• expired

1KG Kraft Cheese $2.99 Save $7.70 @ Supa IGA Mt Gravatt QLD


I saw these at Supa IGA Mt Gravatt. $2.99 for 1KG Kraft Cheese Colby & Tasty. Best before 31/08/2012. There were about 20 blocks of each.

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closed Comments

  • I want to try and eat this in one go

    • +3

      I shall check the quirky news items in BNE newspapers tomorrow. :)

      • +6

        or maybe try the obituaries?

    • +1

      how about melting it then drinking it? It's more news worthy.. youtube it please.

  • not really a bargain if you have one day to eat it

    • +9

      Ah just take it on a plane going west to have more time to eat it. :)

    • "Best before 31/08/2012" Um, so 8 hours or so before the cheese self destructs becoming inedible due to mould frenzy?

  • nation-wide?

    • I suspect not - it will be a store manager clearence to reduce that stores over suplpy of stock about to pass it's best before date.

      Edit: Just noticed it's actually on a 'Managers Special' tag so this store only.

  • +1

    "Best Before", doesn't mean Use By. I eat stuff past the best before date all the time.

    • +3

      And you are a totally and completely and utterly normal human being, it hasnt affected you one bit- MRHORSEHAM?

  • +1

    You should be fine.

    A friend of mine used to work in a cheese factory, and any regular blocks that had fallen off the rack and lain in a corner for a few months going mouldy, were rescued, the mouldy bits cut off and marketed as extra special vintage!

    • +1

      What was marketed as ESV, the mouldy bits or the remainder? :)

    • It's true. Some products can be kept well after their best before date, assuming they aren't contaminated with foreign bacteria. Moldy bits can be cut off cheese with a wide margin around the mold. Shredded cheese must be discard entirely. I have also kept natural yogurt (not the gelatine/starch variety) well past its best before date without any problems. As long as it's not contaminated.

  • +1

    Supermarkets have these all the time and bakery/hot chickens are reduced daily.

    Also its not about it being "fine" its about a product being fresh.

    You are paying what this product is worth, therefore I can't see how this is a bargain.

    Woolworths/Coles aren't meant to sell products like these for full price, they are thrown away or reduced to sell quickly.

  • +1

    cheesus, that's not a bad price. you can always grate/cut and freeze as well, thereby giving it another 3 months.

  • I'd buy it and put it in the freezer.

  • It ain't easy being cheesy.

  • These were also in Woodridge IGA last week for $3.99.

    So there may be a number of stores aroun this price point (best before date is the same)

  • I half expected someone here to say that they have tried to get a price match from another store :-)
    In true Oz Bargain style

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