This was posted 1 year 8 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1, XSX, SUBS] Grand Theft Auto V Added to Xbox Game Pass


Available Today

Grand Theft Auto V (Cloud and Console)
When a young street hustler, a retired bank robber, and a terrifying psychopath find themselves entangled with some of the most frightening and deranged elements of the criminal underworld, the U.S. government, and the entertainment industry, they must pull off a series of dangerous heists to survive in a ruthless city in which they can trust nobody — least of all each other. Includes both the Xbox One and the Xbox Series X|S versions of Grand Theft Auto V.

Previous long running post for Xbox One version

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closed Comments

  • +11

    For how long? They seem to add GTA to gamepass and pull it to make a few more purchases.

    • +2

      Yeah GTA games usually have the shortest lives on PS+ and Gamepass. When you look at the table of how long games stay in there the series is right near the bottom.

      I'm pretty sure I already bought it. I definitely remember pirating it for 360 anyway and then playing it a lot on Xbone.

    • +1

      Previously 4 months.

      • This is why I don't see a lot of value in game passes, because you never really own the game, you're just renting it and only for as long as they say.

        • +3

          Unfortunately as a lot of sales are digital and/or tied to an account you don't really own the game anyway

        • +3

          At least first party games should never be removed (except for Forza due to licensing).

          But I still agree except for the fact it’s so cheap if you top up using a VPN.

        • Buy the games you love, play lots of new games you otherwise wouldn't have tried or bought? You can get them with a discount if it's on game pass too (I got rocket league for $15 half price yeeeears ago)

          I've finished 5 game pass games this year that otherwise wouldn't have even really looked at. Play it, don't like it, move on? A great way since no one hardly does demos anymore.

          They also aren't up there for a few weeks or months, they are there for quite a while.

  • +7

    An addition for the hundreds or thousands who just signed up to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate hehee

    • +1

      Is it not there for PC users? Cant see it

      • +1

        For consoles only, unfortunately.

        • I think Ultimate for both, I trial before

      • PC users already got GTA V free (to keep) on Epic (last year? Year before?)

    • 1800 clicks..

      I don't think their business model is affected by people doing this as much as you might think, otherwise they'd figure out a way to lock it down.

      • +1

        You don’t need to click that link. Most people will not have. So that 1800 isn’t meaningful.
        921 upvotes and 21 pages of comments is massive

      • Steuart you make me laugh
        Something affecting their business model and somebody being able to do something about it are two different things.

        Microsoft take for ever to lock anything down and history has shown this over and over

        • Hey I'm not complaining, I've got 3 years stacked, just saying there probably aren't hundreds of thousands doing it via ozb

  • -2

    ahahahaha, a buddy wanted to play this online with me the other week, he bought it a day after it stopped being on sale for half the price and couldn't be bothered to refund it, we still haven't got around to having a sesh, now he could have done it free and saved the 30 buckaroos.

    Still a piss off his Xbox One version couldn't play with my Series version but whatever. Wonder how long it will last on GP this time. Might play it for a few on the toilet via xCloud at least.

  • -1

    Literally just bought this game for the third time last week so I could play the series x version

    • Bought my third copy a few months ago as well. I'll play it after I finish the remastered San Andreas..

  • Was just about to buy this on Series X as I felt like playing it again after beating the Xbox One version on GP a few years back. Good timing.

  • Does this mean it will come to cloud gaming?

    • +2

      Available Today: Grand Theft Auto V (Cloud and Console)

      • Yep I just couldn’t seem to see it on there.

        Edit: I can see it now!

  • Have the graphics been updated since its original release or on the Series X version?

    • Yes

    • Feels like a totally different game when you jump on the series X version. At first it felt really strange and almost broken as we've been playing in 30 frames per second forever going to 60 actually feels like you're in fast forward until you get used to it. I'm still noticing changes. Massive amounts of graphic and vehicle upgrades and I've been on this version since it was released

  • +6

    A ten year old game. Time to move on.

    • +2


    • +5

      Games dont have an expiry date, on any given day i'm playing stuff from across the last 40 years of gaming, imagine cutting yourself off at the 10 year or less mark lol

    • +1

      Skyrim says hello

    • +1

      Most updated game I've ever played and still plays better than pretty much anything on the market on Console

    • Why are commenting on a ten year old game? :)

  • -3

    i dont know if itll be the same but play it and buy any dlc through microsoft and they usually gift you the full game once they take it off gamespass

    • ooh that's interesting, haven't head of that before, yet again it's not often games I want to keep playing more leave Game Pass…

      • -1

        forza motorsport 7 is one, but ive just realised that was completley taken off the xbx store also.

  • Sweet. It's the upgraded version too.

  • Is it cross platform? I think I have this on epic for free back when GTA V was being given away.

  • +1

    Never got into the GTA games so good opportunity to give it a whirl
    This is the best one correct?

    • +1

      Opinions differ, some prefer GTA IV for a host of different reasons, and some still say the older titles (San Andreas, Vice City etc) were the best.

      But this game imo is fantastic and well worth a play through. I just wish it had more mini games and content for when you are done with the story.

    • +1

      Everyone has their favourites, there is no universal best one. I loved GTA 3 and it's the only one i have played through to the end, but i have played a decent amount of all the others too, other than GTA 5 which i am currently downloading! And on Series X/PS5 it has a 1440p 60fps mode with ray tracing :)

    • It's not the best story in my opinion but it's the best online experience you'll get

    • +2

      san andreas

  • -2

    Meh I haven't used my game pass in over year.

    have owned GTA V with all the dlcs for years on PC, and playstation, not really a big deal.

    • Awesome, thanks for the update!

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