How Do Bunnings Charge for Cutting Timber?

Bought one decking board and three pieces of timber from my local Bunnings. All were 5.4m long. So the guy helped me cut them into 2.7m (one cut each piece).

I noticed that first cut free, extra cut would incur $0.50 per cut. At the counter, I told the woman I had one cut per board. Then she charged me $1.50 extra (for three cuts). She explained that the first cut PER TRANSACTION is free. It’s difficult to believe it, because people can avoid it by making multiple transactions. I know it often depends on who was operating the cash register at that time.

I just want to find out IF this woman lied.

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Bunnings Warehouse
Bunnings Warehouse


  • +4

    It's actually first two cuts are free (for docking, not panel cuts) but I do agree it's per transaction, not per piece.

    • Thanks for confirming. Some people just can’t be more toxic on a forum.

      • +1

        I haven't even read the comments yet but already understand.
        But to answer, I can speak from experience, Bunnings do jack all training and employ a significant percentage of know it alls. I worked at Bunnings and never once charged anyone, it wasn't a thing at all, let alone per cut etc.
        It's either that the staff made up their own rules or have been misinformed due to lack of training and support. Inconsistency in c/s is just poor customer service and Bunnings do that well imo. Pro tip. Always email complaints for Bunnings as they're then filtered down from H/O to be dealt with.

  • +2

    A polygraph might establish that but at your expense and with inconclusive results,

  • +4

    50c a cut might as well be free

    • +1

      I've never been charged but I've never needed more than 4 cuts and I'm there when it isn't busy

  • +23

    No one is going to do multiple transactions to save 50c. Stop being ridiculous, they are cutting stuff for you, and you don't have to buy a saw.

    • OP questioned the $1.50 at the checkout, and is now questioning whether the cashier lied to them.

      There's possibly one person who would do it, OP.

      • +1

        So I must be the only one, right? And I should not ask a question. Well done, sb! Lmao

        • +3

          So I must be the only one, right?

          Correct. No one else questions the extremely low cost of a very helpful service, that would actually lose Bunnings money at the price they do it.

          • -1

            @brendanm: Disagree. By offering this service they actually get more people buying as it's less of a pain to transport amongst other benefits.

            They're actually making money as a direct result of offering this service

    • +2

      I asked a question. Pls do NOT stop being a ridiculous a-hole

      • +3

        Buy your own saw and blades if you don't like Bunnings policy.

    • I had a guy at work who stockpiled TP. Not rolls of TP but he pulls it out, fold it and put it in his bag.
      There will be someone just not the majority

  • +12

    The song was right…

    "The first cut is the cheapest" lol

    • +2

      The competition has a picture from Sheryl Crow on the mill: First cut $5
      don't ask questions….

    • +2

      Written by Cut Stevens too

  • +4

    I’ve often had multiple cuts for free (despite sign saying otherwise). More often than not the guy says just to show the barcodes (on the dressed pine pieces) so I just pay for the timber. Sometimes they do charge, never really paid attention though.

    It’s been a while though

    • +1

      I have experienced the same for 2 or 3 cuts. I think the Bunnings guy probably couldnt be bothered to charge me. But I think it might be a different story if I wanted say 10 or 20 cuts.

    • +1

      I have also never been charged, even for multiple cuts.

    • +3

      Depends on the cutting dude and how well you get on with them. A few times I've had most of my project entirely cut at Bunnings - like 30+ cuts total, including spinning already cut panels around to cut in the other direction ( eg. for shelves) - and got charged nil. Probably spent half an hour with him, but made sure to have everything ready for him and handed him the pieces (from behind the fence) to make his job easier. Much nicer cuts on their saw than I could do at home, plus no mess.

      Other times I've had a few cuts and got charged.

    • +1

      I actually had same experience, but with another guy in the same Bunnings. It’s this woman’s attitude … anyway, thanks for confirming that it’s truely “per transaction” not per board.

      • +1

        It’s this woman’s attitude ….

        The crux of the OP

      • My interpretation would be per board (not per transaction). But if they charged per transaction, then my attitude would be, win some - lose some.

    • Just be nice to the person cutting the wood, don’t be a typical impatient asshat and they’ll likely never charge you.
      It also doesn’t hurt to ask them for advice, however random. People just want to break up the monotony sometimes.

  • +3

    bring a handsaw next time

    • Or take the timber to the tool area and ask for a demo. Then decline buying the drop saw auditioned.
      Who knows. This could save a person multiple dollars every year!

  • +3

    I just want to find out IF this woman lied.

    Don't think woman gain any benefits from lieing, either you or the woman misinformed.

  • +1

    A sign at my Bunnings said cut to fit in the car is free but project cutting isn’t. I had a nice sales assistant last time and when I asked for length and width measurements he cut it for nothing (this was a board)

    • +2

      It all comes down to the person who cuts the board for you.

  • +1

    Must be new. Never got charged before. But used to buy the timber first and then wheel it out the back to the cutting guy.

  • +3

    I have never paid for any cuts before at Bunnings.

  • +2

    This( helps? If the article is true then it means you should be charged $1. I'm under impression that the staff assume the first cut free applies to any material, thus she may then charged you for 3 instead of just 2. I suggest you go back to Bunnings to demand the 50c refund and speak to a manager, jk of course

    • Very funny, of course.

  • I got a full panel cut multiple times for free, it depends on the guy doing the cutting, and how well you get on, as he will relay the price to cashier. He only had to adjust the guides twice, and accuracy requested was near enough.

    • The guy who cut the boards for me was very nice, but the woman was not as .

  • Got 5 full lengths of some cheap timber to use in the garden and they cut it all for free.

  • Would the OP prefer to pay $1 more or do it separately and wait and flag the one person in the store able to use that machine that is not on a break twice more?

  • +1

    Did the staff that cut the boards drop the saw 4 times? If so, that's 4 cuts.

    When I use their service, I try to have perhaps 4 boards in the one 'cut' (ie. the one time the saw drops/slides to perform the cut).

    They write on the receipt how many cuts they used - I can't see how the woman at the teller would know how many cuts were performed unless they were all clearly at different lengths.

    • Wow… didn’t know this is how they define the number of cuts. Thanks for sharing.

  • +4

    I used to work at Bunnings in the Timber yard and checkouts. Technically first 2 cuts are free and they charge for any more cuts. It's not counted on cuts per board, that would be insane and very hard to work out.

    Generally if the customer was cool we wouldnt charge at all. But if you are demanding and giving precise measurements to cut and taking up heaps of time then yeah we are gonna charge.

    • +1

      Wouldn't giving precise measurements, make it easier for the staff

      • +2

        how is that easier. If it needs to be precise I need to carefully measure each stick.

  • I bring the stock to the bunnings carpark and get my cordless tool and cut em up to my pleasure.

  • I happily pay $1 per cut my local charges when getting my last lot of MDF boards cut up to size as required.

    I don't have to mess around with it at home, no dust or cleaning up, they have the big wall saw, I only have a Ryobi circular saw, can stack the cut up boards in car easier…..

    Worth the dollar to me, easily

  • I bet you went to the register and said hey I got this cut into pieces.
    Next time don’t say anything and if they ask just play dumb.
    Lesson learned for next time save yourself $1.50

  • Been charged once out of maybe 10 times All depends on the register and person that serves you some staff have no idea you can even get wood cut

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