Major Reddit Dramas. Power Mods vs. Site Owner & Admins = Spicy Dumpster Fire!!!

too many details to go into…if unfamiliar with whats been happening, just read this:

Reddit Goes Nuclear, Removes Moderators of Subreddits That Continued To Protest
Several subreddits had begun allowing porn and not safe for work content to protest Reddit. In response, the platform has removed entire moderator teams from the affected subreddits.…

…anyone been following the drama? seriously funny stuff…reddit hasnt been so entertaining in years!!

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  • +3

    and heres the detailed thread outlining most of the chaos…lol!…

  • +20

    The world really went down a slippery slope decline after the death of Harambe

    • +3

      Pepperidge Farm remembers.

    • +2

      I still have my member out. Time to tuck it back in?

  • Tldr

      • +22

        now theyre crying foul because theyre being banned and censored

        isn't it more they are clearly illustrating the value which their free moderation adds?
        Those wishing to profit from the content, and penny pinching on avoiding third party apps/external API use, are clearly forgetting that the content and moderation of that content is the 'value' of the site, its not the software/page layout/native reddit apps, and if you annoy or exclude those that add the actual content and value to your platform, you shouldn't be surprised when it doesn't work out as expected.

        If anything its a perfect example of freedom of speech being implemented within a social media platform within the massive amount of sub-slices that are contained with reddit. Moderators of subreddits started/developed/run their subreddits and are now free to choose what content their slice of the world holds. If you don't appreciate or feel inclusive in one sub-reddit, nothing stopping you starting your own and moderating it yourself.

          • +10


            mods add value, my arse
            users generate the content

            then dont visit forums or social media where moderators are a key aspect of the categorisation and tidying up of groups?
            if posting NSFW images in a forum unrelated to NSFW is unwanted, what do you think previously cleaned up this content?

            Its literally an underlying principal of social media that certain dumpster fire pieces of content are removed. If mods added to no value strange then that reddits growth is based very heavily on the quality and 'free cost' of that moderation. If reddit had to pay for it, it wouldnt exist.

            If you dont think moderation of social media content has value, strange then you visit a social media site like this one where moderation is a core behaviour.

            • -3

              @SBOB: paying moderators?? and reddit moderators at that….lmfao!
              their pay is their perceived power and thats it….theyre nothing without those sites and theyd probably pay reddit for the priviledge of moderating!

            • +15

              @SBOB: A lot of the Reddit moderators (typically of the smaller subs) are alright, and are genuinely interested in just keeping their subreddits free of spam, illegal content and (actually) violent rhetoric. Those mods typically just do their job well, with minimal fanfare and corruption, and as such they don't draw attention and ire. Most of the time you won't notice that they're even there unless you've done something fittingly egregious. They're similar to the (paid) moderation teams of Facebook and other social media sites in that regard. There's always a place for those mods.

              The cabal of power mods, on the other hand? The absolute jannies that everyone thinks of when they think of a "Reddit mod", that are in charge of a disturbingly large fraction of the most popular subreddits, have secret discords where they conspire to shift public discourse, openly flaunt their power, and act offended that nobody respects them for their 'important job of defeating fascism'? Yeah, no sympathy at all. Literally the only difference between them and u/spez is that Spez has found a way to get paid to be an insufferable prick.

              • +1

                @whatwasherproblem: eg. u/awkwardtheturtle…..

                …i can definitely think of a few more jannies that could do with the chop as well! sounds like youve run afoul of r/AHS perhaps? lol

                • -1


                  ?eg. u/awkwardtheturtle…..

                  I have absolutely no idea how you'd know who reddit power mods were unless you were a frequent reddit'r. I thought reddit was a leftist pit of censorship and ego's. How could you even know the power mods on power trips if you werent a visitor to the site?

                  I rarely visit it and have no idea of any user/mod names

                  • +1

                    @SBOB: youre so desperate for a gotcha youll try any angle…its rather sad sblob.

                    • @[Deactivated]:

                      youre so desperate for a gotcha youll try any angle…

                      Pointing out the seemingly hypocritical conundrums that are your posts, isn't a gotcha moment.

                      its rather sad sblob

                      I always pictured you as like a grumpy old man with overly conservative views and click bait pearl clutching…..and yet here were are, with primary school level name insults.
                      The conundrums continue.

                      And I haven't even wasted a daily neg on your posts yet ;)

                      • +1

                        @SBOB: i blocked you back in the what is a woman thread….but you still keep replying? fixated much?

                        • @[Deactivated]:

                          i blocked you
                          but you still keep replying?

                          You blocked me?
                          And you complain about power hungry mods removing or restricting free speech abilities.

                          The hypocritical conundrums continue.

                  • +1

                    @SBOB: Same; daily user for some 14 years and I wouldn't be able to name a single mod anywhere. I think I'm grateful to whoever they are, as I am to the ozbargain mods?

                    No opinions on the blackouts though, reddit is dead to me without third party apps.

              • +2


                A lot of the Reddit moderators (typically of the smaller subs) are alright, and are genuinely interested in just keeping their subreddits free of spam, illegal content and (actually) violent rhetoric

                And thats in complete contradiction to franco's claim that mods are useless, serve no purpose and add no value

                • -1

                  @SBOB: sounds like you could use a reddit care resource….

                • +2

                  @SBOB: I'm pretty sure I read on some thread where he admitted to being banned on reddit. Would explain the bitterness. Not surprised too.

                  • +2

                    @Ughhh: unless youve been permanently suspended on reddit do you even really reddit at all….?

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Aww, was a big scawy mod mean to you once

            • @GrueHunter: would you believe i was actually offered a mod position on a resonable size sub (~150K)…i respectfully declined, fully realising the implications of accepting such a role. lol!

              • @[Deactivated]:

                fully realising the implications of accepting such a role. lol!

                Publically admitting you're actually a woke lefty socialist ?

      • +18

        Wow. This is such a poor understanding of the issue. You really have no clue what Reddit is doing with regard to third party apps do you?

        • -7

          it stopped being about 3rd party apps a long time ago…the mods were never interested in accessability issues or niche apps.

          • +11

            @[Deactivated]: This makes absolutely zero sense.

            The entire issue was only raised/started 3 weeks ago.

            It stopped being about 3rd party apps a long time ago? How is that even possible?

            You're just making up drama and spouting absolutely nonsensical and made-up misinformation at this stage.

            • +4

              @DingoBilly: And it changed in a second from a third party app issue to mods changing sub reddit to nsfw.

              No comment on the third party app part , but 100% ageee the mods who have made these changes need to be booted. I frequent the aus finance sub reddit and would be very annoyed if it's suddenly nsfw and my work is impacted by it.

            • +1

              @DingoBilly: When you're against a platform, any excuse to rail against it will do. They've just picked a few random talking points that have come up recently and decided to run with them.

              Many users here accuse Reddit of being "full of lefties" while others will say it is full of right-wing extremists. Both ignore the huge diversity of the platform. It's quite evident that many users have no actual experience with the site or have made any attempt to understand it.

  • +13

    Man I wouldn't want to be an unpaid moderator, seeing how much crap they have to filter and deal with even on stuff like Facebook Groups. Reddit would be much worse.

    • reddit jannies are the worst jannies…lol!

  • +5

    Who needs Reddit when you have OzBargain?

    • +7

      …reddit doesnt have a jv so theyre not even close

      • +8

        Be the change you seek

  • +7

    Commenting on internet drama is the same energy as watching Married At First Sight on free-to-air, or buying coleslaw at a petrol station.

    • major upheaval on largest social media site in the world not newsworthy enough for sir?

      • +1

        Whether it's newsworthy or not is another matter (I'm sure some philosophers will helpfully conclude every event is in its own way 'news').

        Filling your brain with "oh goodie, spicy dumpster fire" internet gossip was what I was talking about.

        It's not for me, but I'm glad you enjoy it.

        • The Onion did an article on this very subject a while back, for those interested.

          • -1

            @Crow K:

            watching Married At First Sight on free-to-air, or buying coleslaw at a petrol station.

            then links to an onion article….lmfao

      • largest social media site in the world

        This post makes sense now, you think Reddit is way more important than it really is. So how many times have you been booted from a subreddit because you were just stating your opinion and the world censored you?

        Reddit put monetising their API on their daft belief that generative AI was their road to riches above of their users. Users are pissed because they're losing the only decent way of using Reddit - third party tools that rely on the API.

        There's an old adage, if something is free then you are the product. Reddit seems to operate under the belief that their website is the product, not the users. Apparently they've never heard of Slashdot or Digg though.

        • -1

          not at all…..i think reddit thinks its more important than it is
          im just enjoying its end days :)

    • +6

      And yet here you are commenting about commenting on internet drama…
      Meanwhile I am commenting about commenting on commenting…

      • +3

        i appreciate your comment and am commenting in kind

      • "Yet you participate in society"

  • So Reddit is just like OzBargain forums but just not moderated? Doesn't sound like a nice place considering a lot of the comments/posts that have got through here over the last few years.

  • +5

    It’s been hilarious to watch. I’m not one for Reddit in general it’s a boring place to scroll through and the mods live on such a power hungry trip they remind me of a library monitor of school kids who live off the power they have! So watching the hammer come down on them has been the most interesting thing I’ve seen in years, and the CEO who doesn’t give a F about it is even better, literally showing these mods how the real world works and when they don’t like it they cry. They can go back and hide under their rock where they came from and miss the minuscule amount of power they were given.
    And as per a comment above why do people spend their entire day and night scrolling through and moderating post, because they have literally nothing better to do, live in a basement at their parents maybe? They have no real job no real anything other than Reddit.
    I hope this keeps going!

    • +4

      …it really has been entertaining hasnt it?

      check out the r/melbourne mod/head gatekeeper's response when they realised that actually they work for free and reddit doesnt belong to them…
      an absolute 'peak-mod' post….…

      …they lasted a couple days then bailed on that idea when they saw mods being sacked wholesale from subs still 'protesting'….hilarious!

  • +4

    It’s very Reddit of Reddit to be chucking a Reddit on Reddit over Reddit… what’s the word they abuse for that? “Meta”.

    • indeed. meta-drama on an epic scale….

    • innit ?!?!

  • +1

    What’s reddit ?

    • +1

      I think it's an app that deals in real estate for moderators (given they live rent free in franco's head)?

      • wut?….whos living in whos head, now? lol!!

        • +2

          two ?, two ! and two (missing) '

          • @Crow K: …sounds like you could use a reddit care resource referral as well!

            • +4

              @[Deactivated]: for someone who's totally-not-obsessed about reddit, you certainly do mention it a lot

              • @Crow K: uhm…were in a thread about reddit i created about reddit?
                your perception is astounding.

                • +2

                  @[Deactivated]: incidentally, sending someone the suicide hotline as a punchline to a joke or burn is an incredibly low class thing to do

                  you don't have to touch grass, but try to develop empathy

                  • +2

                    @Crow K: r/HermanCainAwards says "HI!"….

                    • +3

                      @[Deactivated]: "other people have done things like this, so it's okay for me to do it"

                      add critical thinking skills to your To Do list

                      • +2

                        @Crow K: "it's only okay when lefties do it" is less words.

                        • +2

                          @ozhunter: If I'd condoned or defended that HermanCainAward sort of behavior this would definitely be a choice burn, and you would have made a good point.

                          But, of course, I didn't.

                          Also, they aren't the same thing anyway (both are callous about death, but one is a pointless suicide mention, the other is F—- Around and Find Out example).

                          Culture wars dampen critical thinking skills. Be better.

                          • +1

                            @Crow K: Not you personally, but your side. Feel free to call them out lol.

                            but one is a pointless suicide mention

                            they can help in other ways, such as those distress or crisis. "The service is available to anyone looking for short-term support if they are feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping"

                            Nice try though.

          • +1

            @Crow K: There's only one missing ', the second time he used "whos" it should've been written "whose" not "who's"

            • @SpainKing: You're absolutely right. I knew both 'whos' were wrong but just figured it was the same problem!

              love the avatar btw :)

              • @Crow K: who gives a (profanity)?

  • +1

    and if thats not enough e-drama…

    Ransomware Gang To Reddit: We Stole 80GB Of Your Data
    The ALPHV ransomware gang is demanding Reddit pay $4.5 million and halt the company's plan to charge API access or else the data will be leaked.…

  • +2

    It was the only way it could end. The super mods and super admins spend years perma ban anyone capable of free thought and with a backbone, then now the actual owners remove and ban the super mods and no one is left to speak up because the super mods and super admins have already long since banned anyone who would care.

    • You have a VPN, don't you?

    • +2

      and what do they do in retaliation? ….brigade their subs to post hardcore porn in designated SFW subs (exposing it to minors in the process) to attack advertising revenue. bravo reddit. bravo.

      • exposing it to minors in the process

        Oh no, those minors who are totally not looking at NSFW subs or worse on reddit already!

        • it violates reddits TOS…and leaves all those subreddits and mods exposed to 'warning or removals'.

          “Changing a previously SFW community to a NSFW community in order to protest Reddit policies is inappropriate for the members of your community and not acceptable overall,” the admin, ModCodeofConduct, wrote on Wednesday. ModCodeofConduct said that moderators may be violating Reddit policies by “incorrectly marking your community,” which can lead to warnings or removal.

          Switching a community to NSFW changes things in a few ways: users have to confirm they are 18 years or older before they can view a subreddit, users must be logged in to the mobile app to access the community on a mobile device, and NSFW subreddits aren’t eligible for advertising — all restrictions that limit engagement and Reddit’s ability to make money.


          …i mean if anyone should know the rules …..its the (profanity) moderators!

  • +3

    Now, are you telling me that they clean up the site for free? Completely devoid of any remuneration?

    • they do it for the 'power' & 'influence' that they wield on that site and thats it. hundreds and hundreds of hours for nothing except their own delusions….

    • And they take it seriously anyway?

    • +1

      Next you'll be shocked to realise that people write wiki articles for free

  • +2

    And so, it begins.
    The feudal lords descend on the landed gentry, paying lip-service to democracy while sweeping in and taking over by force of arms.
    Democracy, by whatever means necessary.
    How ironic — and sadly typical of the powerful when acting against those from whom they derive their power. Because they do derive their power from us. No membership, no ad revenue. No ad revenue…no Reddit.
    But that's the glorious thing about being landed gentry. About being the citizens that work the land, and tithe to the feudal lords: we can take their power away — because the feudal lords only have power so long as we give them our allegiance.
    24 hours from now, my Reddit account will be deleted. I will be gone.
    When that happens, I won't be here to see your responses to this message, but I hope that at least some of you will follow my lead. The feudal lords rely on us to fund their 'hostile takeover', and I refuse to play that game.
    No more ad impressions. No more click-throughs. No more participation in what is swiftly falling to the whims of dictatorship.
    So — this is the real 'Reddit revolution': that we can simply walk away, and let the feudal lords' palace decay around them.
    Take your power back, and leave the feudal lords scrabbling at the bottom of their empty coffers.

    …reddit mods just keep delivering. they really think reddit is all about them….not the users, not the content but the 'moderation'. lmfao

    • +1

      to be fair, if you're going to give your time for free to moderate an online forum, you probably aren't the most robust person.

      • I know a few FB group mods/admins that set up the groups as well so it's in their interest. I think @Quantumcat mentioned that they moderate their FB group too.

  • +2

    Some reddit mods are basement dwelling losers where their mod 'power' is literally the only thing going for them in life, but I can see the point of what's happening and how it isn't good for the end user

    TLDR is Reddit has an official app, it sucks. There are third party apps like Apollo or RIF which are much better. These apps are free (yay) but accept donations.

    Reddit has decided that in the lead up to wanting to IPO, they need more revenue from ads, but they can only do that if people use their (shitty) app.

    So how do they do it? Simple. Charge an insane fee to use the reddit API by these apps, making them cease to exist (because the creators can't pay tens of thousands a month) and forcing users to use their official app.

    That's what the mods are protesting and it has fuelled the fire that the reddit CEO is a complete tosser himself (and used to moderate the jailbait subreddit BY THE WAY) and has been caught in several outright lies.

    Grab your popcorn ladies and gents.

    • +2

      reddit CEO is a complete tosser himself (and used to moderate the jailbait subreddit BY THE WAY)

      Is that correct though? Not defending spez (stuff that he does like exploiting admin powers to literally change comments insulting you and substitute your name with your enemies' names instead is hilariously maidenless behaviour, so being the r/jailbait mod would be well on-brand), but I thought the actual story behind that was that it happened back when anybody could nominate anybody else for moderator status. The actual mods of r/jailbait knew they were goners, so they had fun on the way out and added the CEO to their mod list.

      • …read the same as well.

    • -4

      lol…didnt the apollo app developer try to hustle reddit for 10 million and they called his bluff? did you see that?

      • +3

        did you see that?

        Nope. feel free to share? Does it include the shared audio recording that the Dev released that showed the ceo had misrepresented their discussion?

      • That is exactly what happened he was recorded telling reddit that basically 5 years ago you paid $X for this app so I want you to buy me out, CEO said pretty much piss off buddy and pay the API fee or your app is worthless

        • +2

          On June 8, Selig announced that he would shut down Apollo on June 30. In a Reddit post, he alleged that Huffman told employees that Selig was blackmailing the company out of US$10 million; Selig provided audio recordings between himself and a Reddit employee dispelling the claim

          • +1

            @BLAIL: Seeing the back-and-forth between Selig and Reddit/Huffman was wild. The claims of "blackmail" may have been over-exaggerated (and why Reddit would even try to spin it this way is anyone's guess—they don't come off looking good for airing this nonsense publicly, even if they were 100% correct about it being extortion). But that said, why would Selig even make those sorts of "jokes" in a hostile meeting between two at-odds businesses in the first place? Not that Huffman's ridiculous theatrics in response were any more mature. They both come off looking more like squabbling kids than grown adults running businesses for (theoretical) profit.

  • +2
  • +1

    Glad to see this takes the heat off me, I get tired of getting banned so often.

    • which subs mainly?

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