TIDAL Price Increase from August (ARG by 4x, AUS by ~$1/mth)

Received an email overnight to indicate the Hifi Plus plan is increasing from $145 to $570 (~aud$3.30) from 01 August. Wasn't able to find details of these changes on their website or elsewhere. Comments in the deal post indicate Hifi Individual is rising to ARS$380 (~aud$2.20) per month.

Family plan prices also confirmed to be increasing by ~4x, to:
Hifi Family = 589ars / mth
Hifi Plus Family = 890ars / mth

AU Hifi plan increase: $11.99 to 12.99/mth.

If you've received an email about price change for a family plan, please could you comment the details.

El precio de TIDAL HiFi Plus cambiará partir del 1ero de Agosto de 2023
El precio de la suscripción de HiFi Plus subirá a $570 el 1ero de agosto. Tu suscripción se renovará automáticamente al nuevo precio de $570 el 1ero de agosto o en tu próxima fecha de facturación (la fecha que sea primero). El nuevo importe se cobrará al método de pago que hayas registrado, a no ser que canceles antes de dicha fecha.
Puedes modificar o cancelar tu suscripción

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  • I received it too (Hifi Plus individual), thanks for the heads up I wouldn’t have read the email otherwise. No change for those on the non Plus tier?

  • Oz prices going up too - 12.99/month

      • Yep :( which made me look on here for deals lol
        Maybe its an across countries thing?
        Time to reenrol in study, incease my hecs debt so i can get better discounts

  • I think I have the hifi plus plan but not received any email yet

  • No price increase email yet for Tidal Family plans. Seems to be just for single users.

  • Got the price increase email stating the new price will be $380 from Aug 1st (Previously $99)
    Switched to Family for $145 to see if I can bypass it on this round.

      • Yeah, they'll need to advise me of an increase first before upping the price though.
        I signed up for 145ARS pm, no mention of the increase when upgrading..

        Hoping I slip between the cracks, worth a try at more than half the price..

          • @xwx: Had no idea about the Family Plan inactivity.

            Cheers mate

              • @xwx: Appreciated legend ;)

  • Just got the notification that HiFi Plus (Family) will now increase from $225ARS (AU$1.23) to $890ARS / month (AU$4.85).

  • +1

    Is there a cheaper place than argentina now?

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