Destination: Manila
Airline: Cebu Pacific
Valid Departure Dates: September to October 2023
Deal Expiry: Till Sold Out
- Direct flights from Melbourne & Sydney to Manila
- Flights on board widebody A330-300 aircraft
- Carry-on luggage only
- September is considered by many as the start of a bountiful and happy season for the Filipinos
- September to October is wet season, so enjoy cheap accomodate rates
Melbourne to Manila Flights from $306 Return.
20/Sep - 10/Oct $306
27/Sep - 10/Oct $306
04/Oct - 24/Oct $306
11/Oct - 31/Oct $306
18/Oct - 07/Nov $306
16/Oct - 07/Nov $306
09/Oct - 31/Oct $398
20/Sep - 12/Oct $398
27/Sep - 17/Oct $402
25/Sep - 17/Oct $402
Sydney to Manila Flights from $329 Return.
10/Oct - 25/Oct $329
13/Sep - 25/Sep $329
06/Sep - 19/Sep $329
13/Sep - 22/Sep $332
06/Sep - 20/Sep $332
11/Oct - 25/Oct $332
06/Sep - 22/Sep $332
11/Oct - 27/Oct $332
07/Mar - 22/Mar $351
12/Sep - 25/Sep $351
- Carry-on luggage only (7kg bags) - checked-in luggage, meals and entertainment are additional
- Please take into account any vaccine/covid test/insurance requirements when traveling
- Based in Canberra, Flightfinderau is an aggregator of flight prices (like Skyscanner). With any online purchases, do your due diligence!
For this deal and more cheap and great value deals (not just focusing on budget carriers) visit and subscribe to flightfinderau
Wish they flew to Brisbane or gold coast