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closed Comments

  • +3

    I do quite like the quality of journalism in TSP. I just wish there was something as good as this that was more balanced and not so obviously left leaning.

    • Fair point. It's always good to read widely to get a variety of perspectives.

    • +3

      Reality is left leaning

      • -6

        The side which thinks Dylan Mulvaney is a woman is closest to reality? Chortle.

        • -1

          It is quite telling that the above comment has accumulated a number of downvotes, yet no one has been able to offer a cogent rebuttal of my point. Hahahaha.

          • -1

            @Gamer Dad Reviews:

            yet no one has been able to offer a cogent rebuttal of my point.

            An invitation I can't resist.

            What was your point exactly? That all Lefties group-think on every issue? That because some Lefties (possibly most) support trans rights, or at the very least oppose discrimination on that basis, therefore they deserve to have no opinion on any topic, or that their opinions therefore have no validity? Kiddie stuff.

            Next question - what do you know about her gender that she doesn't? In fact, what do you know about gender fullstop? SFA I'm tipping. What business is it of yours anyway? Refer the link below.

            Do you know any trans people and/or have you ever bothered to listen to their stories? I'm sure she wouldn't discriminate against you or use you as an example simply because of the very limited intellect and empathy of far right supporters.

            Next question - how do you know what "the Left" thinks about any particular issue? The answer is obvious, although very likely not to you


            • +1

              @Igaf: Thanks for your comments lgaf. To answer your questions:

              1 - My point was that reality is not left-leaning. Reality is reality. But in general, the realist right is the side that perceives reality more accurately than the lunatic fanatics on the ideological left.

              2 - What do I know about Dylan Mulvaney's gender? Well I know that he doesn't have a gender - no one does. Gender is a grammatical term. Nouns have a gender… living things have a sex. And that sex is binary and immutable. You don't get to choose your sex and you don't get to choose your own pronouns either. That's not how language works. (n.b. the whole theory that people can have a "gender" was dreamt up by a pedophile named John Money).

              3 - Regarding trans people, I have the utmost sympathy for them, as they have been horribly abused - by the medical system to make obscene profits from their sad mental illness - and by the far-left extremists who use their illness as a battering ram to break down the general populace's ability to speak the truth and to describe reality accurately.

              Gender dysphoria is a horrible, terrible mental affliction. It is very very similar to body dysmorphia - anorexia. But let's run a thought experiment here… What would we do with a Doctor who - when consulted by a frail little 15 year old teen girl suffering from anorexia - decided to put the poor girl on ozempic and amphetamine medications and conducted liposuction surgery on the girl's (non-existent) fat deposits?

              We would be horrified! We would demand that the doctor be stripped of his medical licence and hopefully he'd be thrown in jail. And rightfully so. That our society is not doing that same thing to the evil doctors who are pushing "gender-affirming care" (sic) is to our utter great shame.

              4 - Lastly, I know how the left thinks on any particular issue because it gets jammed down our (normal people's) throat day-in-day out by every corrupt, crumbling institution in society.

              Again - to our shame - the left has succeeded in destroying the power of christianity in society. However, the last laugh will be on them. They have destroyed christianity's power, but they will not be able to destroy Islam. While atheist leftist cat ladies grow old and shrivel up childlessly - the hordes of muslim immigrants they insisted we flood the country with are having 5, 6, 7 children each.

              And when the time comes that they reach a critical mass in a political way - they are not going to take kindly to the lgbtq agenda that the left has been so fond of for so long.
              I for one will be all for it when that day comes.

              • -1

                @Gamer Dad Reviews: 1 - My point was that reality is not left-leaning. Reality is reality. But in general, the realist right is the side that perceives reality more accurately than the lunatic fanatics on the ideological left.

                First sentence is correct. The rest is opinionated waffle. Reality is made before it's perceived, and it's quite clear what sort of reality the "Right" is most comfortable with - conservatism, protection of the status quo, inequality, religion over science, discrimination, domination by wealth….

                2 - What do I know about Dylan Mulvaney's gender? Well I know that he doesn't have a gender - no one does. Gender is a grammatical term. Nouns have a gender… living things have a sex. And that sex is binary and immutable. You don't get to choose your sex and you don't get to choose your own pronouns either. That's not how language works. (n.b. the whole theory that people can have a "gender" was dreamt up by a pedophile named John Money).

                That you continue to use the pronoun 'he' says a lot about your ignorance and prejudices. Gender isn't grammatical, it's a human definition, first mention by the famous, trailblazing, sexologist Money - who was certainly not a pedophile but unlike you was far from perfect. A balanced summary of this brilliant enigma is worth reading:…
                " Sex" is FAR from binary, as even a 5 minute search of its chemical and physical characteristics will tell you. Do yourself and the world a favour and do some reading on the science around biological sex, gender identity, and gender presentation before you mouth off again.

                Thanks for the lesson on how language works. Strange as it may seem to you but the reality is that you're unaware of how language has constantly changed and evolved over the centuries, and how different languages treat all manner of things, including pronouns. If you want to get a potted flavour of English's development and evolution, Bryson's Mother Tongue would be a good starting point. You'll be shocked - or should be - to discover how ignorant you are about language.

                3 - Regarding trans people, I have the utmost sympathy for them, as they have been horribly abused - by the medical system to make obscene profits from their sad mental illness - and by the far-left extremists who use their illness as a battering ram to break down the general populace's ability to speak the truth and to describe reality accurately.

                Gender dysphoria is a horrible, terrible mental affliction. It is very very similar to body dysmorphia - anorexia. But let's run a thought experiment here… What would we do with a Doctor who - when consulted by a frail little 15 year old teen girl suffering from anorexia - decided to put the poor girl on ozempic and amphetamine medications and conducted liposuction surgery on the girl's (non-existent) fat deposits?

                We would be horrified! We would demand that the doctor be stripped of his medical licence and hopefully he'd be thrown in jail. And rightfully so. That our society is not doing that same thing to the evil doctors who are pushing "gender-affirming care" (sic) is to our utter great shame.

                Most trans people don't want YOUR ill-considered "sympathy", they simply want OUR understanding, our attention to their individual stories and experiences, and of course to be treated fairly. That's sometimes a very difficult thing to balance - eg professional sport - and something which requires far more wisdom than you (and I) have. Who are these these "evil doctors" you speak of? Primarily a figment of your vivid imagination. They're presumably experts with FAR more knowledge and experience than you, trying to tread fine lines and working within a strictly regulated environment.

                4 - Lastly, I know how the left thinks on any particular issue because it gets jammed down our (normal people's) throat day-in-day out by every corrupt, crumbling institution in society.

                Normal people? Hilarious. That's ^^^ your perception of "reality" is it? Which "crumbling institutions" did you have in mind, and how do they represent the views of many millions of "Lefties"? Simple answer is they don't, nor do you have any idea of the very nuanced views many Lefties have on a huge range of societal issues. I'd hazard an educated guess that most don't support a lot of the extreme left views you might read about in the media. In my experience many are skeptical, well balanced, only moderately biased, and quite (small c) conservative when it comes to highly complex and controversial issues like gender re-assignment.

                No doubt there's some corruption (and moral/ethical decay) in Australia - even a cursory examination of the "religious" Morrison govt would show plenty of evidence for that opinion, as would the results of various recent Royal Commissions (can't wait for the Robodebt RC report, can you?). Interestingly most of those RCs concerned the actions of the "conservative", much revered by the "Right", establishment, including such fine upstanding institutions as "christian" churches, charities, banks, police forces…….

                Again - to our shame - the left has succeeded in destroying the power of christianity in society.

                Roflmao. We should all be eternally grateful for the decline of religious power in Australia. The primary reason for that decline has also been observed in Ireland, and for the very same reasons. Look it up. While you're there do some research on Vatican corruption and 'morality'. The hypocrisy of (some sections of) religious institutions and the false moralising has been laid bare for anyone with a modicum of intelligence to see and absorb. Christian religions have lost their moral authority through their own actions, words, policies and attitudes, not because of anything the "Left" has said or done.

                However, the last laugh will be on them. They have destroyed christianity's power, but they will not be able to destroy Islam. While atheist leftist cat ladies grow old and shrivel up childlessly - the hordes of muslim immigrants they insisted we flood the country with are having 5, 6, 7 children each.

                That you Pauline?

                And when the time comes that they reach a critical mass in a political way - they are not going to take kindly to the lgbtq agenda that the left has been so fond of for so long. I for one will be all for it when that day comes.

                Ah yes, the tyranny of the majority, something you appear to believe should be exercised without limits. Be careful what you wish for sonny. Sharia law or rule from the pulpit may be your nirvana - unless of course you end up on the wrong end of it by refusing to wear a head scarf or questioning the miracle of virgin birth and resurrection - but somehow I doubt that kind of undemocratic, anti-human, and intellectually bankrupt blind subservience will never dominate this society. Ironically I pray that's the case.

                • @Igaf: Speaking of opinionated waffle - conservatism, protection of the status quo, inequality, religion over science, discrimination, domination by wealth….

                  famous, trailblazing… brilliant enigma - Mate, Johnny M was a disgusting sick pervert who should have died in jail. His "sexologist" (sic) experiments involved forcing children as young as 5 to do heinous sex acts, and led directly to his subjects death by suicide on numerous, numerous occasions. Anyone like you who supports him or his work belongs on a pedophile watchlist and prevented from working with or being anywhere near children.

                  Who are these these "evil doctors" you speak of? Primarily a figment of your vivid imagination. They're presumably experts with FAR more blah blah blah - Well for starters I had the privilege of watching Matt Walsh's brilliant documentary "What is a Woman" for free on Twitter a few weeks ago thanks to being alerted to it by this deal ->
                  It showed multiple examples of the crazy-eyed psychopaths sexually mutilating kids for profit and enjoyment. Every single one of them belongs in jail for life.

                  Ah yes, the tyranny of the majority - nah man, we're not going to put up with that sort of rank hypocrisy from you lot anymore. The silent majority is rousing from its slumber and we will rise up in righteous insurrection and destroy you. Have you noticed the shift? Ever since Elon Musk bought twitter (speaking of famous, trailblazing, brilliant enigmas) the tenor of public discourse has shifted decisively. The days of your degenerate hegemony are numbered. The writing is on the wall. You will get what's coming to you, and sooner than you think.

                  • -1

                    @Gamer Dad Reviews: Nothing like a bit of religious fanaticism to liven up a mundane Friday.

                    Speaking of opinionated waffle - conservatism, protection of the status quo, inequality, religion over science, discrimination, domination by wealth….

                    Denial of history is a very common trait for your ilk, although I don't think I've encountered anyone with ideas as extreme as yours. In lieu of watching videos which concentrate on very rare cases you could always try to educate yourself by reading books which present balanced views - of history, religion, and human rights, and the associated abuse (and tolerance of same) by self-labelled "christians". Heck you might even learn to accept the enormous damage done by religious institutions and fanatics which make your horror stories pale into insignificance. Any thoughts on the suicides of gay people which have resulted from their vilification and persecution, or the sexual assaults by pedophile priests and ministers which caused death and enormous harm to young individuals, or the enormous damage done by your mates' "gay conversion" therapies? Any views on the cover ups by those bastions of decency at the helms of "christian" institutions here, in Ireland and the USA for example? Pretty much everywhere there has been an enquiry the results have been the same.

                    famous, trailblazing… brilliant enigma - Mate, Money was a disgusting sick pervert who should have died in jail. His "sexologist" (sic) experiments involved forcing children as young as 5 to do heinous sex acts, and led directly to his subjects death by suicide on numerous, numerous occasions. Anyone like you who supports him or his work belongs on a pedophile watchlist and prevented from working with or being anywhere near children.

                    Odd that many experts who've written in detail about Money, warts and all, don't share your perverted views don't you think? I don't because your comments betray just how far you've bought into the extremism of the vocal, but unrepresentative, religious right.

                    Who are these these "evil doctors" you speak of? Primarily a figment of your vivid imagination. They're presumably experts with FAR more blah blah blah - Well for starters I had the privilege of watching Matt Walsh's brilliant documentary "What is a Woman" for free on Twitter a few weeks ago thanks to being alerted to it by this deal ->
                    It showed multiple examples of the crazy-eyed psychopaths sexually mutilating kids for profit and enjoyment. Every single one of them belongs in jail for life.

                    I didn't watch it. If it is as you say - highly unlikely given your exaggerations here - then I'd agree. I'd also say that similar fates should await plenty of religious fanatics and their conservative facilitators, some of whom (predominantly Republicans and their supporters) in the disUnited States of America do it for no other reason than the almighty dollar. If you want examples of degenerates and degeneration, I'd suggest you begin your search close to home.

                    Ah yes, the tyranny of the majority - nah man, we're not going to put up with that sort of rank hypocrisy from you lot anymore. The silent majority is rousing from its slumber and we will rise up in righteous insurrection and destroy you. Have you noticed the shift? Ever since Elon Musk bought twitter (speaking of famous, trailblazing, brilliant enigmas) the tenor of public discourse has shifted decisively. The days of your degenerate hegemony are numbered. The writing is on the wall. You will get what's coming to you, and sooner than you think.

                    Your delusions of grandeur are quite something. Fortunately your views aren't representative of the vast majority of Christians in this country, let alone the actual majority who are agnostic, atheist or simply don't care. In fact your opinions demonstrate perfectly the hypocrisy and extremism which has driven many away from traditional christian religions - including me. Those extreme views rarely if ever represent true christianity, rather they're often clearly contrary to Christ's teachings, not that you'd know. Remind me - what was the parable about rich men and kingdom of heaven about again Musk fanboi? Fan of Trumpism also are you?

                    The predilection of your crowd with sex and sexuality (esp the sexuality of others) is both instructive and telling. It used to amaze me how so called "christian" (they aren't, by any measure) people could constantly ignore corruption, abuse of human rights, and the plight of refugees, the poor, and the sick while being up in arms about gay marriage etc. It no longer does, because I've long ago concluded that such blinkered mentality is direct result of modern religious extremism and the blind hypocrisy associated with it. Some would say it goes with the territory - if you can believe in a righteous "god" then you are prone to ignore reality and to give your beliefs undeserved status and importance.

                    What's coming to me exactly, and why do I deserve it? Because I don't share your hyperbolic and religiously tainted views? Sounds like extreme Islam to me. Good luck convincing your non-existent "silent majority" of the wisdom of that. I have faith that Australians are far more intelligent than you think, and that the vast majority of christian/religious people in this country actually reject the kind of extremism you appear to embrace.

                    There are millions of good christians around the world, just as there are millions of good agnostics and atheists. They have hugely diverse views on many societal issues and all deserve to be heard.

                    • +1

                      @Igaf: Odd that many """experts""" who've written in detail about Johnny M don't share your views
                      Yes - I too find it odd that the marxist-leftist/post-modernist academics who currently hold cultural hegemony are peculiarly unperturbed by their hero's acts of heinous, degenerate evil.

                      But then again - what should we expect from them? Their other hero - Foucault - the "father of postmodernism" - was a sick perverted sadistic homosexual pedophile who delighted in sexual torture:

                      "Sexual torture was Foucault’s favorite pastime. He was a homosexual sadomasochism fetishist who habituated the bathhouses of San Francisco and thus died of AIDS in 1984. How many men he killed by infecting them with the HIV virus is unknown."

                      "Foucault’s biographer James Miller writes:
                      In his 1979 essay, he imagines “suicide-festivals” and “suicide-orgies” and also a kind of special retreat where those planning to commit suicide could look “for partners without names for occasions to die liberated from every identity.”"

                      "Foucault was one sick puppy."

                      "Another cause to which Foucault devoted himself was liberating children to have sex with grown men. In France, the age of consent in 1977 was only 15 years old, but Foucault nevertheless signed a petition, along with Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, and Jacques Derrida, to decriminalize pedophilia."

                      Wow…. And the culturally hegemonic left looks up to these guys? And implements their theories on society and calls it "Progress"? Wow… its… its almost like the left are degenerate evil perverts who need to be locked up in prison, for the good of normie society.

                      Look, you're desperate and you're projecting. By any measure it is the left obsessed with sexuality - specifically child sexuality - and how to corrupt and pervert it. And now - finally, with the Bud lite, Target, Call of Duty, and many more recent occurrences, we normies are finally rising up and saying "Stop. Enough is enough.
                      LEAVE THE CHILDREN ALONE."

                      • @Gamer Dad Reviews: Odd that many """experts""" who've written in detail about Johnny M don't share your views
                        Yes - I too find it odd that the marxist-leftist/post-modernist academics who currently hold cultural hegemony are peculiarly unperturbed by their hero's acts of heinous, degenerate evil.

                        Your childish labels of people who are far more qualified than you to speak on pretty much any topic is also typical of a personality type. They also indicate a tenuous grasp on reality - right or left. Unshakeable, egotistical faith in one's own knowledge rarely works out well, especially when accompanied by strident ideology and an inability to think for oneself. Try googling to see what these evil commie marxist degenerate "academics" actually say about Money before you embarrass yourself further.

                        But then again - what should we expect from them? Their other hero - Foucault - the "father of postmodernism" - was a sick perverted sadistic homosexual pedophile who delighted in sexual torture:

                        "Sexual torture was Foucault’s favorite pastime. He was a homosexual sadomasochism fetishist who habituated the bathhouses of San Francisco and thus died of AIDS in 1984. How many men he killed by infecting them with the HIV virus is unknown."

                        "Foucault’s biographer James Miller writes:
                        In his 1979 essay, he imagines “suicide-festivals” and “suicide-orgies” and also a kind of special retreat where those planning to commit suicide could look “for partners without names for occasions to die liberated from every identity.”"

                        "Foucault was one sick puppy."

                        Your Foucalt straw man is as threadbare as your professed "christianity". His place in philosophy - you understand what that is and how contemporary philosophical concepts and ideas are developed, discussed, discarded, modified, accepted and denied presumably ? (rhetorical question) - is well cemented.

                        Any comments about mass murdering religious nutters, or can we take it you have no problems with those, just as you appear to have conveniently overlooked the MASSIVE, WELL-DOCUMENTED harm perpetrated by "christians" on others for thousands of years? Still no comment on the far more prevalent and enormously harmful actions exposed in our RC and investigations of "christian" organisations around the world? Is that because you choose to ignore them or because you cant face reality, or because you too are a religious bigot who won't condemn endemic evil in your own ranks? Your fixation and cherry picking is characteristic of someone with no concept of reality, no perspective, and with no knowledge or respect for the lessons of history.

                        Look, you're desperate and you're projecting. By any measure it is the left obsessed with sexuality - specifically child sexuality - and how to corrupt and pervert it.

                        Non-one is more obsessed with sex and sexuality and the vilification and persecution of others than faith leaders and their more extreme sycophants. Quite perversely, these "leaders" include Catholics who deny their clergy a normal, healthy sex and family life, who ignore illegal and inhuman acts by their officials, and who still to this day try to protect the church to the detriment of its victims. That's just one of the many realities of your "christianity" that you either can't accept or refuse to acknowledge.

                        And now - finally, with the Bud lite, Target, Call of Duty, and many more recent occurrences, we normies are finally rising up and saying "Stop. Enough is enough. LEAVE THE CHILDREN ALONE.

                        The irony is palpable. Very late to the show or hibernating for a few decades were you? Where were you when the abominable deeds of your leaders and brothers/sisters in faith were being enacted? Where was your voice condemning the vile and immoral behaviour of Pell and co, and where is it now when religious institutions attempt to deny Australian victims compensation? Leave the children alone certainly - but make sure they aren't alone with predators disguised as Christians.

                        You haven't answered most of my questions. Why is that exactly? Have a crack at the simple ones - for example what are these 'corrupt crumbling institutions' you spoke of? I can think of quite a few in this country - conservative (especially, but not solely) political parties, religious institutions, wealth shifting, pork-barrelling governments which treat the law and integrity with disdain (onya Scottie, that pentecostalism disguise sure came in handy), extreme right wing media such as SKY/News Corp (whose more desperate, ideologically blind elements ironically helped get Albanese into power and guaranteed that Andrews got a huge (probably undeserved) majority in Victoria).

                        Can't wait for that retribution you're threatening by the way. Anything in particular in mind for we "degenerates"? Stoning maybe - no wait, as Jesus said, "let he….". How about the ancient religious arts of witch-hunting? History suggests it guaranteed to get the result you extolled and most desired.

                      • @Gamer Dad Reviews: Classic example of fu'ed (African) Anglican Christian "morals" here:…

                        So you can be jailed for life for performing sexual acts (loving or otherwise) which heteros across the world do every day of the week, and be put to death in other circumstances. Very Christian.


                        The Bible's Old Testament as most know is full of calls to genocide, infanticide, violence and other archaic "moralities" based on ignorance, inhumanity and a lack of basic empathy, all of which are completely unacceptable in contemporary advanced societies. Let's hope some "christian" fundamentalist warrior doesn't catch you or anyone else for that matter working on a Saturday eh?

                        • @Igaf: From that SMH article:

                          So-called aggravated cases, which include gay sex with anyone younger than 18, could attract the death penalty.

                          Umm hello? Did somebody call the BASED department??!

                          This may come as a surprise to you (somehow) but 90% of the general populace believe that pedophiles absolutely deserve a long drop with a short stop.

                          In fact this attitude/belief is so widespread that it's probably an inbuilt instinct which is totally natural and good. I mean, its not just in Africa where such laws have been passed - laws to give the death penalty to pedophiles have been passed in a number of states in America as well:

                          I'm serious dude - if you don't think aggravated rape and sexual assault of minors should be a serious criminal offence - you belong on a pedophile watchlist - along with every drag queen story time weirdo and any teacher who thinks its appropriate to teach children that they were "born in the wrong body" (sic).

                          • -1

                            @Gamer Dad Reviews: So-called aggravated cases, which include gay sex with anyone younger than 18, could attract the death penalty. Umm hello? Did somebody call the BASED department??!
                            This may come as a surprise to you (somehow) but 90% of the general populace believe that pedophiles absolutely deserve a long drop with a short stop.

                            Which populace was that? Presumably the one you pulled out of your nether regions? While you're searching for that non-existent data you might want to research what Australians think about the death penalty, why there is bipartisan support for our opposition to it, and why it was abolished in this country last century. After you've familiarised yourself with those well established facts, you might consider learning what pedophilia is, and the difference between that and what the obnoxious Ugandan law is concerned with. Or are you now suggesting that homosexuality is equivalent to pedophilia? Nothing would surprise given your erratic and hyperbolic inventions here.

                            Still having trouble admitting the abhorrent inhumanity of some of your mates?

                            No answers to my questions, no acceptance or admissions of massive failures by Christians, Christian officials and Christian religious hierarchies across many centuries?

                            No comment on, or condemnation of, the pedophilia committed and condoned by your Christian leaders in this country, as starkly documented by our Royal Commission and commissions of enquiry in the USA and Ireland? Your perspective is as narrow as your mind, dude.

                            Given your own mindset are you concerned about similar extremists carrying out biblical justice on innocent workers, misbehaving children, consenting adults engaging in pre-marital sex, and prostitutes - including sex slaves? Or would that be perfectly fine with you because they'll "get what's coming to them"?

                          • -1

                            @Gamer Dad Reviews: Some more unpalatable pedophilia facts for you to mull over. Note this is church officials only, not members of their flocks. Took all of a minute to find. There's a whole lot more if you're interested in Christian hypocrisy but I guess you're fully occupied marking the doors of anyone you believe is "deviant" (heteros exempted, esp Christian heteros).
                            christian preachers guilty of pedophilia

                            • -1

                              @Igaf: You're really obsessed with this but I don't think its the gotcha you want it to be. Yes obviously I'm aware that there have been some evil church members in history. There are evil people everywhere, and the church was one of the main institutions in society so of course there were evil people in it too. But the difference is on the ideological level. Who is the hero of Christians? Who do Christians look up to and try to be like? Jesus - the perfect paragon of goodness - who had magical powers but instead of using them to enrich himself and gain power and influence - he used them to heal the sick and feed the poor, and ultimately he sacrificed his own life so that humanity may be redeemed.

                              Let's compare that to leftists - who are the left's heroes? Who does the left look up to and try to be like? Karl Marx the racist degenerate sh1t head. John Money the gross weirdo. Michel Foucault the sadomasochist pervert. Bit of a difference…

                              • -2

                                @Gamer Dad Reviews: I'm not obsessed with anything, I'm simply pointing out the huge imbalance between your massively overplayed trans/pedophilia infatuation (yes there are many issues) and the gross hypocrisy of your refusal to acknowledge FAR bigger issues in your own ranks.

                                Still no answers, no condemnations of your brothers and sisters? I'm not in the least surprised. My guess is that you've be spoonfed so much fantasy over your life that there's no room for reason. Embracing the teachings of Jesus isn't about vocalising against minorities and issues you know nothing about, it's quite the opposite. Your heroes Musk, Trump and sundry extreme conservatives would have been condemned by Jesus for obvious reasons - including their gross hypocrisy.

                                Because you think something doesn't make it real - especially when your ignorance and ideology clouds what appears to be an extremely biased and closed mind based on the short comments here. Hopefully they don't define you, comments are easily mistaken and amplified. There is no such thing as a typical leftie, or even a typical conservative for that matter. Most adults understand that. I know plenty of lefties - not a single one holds Marx in high regard. Most - like you - wouldn't have a clue about his philosophy, nor do they have any interest in exploring it. It's completely irrelevant to them. Many lefties are devoted Christians (another new learning for you?), others are religious fringe dwellers, some are agnostic or atheist. They do hold things like human rights, support for the less well-off, the rule of FAIR law, science, reason and BALANCE in high regard. They have no need for heroes, although most can point to obvious figures - including many religious people - whose humanity and contributions to human and societal advancement has shone so brightly as to be undeniable, even by some bigots.

                                Your attempts to pervert reality, lie through omission, obvious bias and patently obvious ignorance (found that 90% yet?), and trash reputations with sick and inaccurate portrayals are typical of the bigotry of religious zealots with no perspective or balance. That retributive "silent majority" exists in your mind but nowhere else, your irrational and dangerous language about wreaking justice have no place in a civilised society. Jesus didn't teach anything like that, although it's not rare that ultra conservatives would attempt to pervert his words and teachings for their own benefit. Believe what you want, fight for good causes and especially against the hypocrisy and evils within human christian institutions, be aware of the damage your vilification and condemnation can cause.

    • +2

      this is the first time I have heard about TSP. I wonder how is it different from others (Murdoch empire/ABC/FairFax/Guardian)?
      and yes. I would love to see a wider variety of media [not just the Murdoch empire…]

    • You mean intelligent conservatism? I remember one of the first things my history lecturer said back in the day that there is no such thing. I don't necessarily subscribe to that view.

  • Wish it worked on the print version.

    Do like me a printed newspaper but hard to stump up the extra $150 for some dead trees

    • +4

      I have emailed to ask for similar for print and online, will let you know

  • Great first deal, really enjoy their articles. Thanks!

  • will this stack with an existing subscription?

    • +1

      Looks like yes

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