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Quorn Vegetarian Products $4.99 @ Woolworths (NSW-Nationally?)


For those Vegetarians out there, or people trying to trick their meat loving friends into eating fake meat, Quorn products are on special at Wollies. It's not in the weekly catalogue, I just happened to notice it while shopping. Forgot to actually check the sale date, but presumably it will end on Tuesday.

I'm an Omnivore, but the GF isn't, so we eat these from time to time. The 'Dippers' are like Chicken Nuggests and are very good (we sometimes question 'are these vegetarian?'!) The 'Quorn Pieces' are good for stir fries or pizza toppings. The Schnitzels are pretty small (better value in the Dippers.) Havn't used the mince very often and haven't tried the sausage rolls.

These don't come on special all that often, (and are still pretty pricey compared to real meat) but thought i'd let you know in case anyone wants to stock up/give it a try.

Note, your local store may not have all varieties.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    these are really yummy, i love the massaman curry and the stir fry 'meat' even by itself. Im not a vegetarian, I love my meat and beef jerky so I was surprised to find this actually tastes good. some vegetarian products like the soy sausages were awful and such a shame coz they turn people off trying other vegetarian food but Quorn products are definately a step up. I also like the tofu steaks but hate soft tofu.

  • and FYI Danyool the sausage rolls are good, Im fussy when it comes to sausage rolls though and only like fresh ones at my local bakery but the Quorn ones are comparable to frozen ones. If I don't like something I bin it and I ate them all even though I burnt some, so they are good in my books.

    • Yeah, might have to try on this round.

  • Thanks, will stock up. Though IIRC these are only about 6 bucks anyway?

    • +1

      $6.35 normally. ~21% discount.

  • What aisle will these be in I have never seen any of these. Will it in the frozen food section.

    • +2

      Yeah frozen, usually near the pizzas.

  • nice

  • +2

    The mince is great in burritos.

    • Mmm. burritos! Good idea. I've used for spagetti bol.

  • -3

    Just make sure you warn any vegetarians you try to feed Quorn to that many of the products contain NON-vegetable ingredients such as eggs…

    • +9

      Vegans are the ones who don't eat eggs and dairy. Quorn is fine for vegetarians :)

      • +5

        It depends what type of "vegetarians" you are talking about ;-)

        There are many groups that identify as vegetarians;
        Ovo-vegetarians, Lacto-vegetarians, Ovo-lacto vegetarians, Buddhist vegetarians, Indian vegetarians, Jain vegetarians, Macrobiotic vegetarians, Sattvic vegetarians, Vegans, Raw vegans, Fruitarians, etc and only SOME of those vegetarians eat eggs and/or dairy…

        I am constantly surprised how often "vegetarians" are offered fish or chicken or even lamb… hahaha

        "Vegan" is a relatively recent term coined precisely because of the confusion surrounding what "vegetarians" do and don't eat (and it is not a universally known term).

        I find it strange that you consider it negative to be polite/considerate and warn someone about what they about to eat :-(

        • +1

          The term Vegetarian generally covers "those who don't eat flesh". There are variations to the theme to cover those who are semi-vegetarian, but that is pretty much what is meant. A Vegan is a person who consumes NO animal produsts.
          Many vegetarians get frustrated about the confusion between vegetarian & vegan because people get it wrong all the time & assume you are hard to feed. A vegetarian is not hard to feed (we eat anything without the meat). A vegan needs to know ingredients right down to eggs, gelatine, milk, etc.
          People have the right to eat whatever they want, but as a vegetarian I get so sick of the "Oh, what do you eat then? Tofu & stuff?" comments. I eat normal foods. I eat takeaway way too often. And I'm not that fond of tofu. :)

        • +7

          You seem to be equating the term "vegetarian" specifically with "OVO-LACTO" vegetarianism, the problem is that not everybody who identifies as vegetarian uses that same definition. That was the whole point of my previous comment ;-)

          For example, the Indian and Jain definition of "Vegetarian" pre-dates yours by many centuries and is used by significantly more people than your specific definition.

          You use the term "generally", but in fact if you want to generalise, over 70% of the world's vegetarians identify as Hindu and whilst many eat dairy, they generally do NOT eat eggs ;-)

          Then again, if you say vegetarians eat gelatin, you are potentially eating the skin, hair, horns, hoofs, bones, cartilage, connective tissues, organs, meat offcuts and intestines of various animals - some of those ingredients would be considered part of the "flesh" by many ;-)

          PS: If you like Quorn, enjoy it ! Just don't assume all people who identify as vegetarians will eat it ! Why all the arguments and negatives ? sheesh…

        • +1

          I generalised in the very next sentence. "There are variations to the theme to cover those who are semi-vegetarian" & yes the many others you mentioned are just as vaild.

          The point I was trying to make was… Vegetarian is a broad term, vegan is not. Sorry if I confused anyone. I haven't given any negs & wasn't meaning to be aggressive, apologies if it were taken that way. It is very hard to put "tone" in text.

          And the Quorn sausage rolls are pretty darn good!

        • No worries Abbycat, no offence was taken on my part, and I hope I didn't cause you any either - the "arguments and negatives" comment wasn't specifically directed at you BTW :-)

          I can also understand your frustration at being grouped together with the "difficult vegans" hehehe, but I was hoping you could consider the frustration of the "vegetarians" who don't share your definition but get served eggs ;-)

          PS: I am one of those "difficult vegans" and in the 20 or so countries I have travelled to this year, it has never been that difficult to get a meal ;-)

        • +1

          As a vegan I struggled in China (everything is swimming in a pool of mystery soupy stuff) and Pattaya (Bangkok kicked ass, but Pattaya was fish fish fish). I got by, but I was disappointed that it wasn't just a little bit easier!

          Anyway thanks for clarifying for people about Quorn. It frustrates me how it's taken over the supermarket shelves to the detriment of vegan products (less room for Fry's and the vegan Sanitarium range), but I appreciate that it makes the transition for people from omni to vegetarian a bit easier. Apparently it's pretty amazing! Hopefully one day we'll get to find out for ourselves….

        • im a meat lover unfortunately but i love tofu steaks so i eat replace meat with tofu often. i hate soft tofu though

  • +1

    I bought some when it was half price and that price felt like fair value to me. Regular price is way too much.

    • When was THAT? Must have missed it. Never seen these less than $4.99

      • It was Woolies. I think it was the introductory offer. This year sometime.

        • +1

          Also keep an eye on Coles if you like Quorn - they have a bigger range and seem to have it on special more often than Woolies/Safeway. They have also offered it cheaper than the current special.

        • +1

          seen it at coles half price 3 times this year.

  • Would one use these as a lower calorie alternative to real meat? I'm a meati eater but would get these as a health option if they are.. healthier.

  • +5

    Just bought a heap of these as they are rarely on special. I'm not vegetarian but I'm finding myself increasingly eating less meat. The Quorn (and the Sanitarium/Fry products) are all really good.

    • +1

      Sanitarium is the best! Yum!

  • Here's the Wikipedia entry on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quorn

    It's mycoprotein made from fungus. Most other meat substitutes are made from soy. I tried two varieties of Quorn products, found one insufficiently tasty, and the other, nuggets I think, ok. So it's up to personal taste. Personally I think it's too expensive at full price but half price would be reasonable. As for the joule count, you'd have to read the package.

  • -6

    This Wiki tells you how mycoprotein is produced. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mycoprotein

    If thats not enough to put you off it, this might. http://www.ehow.com/facts_5730708_harmful-side-effects-mycop…

    It probably won't do you any harm but it hardly a natural food like Soy is.

    I'm a long term (40 something years) vegetarian and have no use for imitation meat products, as i find the look and taste off putting. Some of the Sanitarium stuff is not bad but i'm not even remotely interested in any of Quorns fungus concoctions.

      • edited for clarity and to add link that I forgot -

      I did eat soy, but I'm wary of it now.

      I haven't double checked this but another friend was explaining that soy naturally contains chemicals that cause depression.

      I remember Biota had a soy based medication for women, used because soy is high in … estrogen?

      Also, there's a concern about commercial products that contain soy, where the product is not supposed to be GMO free (genetically modified organisms).

      Studies have been performed on mice and hamsters, comparing diets of soy free, soy inclusive and high in GM soy.

      I forget where the link is for the original studies, but this article sums it up.

      The animals eating predominantly GM soy were noticed to have much higher miscarriage rates than the other sample groups. By continuing the diet pattern, it was found within a few generations there seems to be sterility and lack of sex drive.

      If I remember, the original study on mice also noted abnormal shapes in body organs too, in the GM soy eating mice.

      The article points out that it might not be the GM soy itself, but in the end, the studies do suggest we may want to avoid GM soy until the problems have been isolated and dealt with.

      It was also pointed out it could be the high in GM soy diet could be lacking some of the usual nutrients that mice get, but I think there was a sample group in the test that had a (GMO free) soy predominant diet and it fared far better.

      • I just realized, I forgot to check if Quorn is GMO free :S

    • +2

      Had a look at the links you supplied, it's no big deal and certainly not the "issue" you made it out to be. You may not like these products but some of us do and they're a great way of reducing meat intake

      • Though I'm dubious about the environmental benefits due to the food miles bringing the stuff from UK frozen.

        • Food miles in general are quite complicated; e.g In the UK, a kilo of NZ lamb has a smaller carbon footprint due to farming methods than a kilo of UK lamb! Shipping things by freight is surprisingly efficient, generally.

      • Agreed. I read the pages and apart from growing the fungus in a vat (strange way to grow food, but then again I drink beer) I don't see any issues. There's a rare sensitivity to myroprotein but there's probably a rare sensitivity for all chemicals. I like the idea of the fungus.

        (edit: Check out Paul Stamet's TEDMED talk if you aren't aware of the wonder of fungus!)

  • +1

    Quorn mince is very good, excellent for using in bolognaise or lasagne

  • still quite dear, I normally stock up when it's 50% off.

  • Hmm, I've looked but never found these at my local Safeway (I find Safeway terrible for range of products). Guess I'll have to look at bit harder. Cheers.

  • on rare occasions these do go on sale for 3 dollars. great food. love the dippers and mince.

    • They seem to be on special more often in Coles (and often better specials too.. similar to the one you mention), plus Coles has a bigger range…

      PS: Thanks for the negs ;-)

  • So no one knows if this is national? Damn..

    and yeah, these products are pretty nice, I'm sure a meat eater wouldn't mind having them aswell.

  • The sausages and sausage rolls were terrible.

    other stuff probably ok.

  • I'm a vegetarian, but I hate quorn. If you like it, it might be a good deal.

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