How was the best manager you ever had? What specifically made them exceptional in their role? How did their management style impact your performance and job satisfaction?
On the flip side, how was the worst manager you ever had? What actions or behaviors contributed to this negative experience?
How did it impact your professional growth, pay and entitlements and work environment? Kindly refrain from mentioning specific names or identifiable information about individuals.
Had a manager several years ago who I gave 3 months notice that I need a certain Saturday off for my sister wedding. I reminded him several times leading up to it.
All was good until the week of the wedding i reminded him again.
He said no I can’t have it as someone else had requested the day off for golf and if my sister could change her wedding date.
I said you’re kidding, she can’t change her wedding a few days beforehand and I’ve given you three months notice.
He said sorry I can’t do anything about it.
I told him I don’t care, I will be not here on Saturday, you can give me the day off, a sickie or sack me.
I’m going upstairs to see the manager.
In the end he said I will have to get someone in on overtime to cover you and I will get into trouble.
I said no you are covering someone to cover someone to play golf.