Aiper Seagull Pro Cordless Robotic Pool Cleaner
US$729 (~A$1089.99) +Free Shipping+AU warehouse Delivery+2 year warranty
Aiper Seagull Pro Cordless Robotic Pool Cleaner
US$729 (~A$1089.99) +Free Shipping+AU warehouse Delivery+2 year warranty
I got the home with the pool … but no way I can afford a pool cleaner now.
Thought the thumbnail was binoculars.
Only buy a robot pool cleaner with a good local warranty as you are more than likely going to need it. I had a very expensive one that didn't tell you that the water proof grease would need to be reapplied after several years. Many now have an enclosure that is welded together, but that means it would be almost impossible to service.
Got one, now just need to buy a home with pool