• expired

[QLD] Assure Advantage Electricity Residential Plan (Variable, No Lock-in) Next Rates Review 1 November 2023 @ Sumo Energy


Last week my current energy retailer (Origin) within the Queensland Energex distribution area advised that my rates, with controlled load 1 and 2 and no solar or smart meter, would be increasing substantially as of 1 July 2023. Yesterday I decided to "shop around" using the Federal Government 'Energy Made Easy' website. https://www.energymadeeasy.gov.au/

I found a much better deal being offered by 'Sumo' for a variable, no lock-in contract. It is understood that Sumo revised their rates last week. The next revision date is 1 November 2023.

Having called up and during the sign-up process, I was 'lucky' to be also offered a $25 welcome credit per account. It will be available first bill. Although low compared with past offers, the $25 credit is fine with me given the much lower cents-per-kilowatt usage rates and daily supply charges of the 'Assure Advantage Residential' plan as of 1 July 2023.

Certainly the plan is a 'bargain' when compared to many of their competitors' rates, further helped by the upcoming Queensland Government ("cost of living") electricity rebate of $550 per household for 2023/24, $1,072 for certain eligible households. "For most households, the rebate will be credited to electricity bills on a quarterly basis commencing from 1 July 2023. Exact timing will depend on retailers’ system requirements and individual billing cycles." https://www.qld.gov.au/community/cost-of-living-support/conc…

Under the 'Assure Advantage Residential' plan, the following rates were offered with an estimated price of $118.75 per month based on a family using 4612 kWh per year on a single rate tariff in the Energex distribution area.

Single rate + controlled load 1 & 2 'anytime' rates (inclusive of GST) - 28 percent less than reference price:

** Daily Supply Charge (cents per day) 101.2 (current Origin 'Go Variable' rate as of 1 July - 121.935)
** Peak Usage (cents per kWh) 22.88 (Origin rate - 29.161)

** Controlled Load 1 Usage (cents per kWh) 18.15 (Origin rate - 21.252)
** Controlled Load 2 Usage (cents per kWh) 19.25 (Origin rate - 21.252)
** Daily Supply Charge - CL1 and CL2 (cents per day) 5.5 (Origin rate - 6.798)


As frustrating as it all is, it does pay to shop around and be prepared to switch to a better deal. Nothing concerning electricity is really a "bargain" but any better deals out there (such as Sumo, Nectr, Globird, OVO etc) certainly help…..

Referral Links

Referral: random (3)

$50 off electricity bill for referrer and referee.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Calling Sumo directly to sign up used to (maybe still does?) give a $100 credit ($50 first bill and $50 second bill). Might be worth looking in to.

    • I called Sumo directly but the fellow advised me they revised the welcome credit to $25 because their rates are currently "so competitive"

  • +2

    This looks good, but can I bring my solar 49c FIT to these guys without any change?

    • Who are you with getting $0.49 FIT? Mine reduced to $0.44 (govt only; retailer pays $0.00) and so I'm looking

      • Origin, but we signed up with them when the solar scheme was first introduced back in 2011

    • -4

      Weird flex but OK.

    • +1

      heard the high FIT is going away in Nov this year

      • +1

        Nope, mine expires 2028

        • +1

          Have you been switching companies without that changing or decided to play it safe and stick to one lol

      • +2

        that's just more LNP white anting.

        Qld Labor don't need help making them look bad, but the amount of mis-information the LNP are spreading, is just awful. They're doing this via social media ads, podcasts ads, etc.

        Solar Bonus Scheme 44c feed-in tariff
        The Solar Bonus Scheme offering a 44 cent feed-in tariff is not available to new customers.

        If you currently receive this tariff rate (and maintain your eligibility) you will receive this rate until its expiry date on 1 July 2028.


  • +2

    Credit check? May be worth considering if changing often.

    the upcoming Queensland Government ("cost of living") electricity rebate of $550 per household for 2023/24

    As I know, $550 is not one-off subsidy, and it would be on quarterly basis ($550/4=$112.5 per quarter). How does it work on monthly bills and when changing provider?

    • On monthly bills with Nectr, was wondering the same re:quarterly bill discount

      • +2

        I’d imagine it would just be pro-rata monthly

    • What's the eligibility criteria for the subsidy?

      • Living in QLD!

  • +1

    Does variable mean they can change their rates at any time? I swapped to Nectr a few months ago with $50 off first bill (via friend referral, we both got $50 off) and I think the rates were fixed for a year

    • +1

      yes rates can change any time but was assured the next revision date for Sumo is 1 November 2023.

    • +1

      All those fixed plans are gone atm, I think Nectr was the last one still going but now is no more.

  • +1

    I believe Sumo charges the "in-demand rate" as well which makes the plan less competitive.

    • nope, the above plan is 'anytime rates' (tariff code 8400). Time Of Use tariff (6900/8900) and Anytime Demand tariff (3700/3900) are different - https://wattever.com.au/compare-sumo-energy-electricity-rate…

      • OP can you choose whether to go on single rate or demand rate? Some retailers I checked with don't offer a choice, smart meters are forced onto demand rate plans.

        • +1

          Dont think you can, i was singing up thinking i was getting single rate. Hour later got my signup and was put on the much more expensive demand rate plan.

          Pretty shifty they dont show you the plan rates again while you are signing up and have entered your address.

          Emailed them back and asked to cancel straight away

          • +1

            @bigbaddbaz: 10 business days cooling off period in contracts, for you to leave. Supply reverts to previous retailer.

        • can you choose whether to go on single rate or demand rate?

          No. You can't choose what type is applied by retailer. Have tried.

          smart meters are forced onto demand rate plans.

          If retailer has Demand tariff - yes. Some don't have Demand tariff.
          Depends which retailer you choose.
          I have a smart meter. So Sumo would have to put me on Demand rate.

          In Qld, was put on demand rates when switched to Alinta. Didn't suit my use. (Was having to be wary of use within demand rate times. That's it's intent.)
          Switched to PowerShop which only had single rate.
          Bills were about the same.

          • @INFIDEL: By law , retailer can't switch your plan without your authentication. Some people I heard they successfully raise a complaint and back to one rate plan

            • -1

              @adpaholic: Of course you need to authorise any change in plans.
              (I posted what happens in Qld under Energex in this Qld Deal, whereas you aren't in Qld. It may be different where you are.)

              What was being discussed was…
              "can you choose whether to go on single rate or demand rate?"
              - when YOU choose to switch electricity retailer.

              (Question was not for when already with a retailer. If your current retailer moved you to a different type of plan without your authority, a complaint should move you back. As you commented.)

              If you disagree with type of plan you are being switched to, you have 10 working days to cancel switch of retailer & you go back to original retailer & plan. So check your information pack sent to you at time of change over.

              I asked 2 electricity retailers before last switch. Was told you are put on the plan the retailer has, that is specified for your meter number by the electricity supplier - Energex.
              Told the retailer has no choice.

              So for Sumo & most retailers - that will be Demand for my meter number. Only if the retailer doesn't have a Demand tariff, it will be their Single tariff. You can ask what plan the retailer will put you on - before switching.

              I've chosen to switch many times for years, now every 2-3 months. Never had a problem. And always got a bigger incentive than $25 originally offered in this Deal.

  • -1

    Took up the Rewards offer with Origin - just ended. 25,000 points ($125) + $150 credit to switch retailer.

    As a very low electricity user, no solar, swapping retailer every 2-3 months to take up atteactive offers - pay effectively $0 for electricity.
    With Qld Govt rebate - will be a profitable year!!
    So rates really don't affect me.

    • yep I do the same, I took up two offers with Origin earlier this year (EDR points and retention credits) but check that Origin hasn't jacked up your rates as of 1 July 2023 like mine (otherwise your QLD Government rebate will be eaten away).

      • -1

        There's the $150 credit + $125 Rewards points…
        My monthly bill at the moment is under $35.
        Will swap in 2 months, so will make a profit even if rates double. Given up comparing rates in last few years of swapping.

        That's before the minimum $550 Qld Govt rebate!

        • mate, the rates have been jacked up as of 1 July…..

          • -1

            @puglikesabargain: I know. But, that doesn't worry me, on such a low monthly bill of less than $35!!
            The incentives will more than cover any increase before I switch in 2 months.

            • @INFIDEL: fair enough, but I would rather have a, say, $20 monthly bill than a "$35" bill - better places to put my $15 than into an electricity retailer (and switch but still take the incentives if possible)….

              • -1

                @puglikesabargain: You have a $20 monthly electricity bill??
                (without solar on all electric household - as I do)

                As I said - I effectively paid $0 for last 2 years for electricity! So $0 bills after incentives

                • @INFIDEL: no just pointing out that switching might mean your $35 bill reduces to say $20 per month if one switches away from Origin's jacked-up rates….

                  • -1

                    @puglikesabargain: So a theoretical $15 / m saving over 2 months with Origin… $30

                    Against much larger incentives I'll receive over that same period??

                    Seems you don't like saving money! I do!

                    Again how could you only pay $20/m when that's less than the supply charge with no consumption??

                    • -1

                      @INFIDEL: I said "and switch but still take the incentives if possible"….

                      Of course, I would take the Origin incentives, and switch asap away from their higher rates. Chances are they will offer a retention incentive in the 10 day cooling off period to get you back too.

                      If I didn't like saving money, I wouldn't have written his post !!!………

                      • -1

                        @puglikesabargain: But you stoll contend you could pay $20/ m without solar in this Deal??

                        • -1

                          @INFIDEL: no you have entirely missed my point…end of discussion

                          • -1

                            @puglikesabargain: Your $20/m costings make no sense in the real world!
                            My cost before incentives - last bill was $33 for month.

                            • -1

                              @INFIDEL: ??? can you not understand I plucked $20 out of the air to make the point that by switching might mean your $35 bill reduces to say $20 per month if one switches away from Origin's new rates….

                              • -1

                                @puglikesabargain: Not much of a point if its made up & totally unachievable.

                                Surely you realise no household pays $20/m for electricity before incentives & rebates, unless they have solar!

                                Switching to cheaper retailer won't achieve the savings you hypothesised!

                                Supply charges are the minimum payment. Bill can't be cheaper than that. You quote 1.01.2c/d x 30…
                                Over $30/m! Much more than your theoretical $20/m if I switched to your Deal🤔

                                (*My $33 bill is lower because of old Qld Govt daily rebate. That would apply to this Deal as well - @ higher price due to increase. Not including last years $175 'cost of living' payment.)

                                I've been running these figures for years, to get best possible deal for my situation.

                                $25 Welcome Credit is nothing compared to usual Deals here.
                                Last 2 switches this year to low cost retailers netted $150 Visa & $100 Woolies gift card. Now with Origin Deal it's offering more (at a higher rate).

                                Will be making a profit after incentives, before Qld Govt $550 payment, even with with price hike!

                                First time with Origin in 10 years. Had terrible customer service & incorrect bills. Will be happy to leave!

                                In my situation, the rates charged aren't as critical over 2 months between switching, as incentives offered for switching!!

                                Check the offers & compare the costs. Everyone's situation is different!


                              • -1

                                @puglikesabargain: The actual increase in bills between my previous retailer PowerShop in June & Origin in July was $1!! (A few kWh higher consumption in July & same number of days)

                                As shown in actual bills, Origin was not so terribly dearer due to substantial increases as you claimed.

                                I plucked $20 out of the air to make the point that by switching might mean your bill reduces to say $20 per month

                                Your advice of saving $15/m resulting in a $20/m bill with Sumo just was impossible!!
                                A quick look at your own figures in the Deal Description, of the minimum monthly bill would have shown you that!

                                I calculate based on actual figures, not like yours plucked out of the air to "make a point"!

                                People should never knowingly give incorrect financial advice in Deals, as you did!!
                                Hence my Neg!

                                I would have been much worse off following your flawed advice😜

                                By changing to Origin, in 3 weeks have already received 25,000 Rewards pts ($125).
                                Plus $150 Origin credit shown in first bill💰

                                Very happy with my choice😊

            • +1

              @INFIDEL: Is that 150$ credit and 125$ rewards sell still going? Thought that expired on July 1st

  • +1

    To use a "referral code" ("$50 off electricity bill for referrer and referee"), do I understand correctly that I need to sign up via telephone? I couldn't see where to enter this in the online sign up form… 🤔

    • Did you figure out if $50 referral discount is stackable with the $25 signup bonus? Thanks

      • +1

        I called up and he wouldn't offer the $25. He also wouldn't offer the same rate as available via the website (said he would have to charge me "demand" rates rather than single rate). Then he hung up on me.

        • +1

          Wow so much for customer service

        • that's not good

  • +1

    If I churn from my current electricity provider now (ie mid-July), will I still somehow end up getting the equivalent of the full $550 Qld rebate? How will that work, eg with partial rebates spread across bills from both my old electricity provider (Diamond) and new electricity provider (Sumo)?

    • +2

      QLD electricity credit is applied quarterly to your electricity account @$137.50.

      If you have not used up that credit before switching electricity retailers, the old retailer has to refund the unused credit to you. It's your money💰

      Was paid out to my bank account by electricity retailer, in last financial year's $175 'cost of living' QLD electricity credit. But had to ask them for it!

      As the amount & system has changed this financial year, it could be changed. (Would otherwise need to be transferred to next electricity retailer.)

      You won't lose it!

  • I have a Bakery in Sunshine Coast QLD
    Using approx 240kw a day (7440kw month @ 31 days)
    Where are the best Business plan rates.
    Rates above are cheaper than I was with AGL before rise.

    Where is best Bang for Buck Business rates post July?

  • $25 to switch electricity retailer is very low!
    Never received less than $100 to switch.

    Can get much better incentives to change electricity retailer. Check out Deals that pop up.

    Last 2 switches to low cost retailers netted $150 Visa & $100 Woolies gift card.
    Recently expired Origin Deal offered 25,000 Rewards points ($125) + $150 bill credit. Took up that Deal, despite higher tariff.

    Switch every ~2 months for the incentives & effectively paid nothing for electricity for years. (Low power user, no solar, electric only house)
    Similarly, been switching phone SIMs to significantly reduce costs for 8 years.

    So differences between retailers tariffs over that short period is insignificant. Only significant if staying with retailer long term. But that isn't as cost effective.

  • +1

    How do I get this $25 welcome credit? Is it via calling up only?

    • I called up and it was offered during the sign-off process

      • +1

        Ok thank you will give it a try. Sumo is working out to be the cheapest rates for me in my Area.

  • +1

    I got offered $100 off ($25 off each month for 4 months). But i had signed up and that was when i called to cancel.

    Could be worth a try. I didn't stay with them, usually these kind of over the phone discounts have a way of never being applied.

  • -3

    This is normal Sumo pricing!
    There is no saving off Sumo pricing to make it a Deal.

    Belongs in Forums
    (Deal Description has extra information, which may be useful for some.)


    This Deal was originally posted & all upvotes were for Deal which included unobtainable $25 credit:
    [QLD] Assure Advantage Residential Plan (Variable, No Lock-in) with $25 Welcome Credit @ Sumo Energy

    After OP's 11 Revisions to Deal, the unobtainable $25 credit was finally removed.


    Apparently to overhype the savings of signing up for this Deal, OP claimed the monthly bill could be just $20!! (Without using solar or other rebates.)
    switching might mean your bill reduces to say $20 per month

    I pointed out that hypothetical $20/m bill was totally unrealistic & unobtainable with Sumo.
    Instead of withdrawing the false claim, OP weirdly admitted…
    ??? can you not understand I plucked $20 out of the air to make the point that by switching might mean your bill reduces to say $20 per month
    That's never how a Deal should be promoted😜

    Rather, the minimum bill charge is ~$30/m just for the 101.2c/d Supply Charge (before any electricity use charges). Bill can't be cheaper than that by OP's own figures in Deal Description! (Without using solar or other rebates not in this Deal.)

  • -1

    Everyone's circumstances & usage are different. So do your own research on pricing!

    Compare electricity retailers rates on reputable comparison sites. Read user comments on retailers here.
    Your use may be unlike that shown - mine is so much less! Cost doesn't take into account discounts or referral credits offered. That can affect order shown.

    Check your own consumption figures.
    Calculate savings based on your actual figures, not what someone "plucked out of the air"!!!

    Check offers to change electricity retails
    Often in Deals here.

    Consider switching electricity retailers regularly to receive those incentives. (usually need to stay with retailer min 60d)
    The incentives can cancel out any possibly higher rates, or even mean effectively paying nothing for electricity (as I do)💰

  • Be careful of this company. I signed up with them at one rate, and they changed the rate the same day I signed up to be around 45% higher (they didn’t tell me, of course)
    I cancelled the day I found out (bill shock!).

  • Beware - Check your bill carefully if you switched to them recently. They charged me using completely different rate. Peak usage rate is 55% higher than the offer letter I received. The whole bill is 40% higher than what I signed up for.
    They admitted their fault right away when I rang and said they will regenerate the bills next week, but I highly doubt they will do anything if you do not complain.

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