Do you eat the two outer slices of a bread loaf?

Well, do you?
Bonus points if you have a reason for your choice.

Poll Options

  • 782
    Yes, bread is bread.
  • 310
    No, it is forbidden.


    • +2

      They are called the "heel" where I'm from originally. "Crust" is ambiguous because the outer edges of a normal (non-heel) slice are called the crust.

  • +2

    toast yes
    sandwich no

  • -5

    No, it's the whores of the bunch. Everyone touches it, not everyone wants to eat it.

  • Crusts, knobbies, etc… I'm surprised no one is throwing around the term "heel." Is that a regional thing? Generational?

    • +3

      "endy bits'

    • +1

      We call them the hoe in my family, everybody touches it but no one wants it.

    • They are definitely called breadslutz.

      Everyone touches them but nobody wants them.

  • +3

    I only eat the end bits and throw out the rest.

  • +1

    I manage the home affairs.
    Of course I'm the one to eat the ends that my family doesn't.

    Crust is meant to be where more nutrients are at apparently.
    I dipping it in coffee

  • +9

    Yes, because I’m not a child.

  • +11

    Absolutely. And to all the Ozbargainers on here chucking out 2 slices of every loaf, i present to you the finger of shame.

  • +3

    Yes, normally leave until every other slice is gone

  • +4

    Bread soles or crusts are excellent as bread crumbs if dried on low het oven say while grilling a sandwich.
    Bread covered with gravy, stock or simple boiling water, salt and pepper has been British Hard Times food for probably 2 millennia.………

    • +1

      Bread covered with gravy, stock or simple boiling water, salt and pepper has been British Hard Times food for probably 2 millennia.

      Goodness me that sounds gross.

  • Eeeew NO!

      • Thick chewy sandwiches or toast is not my cup of tea

  • +1

    Crust makes great toast

  • +11

    100 years ago or 200 years ago, people wouldn't even think of throwing away the crusts. We live in the most luxurious time in history, where a typical salary can buy 300 loaves of bread every week.

    • -2

      Just 30 years ago, people wouldn't have thought of tearing down functional electrical power stations to appease the weather gods.

      Good luck buying 300 loaves of bread a week when there's no power left to cook bread.

    • agree, but when I left school I definitely hated this comparison;
      I still needed to put a roof over my head which took up 80% of my minimum wage (even when sharing with random), and the 20% that was left could buy maybe 8 loaves of bread per week - and that's a very unhealthy diet with no savings!

    • And those who own land were allowed to build whatever they wanted on that land such as a 1-2 bedroom home opposed to a Mini Mansion. Where a Family of 5 living off a single average income could buy a home to house that family.

      I tell you what seeing you think bread is such a luxury, I'll trade you, I'll give you all the bread you and your immediate family can eat(can't be selling or giving it to others just for consumption in your immediate family), for the next 30 years for free. In return you give me your land/Home. Deal?

      Just because some things are better than they were, doesn't mean everything is and more importantly just because something is "better" than what it used to me, doesn't make it good. Better can just mean "less shit".

  • +1

    Without doubt the Woolworths 800g bread grain loaf sliced bread is the best tasting bread at a good price ($3.50)……if you can get it!! I love the crusty end bits….so tasty!!

  • +2

    If it’s the only thing left, otherwise, never, it’s taboo.

  • +5

    It's scary how many people voted no…

  • Why not go the whole way!

    This is ozbargain, not ozwasteperfectlygoodfoodduringarecession! :)

    • Hahaha, that gave me a good laugh.

  • +1

    If I have 2 slices left in the house and they're the butt, I'll eat them.
    If I have thought ahead and bought a new loaf before having only them left, then no I chuck em'.

  • +1

    Only for sourdough

  • +1

    I call them the "cheeks".

    • +1

      I haven’t heard that before… Cute! I have a friend that calls them heels (she’s Scottish).

  • I want a loaf of bread that is all crust - the best bits!

  • -1

    It depends how it was packaged, if it was human hands and ungloved then I put it in my compost bin if that is the case… This is because the baker will grab the bread from those sides after handling your cash.

    If it is commercial bread or something that has been pre-packaged, that's fine.

    • What if the baker uses gloves or clean hands?

      • Why did the baker have dirty hands?

        Because he kneaded a poo!

      • +1

        Yeah, I would eat it, if it met the criteria.

        I even wash the meat and microwave it again if I see the Chinese BBQ man not wash his hands… This is actually very common sadly… But I love the stuff.

        I can't afford to be sick. I even continue to wear masks now even though apparently it's useless.

        Taking one day off for me could mean losing thousands of dollars…

  • Yes, pan no mimi is so rustic!

  • If it cant be eaten then it wont be sold to you.

    • You have a point.

    • +3

      The plastic packaging can't be eaten.

  • +3

    I generally keep them for Bread Pudding

    • +2


      Freeze (keep adding crusts to the one bag), and when there's enough, just add an egg, cinnamon, milk, bit of sugar, butter if its cheap (all in whatever quantities are available, its so flexible) and bake. Maybe some raisens or fruit if there's some fruit around.

      Makes a great breakfast.

      • Now, that I like!! 🤤

  • +1

    best for stew dipping especially when toasted

  • +1

    Buy the sandwich thins, Every slice can be an end slice!

  • +3

    I intentionally left the top crust till family finish the whole bag and eat the 2 crust piece together .

    I get slightly annoyed if the top piece went missing when we finish the bag as I won't get a perfect pair of crust anymore

  • +2

    In my household those slices get thrown into a bag in the freezer for making stuffing, because it's the best part of the bread for that.

    Otherwise I eat it. Food is food and I hate seeing it go to waste. Plus it's fantastic toasted.

  • I eat them if they are thick enough to toast without burning, otherwise in the bin they go.

  • Only when it's a loaf that I've baked / sliced - I find that supermarkets / commercial bakers machines seem to cut it at <1cm thick which is basically useless. I'll cut it a good 1.5-2cm thick whilst it's still warm, slather it with a lot of butter and just enjoy. Fortunately I don't do this too often as it really doesn't feel healthy to do.

  • Hell yeah, it’s the best when fresh but if not I will toast them…”Waste not want not”

  • Peter doesn't like the knobbies so they get blended up into the Meal Fit For A King.

  • So basically my fresh loaf will go into the fridge after 3 or so days so it won’t mould.

    If I get to the ends before it goes in the fridge, I’ll eat the ends, otherwise as soon as it becomes fridge bread, I’ll throw it away when I get to the ends.

    A bit confusing

  • Can you put in a depends option on the poll

    • +1

      I was thinking about it but then I thought most people would just pick it as a safe option. I like it when someone can be decisive and definite.

  • Toasting the two crust slices then spreading PB, Nutella or both is where it's at.

  • I do like outer slices as its bit thinner and little more crispy.

  • When making a sandwich, flip it around so the darker side is inside. With some butter and toasted, it tasted just like normal

  • +1

    Keep the end bits. When your cookies get hard, put the bread heels in with the cookies overnight, and in the morning the cookies will be soft again. True story.

  • Best part of the bread. Slap some butter on those carbs and heaven.

  • +1

    My daughter prefer that 2 slice than all the middle ones!

  • Used with soup

  • Yeah no. At home we call those the knobbies. I save them for soup. Otherwise don't eat them nor crusts.. Yeah I'm a man child

  • -4

    I buy a whole sourdough loaf (not sliced) and de-skin the entire thing. Crusty bread can get in the bin!

    • That’s just wrong!?? MOO

  • A better quiz is did you PAID for those 2 slides. IF yes then eat it, if no then eat it as well.

  • +3

    Being an adult isn't eating the crust ends because you like them

    it's because you paid for them

  • +1

    I would have said yes before I got married, but my wife uses the end pieces as kinda protected from the next one going stale on one side. So for her sake I leave them and generally when its just them as the last two bits they get chucked.
    Makes me want to toast them now actually, but I just don't eat much bread anymore.

  • Yeah why? They're the best parts and also the crust around other slices as well. People that cut off the crust edges of a bread slice must be chemically castrated.

  • Why wouldnt you eat the crust?

  • Not usually unless the bread is straight home from the bakery. If it’s later in the day then no..

  • +2

    yes, I toast them then cover the in butter/garlic mix and bake them for cheap garlic bread. The fact that they are end pieces helps with the crunch.

  • +1

    Hell yes. Crusts are the best bits

  • +2

    Crusts are the best slices for toast.

  • +1

    When your bread costs 7$ a loaf u don't waste it.

    I miss Helgas pumpkin loaf :(

    • +1

      Helgas Pumpkin loaf was my favourite

      • Great to have with your pumpkin spiced latte

  • I give the ends to my dog.

    • Is that good for a dog??

  • +2

    Oh wow, I thought the end pieces were purely to stop the rest from going stale.

    I never eat them. I didn't think they were a food item but a form of organic Tupperware.

    • +1


    • Lol - they are great for toast, nice and thin and crispy if you want slightly less carb to carry your topping and more crunch. Give it a try sometime.

      I do tend to do the same and use them to protect the middle, but then will eat both when I get to the end of the loaf.

  • +2

    I turn it into croutons

  • If it's a bakery sesame seed crust loaf, the outer two pieces are the best

  • Of course we do. Waste not, want not. We're OzBargainers, after all!

  • just turn the bread around (so the crust is in the sandwich ) and you wont know the difference

    • Found the serial killer.

  • +2

    The idea of throwing perfectly good bread just because its two sides arent the same is very disturbing to me. So yes, I do eat them.

    • It's bordering on weird, isn't it.

  • +1

    People not eating the crusts are the reason we live in inflationary times. It can be the only reason

  • Dr Lowe hinted I should

  • Yes, it's the best, wish they could somehow make the whole loaf like that.

  • I wouldn’t normally eat the crust but it’s not that I’ve never eaten it. If I was making a bunch of toasties & didn’t have enough to go ‘round… I would succumb to using the crusts. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • +2

    growing up, and I've kept the tradition going, they were called 'the dad slices' - dad always ate them because the kids wouldn't.
    I like them :)

  • It's thinner so less calories. I prefer the ends.

  • +1

    For toast? Yes. For sandwiches? Hell no.

  • I always take the "lids" of a freshly opened loaf

    Missus does not eat it and she still gets annoyed as I reach my arm to get the last end piece

    Damn if you do and damn if you dont

  • its the best one, if i could buy loafs with just the end bits, = heaven.

    • You should approach a few bakeries with a product proposal judging by some of the other similar comments here.

  • Yes with pools of butter

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