.

            • +1

              @morse: Its embarrassing when someone can not simply post how the information I have presented is flawed for all to see and present the above cop out.

              • +1

                @bigticket: Remind me what you saw on page 8 again?

                • +1

                  @morse: Page 8. An observational study shows that the minions of the system are clearly incapable of any form of rational thought or critical analysis when critiquing a AEFI paper; indicating a psychology divorced from reality.

        • Page 8 does not show this at all. An AEFI is an adverse event following immunisation (not from). An adverse event is any symptom/event that happens after immunisation irrespective of whether it was caused by the vaccination or not.

          It can be a way to gloss over actual adverse events by saying there is no causal connection. Essentially it is a way to NOT blame vaccines. They say individual cases need to be "investigated", but they don't really want to do that. In the Pfizer clinical trial data for instance, the investigators "investigated" adverse events & would make a determination that the vaccine likely wasn't the cause. You have to laugh at that.

          The authorities love to rely on large scale epidemiological trials so they can massage data to suit them & then proclaim to the world that vaccines are "safe & effective".

          • @mrdean: Oh for sure, not arguing that there aren’t nuances to these kind of studies. Same way there’s a determination as to whether someone who dies with COVID or the Flu died ‘from’ the virus or ‘with’ the virus (ie died from old age, cancer etc). This is just the methodology that has to be completed for large population studies. Interestingly though in this study it’s not the researchers who are determining the cause of death, it’s independent doctors, is the cause of death is taken from the death certificate. So it’s hard to suggest it’s all conspiracy as it would have been the person’s GP, pall care consultant, cardiologist or whatever who determined the cause of death.

            Irrespective of all people receiving the COVID vaccine over the period only 40 died (from any cause). BigTicket said page 8 represented ‘excess deaths’ when it’s literally thousands or AEFI like headaches etc, which to be frank they’ve listed pretty transparently. I certainly felt rubbish after my vaccines, that’s an AEFI, I’d be included in the QLD equivalent study as I was part of the early administration programme in QLD and reported symptoms via a website after, I’m not dead though - yet.

            Think what you want about vaccination but how bigticket and mickrb30 have interpreted that report is hilarious - either no idea what they are looking at or being deliberately misleading to draw others towards a whacky cause. Read what they wrote, read the report - absolutely bizarre statements.

            • +1

              @morse: Those government reports are carefully presented in a way to provide plausible deniability, regardless of how bad the situation really is.

              A recent preprint by several doctors & researchers (most of them have been slandered, censored or debunked in social media) focused on autopsied deaths post injection paints a truer picture than ANYTHING a government report will show:


              A good summary is here, which I consider a must read:

              • +2


                The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration.

                Interesting. Given that >90% of Australians were vaccinated, is everyone on the street ghost/zombies?

            • +1

              @morse: Pardon my mistake. This is a just honest mistake, and I am not saying its a typo or auto correct error, I mistakenly typed "death" instead of "an adverse event", without even realising. I certainly know what the figure represents and if that figure did represent deaths it would be my main anchor as an argument. As you can see its was not brought up in any further comments.

              The reason for the increase in total volume of AEFI is due to far more people receiving vaccines, than normally. It’s not the rate of AEFI per population, it’s the total number.

              My main argument still is valid, that is, from the data presented in the report, there is an undeniable and dramatic increase shown on page 8 which represents a 2400% increase of a AEFI from covid vaccinations. Just to be clear, it essentially means the probability of a AEFI 24x more likely from a covid jab compared to a non-covid jab.
              Your first sentence above is correct, but the second sentence "It’s not the rate of AEFI per population, it’s the total number." is absurd. The metric of concerning is rate/100,000, after all the point of interest is how safe these vaccines are compared to traditional vaccines (a AEFI 24x more likely).
              And secondly, my reasoning that the non-covid column(page 33) equates to non-vaxxed, is a robust argument.

              Simply saying "absolutely bizarre statements" does make it so. If my statements were not valid, would it not be easy to simply discredit with sound reasoning? Simply saying my statements are bizarre without reason, makes who less credible?

    • +1

      Why did the exact same thing happen to my family prior to COVID? Why does this sound exactly like what happens every winter when kiddies go hang out with other filthy kiddies for the first five years of their lives?

  • +1

    Maybe try to get her on some kids multi vitamins e.g Solgar U-Cubes Children's Multi-Vitamin & Minerals, 120 Gummies.
    Also expose her to the sun for 10-15 minutes a day as vitamin D has been proven to assist with reducing infections.

  • Let them drink some garden hose water

    • Some pretty nasty chemicals leach from non food grade garden hoses.

      There's a reason they have drinking water specific-material hoses.

  • We're experiencing the same. Its like a rotating roster at home. Someone is sick everyday of the week. Has been like that for 2 months…

  • LOL - as a parent of 3 kids under 7 - if you find a solution please let me know. Sounds completely normal, more importantly how do I prevent my-self from getting it from them each time!

    • +1

      Not possible.

      I caught a flu that almost ended me in 2017, from my son. He fared a lot better than me.

      In 2017 there was a nasty variant going around that wasn't covered in the annual flu vaccine.

  • +1

    We have been to our GP wasn’t much help

    Unfortunately this is the standard Bulk-billed GP service these days.
    Medical practices are infested with Drs with overseas degrees, they're not keen to help, they're essentially prescription dispensers.
    There is a complaints line to raise to weed out these fraudsters.

    • +2

      What are they to do? Hand out ABs like lollies and basically making things worse for everyone? Any doctor with half a brain, isn't going to prescribe ABs without evidence necessitating their use.

  • +1

    Believe it or not science still doesn’t believe cold weather causes common cold.

    • +4

      Are you suggesting the weather makes viruses?

      • global warming - may have made COVID

        there is a theory that increasing temperatures can increase the proliferation of some types of bugs - not least real ones like maybe fire ants approaching Sydney

        • Global warming can make the environment more favourable for viruses, but it can't make it. That's absurd.

          He hasn't responded, so I assume he has realised how silly his comment was.

  • Ask chat GP

  • The child's probably getting the circulated virus, because your dirty people forgetting to sanitise, you probably cough in each others face, touch the controller after each other.

    And you wonder why your children are sick.

    • +1

      Yeah that’s not how the immune system works bro

      • -1

        Now go clean your hands, and stop spreading shit Girl.

  • +2

    Cutout sugar for a month.
    Up intake if Vitamin-C, Zinc rich foods.

  • +1

    Why do people seem to think this is a new phenomenon?
    It happened before COVID and will continue well after.

    Anywhere that is a closed-in area is a breeding ground for illnesses, classrooms, offices, etc.

    Unfortunately families go through the routine of the merry go round that is illnesses due to the amount of people in the household, and reduced immune systems once the family gets hit.

    You just have to deal with it the best you can. There's no magic pill or secret to stop it from happening. And it's going to keep happening since you all share the home and are in close proximity.

  • +2…

    Children get sick regularly, and your GP is correct that reduced herd immunity from circulating viruses likely from lock downs, and reduced humoral immunity in your children from lower viral exposure over recent years, combined with increasing influenza vaccine hesitancy = more infections.

  • +1

    Kids bring home a load of stuff when they hit certain stages, like starting school, pre school etc. I was never crook more often than when my kids went through these stages. Perfectly normal.

    Always great to have yet another boring vax vs anti vax argument though. Plenty of conspiracy echo chambers on social media for enthusiasts to enjoy these fights. Any decent bargains around?

  • can i ask what your diets are consisting of?

  • +2

    My 11 month old is in the same boat. She goes to childcare and comes back with something every week

  • +3

    Easy answer don't have kids

  • I was a sickly child with frequent hospitalisation for croup, asthma with oxygen tents and allergies, hayfever and colds.

    as a young adult I had a constant runny nose until I stopped drinking tea and was advised that I was allergic to tea.

    as an old guy I rarely get sick since my partner is a great cook who keeps me healthy by ensuring I eat enough and a well-balanced diet.

    so yeah - COVID lockdowns if you will, school bugs maybe, otherwise maybe consider whether they could benefit from a healthier diet and exercise.

    e.g. a common thing for kids with respiratory problems used to be to send them for swimming lessons, which builds up the lung functions, whereupon weakly scrawns can turn into muscular champions !

  • +1

    Hello OP.

    I sympathize with you.

    1. You need to strengthen the kids' immune systems. Think Vitamin D (a bit tricky in winter, but ensure they get some sunlight). Then make sure they're running around / moving outside (fresh air), and eating healthy.

    Then, sleep. This one's critical. Finally, whenever they start showing symptoms, hit it hard with something that doesn't have side effects….

    Could include: lemongrass tea with natural honey..
    Vitamin C (mandarins, oranges, tablets, etc)

    But eliminate / reduce:
    Dairy (worsens mucus)
    Sugar (bad for gut health)
    Processed foods…

    Then see how the bodies respond to the two approaches…

    And let us know what worked!

  • +3

    What a dumpster fire of a thread. I need to see my GP for my depression now.

  • Teach your children some basic hygiene.

    • +1

      A 1 year old yeah right

  • +2

    home school, its the only way to avoid sicknesses, the child-care and pre-schools are a breeding pit for viruses and bacteria…

    • I’m seriously considering it

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