Filling Fuel up to The Last Drop

Am I the only titearse that fills their car up until it literally can’t take in anymore, especially when fuel prices are at their potential lowest and are possibly about to jump up by up to 30c/L?

I’ve heard and read varying advice that this behavior could be harmful to the vehicle in some way or could even be dangerous.

Thoughts ?


  • +1

    Depends if you have petrol or diesel. Petrol, no do not do this. Diesel, go for your life.

  • buy a diesel
    no fuel cycle

    other things instead

    • +5

      so much enviro crap in modern diesel to fix when they often broken … dpf / egr / doc / scr

  • +1

    Petrol just jumped by close to 50c/l in NSW. It depends on how soon your car consumes the full tank. If it is for commuting only, no more than three 20L fuel cans is enough to help you always fill up at the low price.

    A full tank lasts 3 to 4 weeks for me, with two fuel cans.

    • -2

      Petrol just jumped by close to 50c/l in NSW.

      Maybe 5c
      NSW fuel watch trend shows average up from 176c to 184c over the last 5 days

      • +1

        That's average increase. It varies by locations. Some stay almost the same. A serve may offer at 160c/l now, but the next move will be 210c/l at any time.

      • +1

        my local independent is 157 while the 7/11 down the road is 209 for E10

        • jebus. here i'm paying 75.9 for LPG. down from 90.0 a month or so ago.

      • From 172c to 222c for 95 in Sydney

  • I would do half litre to one litre. Depending on your tank.

  • +1

    Umm … Extra weight in fuel !!!

    This very reason that both freight companies + airlines do such precise calcs.

    From memory, the company i work for, saves roughly $300 per trip … by only loading up with diesal to make trip (+ a little to cover emergencies).

    Looking at some of the (owner/driver) prime movers … that have 300L on EACH side of cab.

    Yet, when they go over weighbridge, they are overweight.

    • When diesel costs the same, trips are being made on the same day, and refills every day, then yes, makes sense. Not for a private use commuter car.

  • Thanks everyone.

    Apologies I probably didn’t word my post the best.

    Other than the extra fuel used due to additional weight of car with full tank, are there any other potential issues to the car. I’ve read you’re meant to stop filling up when the fuel pump first auto stops. And that it’s “better” to leave some empty space in fuel tank. And in some cars, it might actually be dangerous to overfill.

    • +2

      Suggest doing whatever your owner's manual advises. Mine says don't continue beyond the first click because it uses up the expansion volume, so I only do it when hypermiling on long distance road trips.

      • -1

        What firsyclicm

      • yes I was led to believe that my car had something like a plastic tank linked to the top tube as expansion volume which could be damaged and risk leaks if you habitually filled the tank to the top of the tube.

        Dunno - just an impression I got somewhere

  • +5

    i go to the first click then on to the next dollar (+.03 because i always go over lol)

  • +1

    Oh shit, I have been going for 3 clicks sometimes…🤦

  • +1

    And always tap out the last few drops.

    • +2

      Dont forget to lift the hose too.

  • +1

    Apparently you're not supposed to do it:…

    • +1

      @pegaxs trigger warning

      • Oh god…. I don't want to look. Is it Scotty or Cadogan?

        • +2

          Rev up your engine…

    • Good video? A bit scary for some reason. So it costs $500+ to rectify the damages if you consistently overfill your car.

  • +1

    This fellow has great delivery and explains why you shouldn't overfill your tank.

    • +2

      OMG! He is the yankee version of Cadogan!

  • -2

    f you ignore the first click, you could be filling past the top of the fuel tank and that extra fuel will end up running into the small drain under the entry and onto the ground beneath your vehicle. “On some pumps, the extra fuel may be sucked back into the pipe

    • f you ignore the first click, you could be filling past the top of the fuel tank and that extra fuel will end up running into the small drain under the entry and onto the ground beneath your vehicle. “On some pumps, the extra fuel may be sucked back into the pipe

      Please tell me how that happens as that small hose does not go to ground.

  • +1

    If rarely going for long trips, pointless keeping the vehicle nearly full all the time, due to extra weight being lugged around.

  • Also squeezing the fuel pump less than the half way point saves money

  • -1

    If you fill all the way up and the nozzle cuts out you are still paying for the petrol in the hose. If you estimate and use the limit buttons the bowser cuts you off when you are getting close to the limit and you use everything left in the hose. Basically put with a highly compressed liquid fuel you save several fractions of a cent and show those multinationals who’s the boss.

    • If you fill all the way up and the nozzle cuts out you are still paying for the petrol in the hose. If you estimate and use the limit buttons the bowser cuts you off when you are getting close to the limit and you use everything left in the hose. Basically put with a highly compressed liquid fuel you save several fractions of a cent and show those multinationals who’s the boss.

      Good grief. Are you for real.

    • +1

      Well, that is wrong. As someone who fits and services fuel nozzles, this isn’t how they work.

      The hose is already full when you operate the pump for a start, so when it stops it’s still full. So, no, you are not paying for the fuel in the hose.

      Fuel from one of these pumps is not highly compressed.

      • -1

        Lol welp, someone just got schooled. How embarrassing.

  • How do you know when it's the last drop?

    • Some makes like suzuki, overlow hole is at the lid, so can put in a extra 2-3 litres over capacity.
      While some cars like outlander put the overflow like 5cm deep, which means even dribble when pulling nosel out is lost.

  • It's rare, but the funniest thing I've seen people do to 'get the last drop' is actually grab and shake the car side to side, so that they'll get that liquid fuel into every space in the fuel tank…

    Pump, grab car and shake side to side. Pump some more. Shake the car again. It's hilarious.

    • That’s either a mental illness or severe poverty.

  • -2

    risky waiting till last drop . rather fill during mornings when its cold to get extra fuel.

    • +1

      The tanks are stored at least a metre underground and contain tens of thousands of litres of fuel. It's extremely unlikely the temperature change between morning and afternoon will make any significant difference.

      • Unless you use LPG

  • +1

    it's like when you're chucking a pee and you need to do the shake at the end so the last few drops don't go onto your underwear

  • I stop at the first click. I can't be bothered trying to squeeze out another few cents when it's cheap knowing the saving is less than a few cents

  • +2

    Just use a lighter to check if you're completely full.

  • Brimming the fuel can cause damage to emission systems and potentially cause fuel to leak to atmosphere.

    If I know I'll ne driving at least 50km (about 6 litres usage) after fuelling I'll brim my fuel tank because the tank is too small. At best I get 550km from a tank and that's OK in civilisation but if I'm out bush then the extra 30-50km range can be very handy.

    THe diesel VW Polo had a button that allowed you to burp the tank and fit extra fuel into the thermal expansion tank but you had to immediately be driving 100km

  • Reminds me of those who tries to 'maximise' their dollar by queuing up for ages at the petrol station with the engine running. There is frugality and there is stupidity. Which one is you?

  • +1

    You sure that's not people just making sure petrol doesn't drip all over their car when they remove the nozzle?

  • Don't overfill your fuel tanks. Car Care Nut on youtube explains why it's a bad idea.

  • +1

    These same people that obsess over a few extra drops of petrol probably don't think twice about throwing away a toothpaste tube with a week's worth of toothpaste still inside. cut that in half and get every last bit - the unit price of that is much more valuable than a few drops of petrol!

    Or the same people that obsess about getting the lowest cents per litre price and filling tank extra full, may then drive with a heavier right foot, accelerate towards red traffic lights, make unnecessary short trips where you could just walk, etc. These all use far more petrol than what you're saving by obsessing at the petrol station. The way I see some friends drive they'd be getting 15L/100km in their mid-size 2L cars - heavy right foot, harsh braking, drag race from every traffic light etc. Unbelievable.

    There's saving money, then there's just going too far - just like those people who turn every item off in their house overnight to save a few cents of power. Great you've saved 2c but had no Wifi overnight.

    • Is it bad that I cut my toothpaste tubes?
      And accelerate slowly off the green light while everyone else races past, only to keep accelerating towards red traffic lights to brake super late (which means they're still on the gas), it's terrible how people drive.

      • +1

        No, I'm saying it makes more logical sense to cut open a toothpaste tube and use up that last bit instead of throwing it away - that has more benefit than a few drops of petrol.

        • True true. 😅😏👍

    • This is like people who must fill up to an even number, I think it’s called OCD. Or people who have to drive several kms away just to find the cheapest fuel. Like bro, you literally just wasted what you saved?

  • Nah brah, you need to stop when it clicks - it needs some air

  • Damn, mental health is a lot worse than I thought.

  • Been filling my vehicle to the brim for 16 years with no problems.

    • +1

      I've been smoking for 20 years with no problems, doesn't make it a good idea.

  • more out of laziness as I only drive to work and doing shift work, 12 hour shifts, I rather only fill up every 2-3 weeks

  • I fill all the way, until my car can not take any more drops! This is mostly to get by the fortnight so that I don't have to go during the weekdays to fill up the tank.

  • A more interesting question is why it seems only men tap the fuel nozzle to shake free fuel drops before placing back into bowser.

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