• expired

Kmart Vouchers Savings! 7" Digital Photo Frame for $29 and more!!


Save even more this weekend at Kmart!

Click on the image above, print out the vouchers and present in store for massive savings.

Don't miss out; these crazy offers are for this weekend only!

Pass this email on to your friends and family, everyone is welcome.

valid from 8am 15th November till 9pm 16th November 2008.
T & C as stated on the vouchers.

Excellent savings for Christmas!!

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closed Comments

  • Awesome, cheers. Nice saving on the lights and the photo frame.

    • I agree.

      Will try to pick up a photo prame and some lights in the morning.

  • Nice! Kmart is giving genuine discounts on good products to online community. Big +1 to Kmart.

  • Awesome!!!
    My wife always wanted these!!! Thanks for the great buy ;)

  • Picked up my lights and the frame today - thanks

  • I got frames :)

    Browns Plains

    They didnt seem to care about quantity, i got 4 and 2 others got 5 and 6.

  • I got two as well. They said the one on the voucher is gone, they give me the Homemaker brand on the same price of $29, which with the original price for $99 :)

    • Lucky you - they only had one of the simple ones left for me.

    • the saleperson at castle hill also offered the homemaker brand under the online sale price but only 5.6". It is still great one with all extra features and nice looking. You are lucky if you get 7" for 29$ :-).

  • Whats the quality like of the picture displayed? Resolution? Can it play MP3's?


    • the quality is just ok, it can play mp3, video, slide show, clock, alarm, USB, TV-out, etc..

      • That's the Homemaker, presumably.

        The one that I have only does JPEG and a slide show. It's got USB input, and can take SD/MMC/MS, but no video, no audio, no clock/alarm/tv-out. It's pretty simplistic, but it looks better quality on the screen than the one I bought for $129 last year.

  • Picked up 2 frames this morning. Low resolution screen and nothing fancy like video or music, but for $29 I didnt buy it for it's features as such, just as a simple slideshow frame. And at 7", the low resolution is fine. Its when you look at the 10" or larger that you need the higher resolutions.

    Grabbed some garden lights too. See how they go tonight.

  • Bought three with two coupons. Screen quality is quite good, but apparently the screen aspect is very wide. I crop at 1024x560@72 / 16:8.75. Weird, but no more black bars.

  • Apparently the staff didn't know about the online promotion - got 4 x digital photo frames and 2 x lights.

    Noted that displaying regular 4:3 jpg's on the digital photo frame in full screen it will be distored and stretched. This can be fixed by using the 'fit to screen option' but you'll get 'black bars' on both sides of the display.

    Hint: If you don't want the 'black' bars, you'll need a product to crop your photos easily - I've found the free software: Frame Size at: http://www.leansoft.co.uk/framesize/ that has been created specifically for this problem. Apparently wide screen digital photo frames are quite normal.

  • Still a few frames left (the one in the picture) at KMart Marion, SA as of 4.30pm Saturday. They were out the back, not on display. Great little Christmas Gift, thanks for posting it 1forthemoney.

  • Great vouchers! Got 4 photo frames and the printer. Keep up the good work!

  • The photo-frame also has an auto-fit mode which will crop your photos to fit the screen.
    Its a 16:9 ratio, as in portable DVD-players.
    It does not detect the vertical orientation flag.

    Will make great presents.

  • What do you mean by vertical orientation flag? You can press the rotate button to rotate the picture

    • But it's in manual mode (have to press it yourself). If it in auto-mode would be great.
      Shame, can't play mp3.

  • Digital cameras create all their jpegs in landscape resolution, but set a flag in the header to mark it as portrait mode if the tilt-sensor says so.
    So when viewing the photos, they can be automatically rotated if needed.
    This player doesn't do that.

    BTW I got the fax/printer too. Not bad for the occasional fax. or scan.

  • I'm new to this online vouchers thing… Do I just print it say at home and show it in store to claim? Does it have to be printed in colors?

    • To save you ink, just print it in black & white and in poor quality setting. They should accept the voucher with out any condition if you use it on 15-16 Nov 09.

      • thanks, hopefully I can get one tomorrow.

      • Ink? Time to get a laser. Haver you seen how cheap they are now? the cost of a few ink cartridges :-)

        • Yes…ink…i can refill them. Who said I'm gonna buy original ink :)
          How much to replace generic toners?

    • yes, no, you're welcome

  • My Kmart didn't have any left early this arvo, and wouldn't substitute any other frames…

  • Sunnybank Kmart still has quite a few of the digital frames. Like around 10 when I went. Also you don't need it in colour, black and white will do.

  • Sunnybank Kmart still has quite a few of the digital frames. Like around 10 when I went. Also you don't need it in colour, black and white will do.

  • went to 4 kmarts sydney stores today in the morning (castlehill,merrylands,north rocks,parramatta) for the printer but no luck - none of them have stock:-( (may be bought by ozbargainers !). Got a photo frame only from castle hill - they got few more in stocks.

  • I managed to get 6 from the Merrylands store at 8:30am!

  • Just a note to every one who bought the printer HP Photosmart C4345, the cash back is $30 not $20 as printed in the coupon. So end of the day you only pay $19 for the printer. I'm gonna go back to Kmart today to buy this printer. Hope they still have the stock for me…wish me luck guys :)

    (ii) Purchase an HP Photosmart C4345, C4385, HP Officejet 4355, 4580, 5610, 6310 HP LaserJet P1005, P1006 and receive $30.00 cash back.

    Anyone know can this printer use refill ink?

    • The link you gave is old/expired. "Purchase and redeem eligible Product listed in Clause 4 from 1 May to 31 July 2008 within Australia from a registered HP Reseller."

      Current promotion is 20$ only.

  • Doh!
    Was after the digital frame for christmas.
    Sold out in every store I called (in WA).
    What's the bet the staff purchased the few they had remaining before the sale started. I got in a hour after the store opened.
    Oh well those who managed to get some and want to sell a few let me know :) … obviously some profit is to be made on these.

    • I'll go to Kmart later…will check this 1 for you. How many do you need? You just pay for the price Kmart advertised + postage (registered).

    • They had plenty of the frames (and printers and lights) at Kmart Booragoon on Saturday arvo.
      Most staff didn't know anything about the online specials.

  • Was after the frame too, but both Ashfield and Burwood were sold out and the staff were curt — no one even offered another. :( I'm pretty disillusioned with KMart deals now. The last time I went for a USB/memory stick (I can't remember which XD) deal the staff didn't even know where it was…and turned out there was only a small section, and no hint of a sale. ._.

  • Two if possible. Thanks a million!
    (Needless to say I think a few are already on eBay)

    Yeah jennkei I know what you mean. Both Big W and KMart are not in my good books. I hate it when they advertise products in a brochure that goes out to several thousand houses, you go in and they have zero or a couple. KMart have told me (we never got those) and the Big W service desk told me just after they opened that they only got 3 (and they were gone before I got there, which was when they opened?). I sent an email complaint to Big W and received a call from the store manager (who offered an apology and said he could put a raincheck on it for me) after quite an explosive email.

    • I bought 5 from 3 of the stores I went to but no luck with the printer. hellrazorone can have 2 & another 2 will be available for 2 OZBargain members who 1st response.

  • Thanks heaps for this deal, the grandparents are going to love their presents.

    Kmart Chadstone still had some left an hour ago or so…


  • Must be something with WA getting stuff all stock. You lucky buggers!

  • Thanks! Managed to get down to Kmart at 4pm Keilor Downs (Vic) and picked up the last box of garden lights. Very happy.

  • I decided to go get the HP all-in-one this arvo too. I figure once the ink is gone I at least have a scanner with a warranty.

    I got the frames and lights yesterday from Garden City but today tried Woodridge for the HP (i figured GC would be sold out of it) and they had LOTS of them.

  • btw 1forthemoney, how did u receive this? Where can I sign up? ta :)

  • hey 'POWERevolution' you are right that on the HP terms and conditions it says $30 dollars cashback however, if you look at the official cashback site, it says only $20. Maybe a error or some sort. Anyways, here is the cashback link for easy access:


    • Sorry my mistake, the link from my post above was old & that promotion already expired. Moo's link is the current one. Cheers

  • POWERevolution, would LOVE 2 of these please please please! I wasnt able to find any in Perth either. Very generous offer! thanks so much.

    • No problem you can have them but I just notice these can't be fit into 3kg satchel (cheapest postage option) as each box is under 1kg but big in dimensions 30cm x 30cm x 8cm.
      The postage quote taken @ Aust Post online(www1.auspost.com.au) from post code 5000 to 6000 is $12.75 (for each box) + registered or $16.45 (2 boxes) with dimensions 30x30x16 cm. Not sure if you willing to pay for all those high postage fees. If you or anyone know any cheaper postage option out there then let me know.

      Edit: Sorry gingerjoau I just check your profile & found out you're a new member. So to be fair with our old members you can have 1 for now & if no one want it then you can have the other as well. Hope I'm not upset anyone.


  • Thanks a million!
    No problem on the shipping :)

    Can you please send me an email with the details?

    (or if it's easier add me to your hotmail - hellrazoroneAThotmailDOTcom)

    Thanks again!

    Sorry I don't know how to communicate privately with other members on this site :(

  • My local Kmart had the girl at the front door handing out photocopies of the vouchers to all and sundry with all the sale items on a display stand nearby. So much for my ozbargain insider knowledge!

    • That's pretty lol. -wry- What kind of 'online promo' is it then..sigh.

  • Hi Powerevolution, would still love to go ahead with the 2 frames if noone else wants one. Cheers!

    • All your :)

      • Thanks so much, sent you a msg, hope you received it. :)

        • Not sure why I didn't receive your message, not even in my spam folder. Try again, if I still have problem receive it then will get Scott for help.

          • @POWERevolution: Have tried another msg. :)

            • @gingerjoau: Still can't receive your msg, I'll send a msg to Scott for help.

              EDIT: Scott just fixed the problem. Now I should receive message via contact without any problem. So please try again…

  • Can anyone recommend a good cheap place to get a mini usb to go with the frames?

    • If you mean a microSD…wait, I'm not sure what you mean. -wry- But where in VIC do you live? It might help with people who could answer. :)

  • went saturday arvo, but they were out of frames as well as printers….. Not happy…..

  • SE suburbs of melbourne.

    No I mena mini USB, the frames also take USB drives and rather than put a full size one in there that could be seen through the frame I was thinking of getting a small one. I've seen them as small as a thumbnail.

  • most of the Kmarts I went to sold out of the frames as well as printers, but I still managed to pick up two printers from Officeworks - they priced matched with another 5% discount! Printers came down to $46.55 ($26.55 after cashback)

  • Did office works price match the kmart sale which was for the weekend only?

  • I went to officeworks on sunday…brought the ad with me. The guy didn't even read it though - he just checked the printer type and price, then he went and got it for me.

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