This was posted 16 years 3 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Dell Vostro 220ST Desktop with 19" Monitor - $238.64

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

Dell Deal Died at approx 1930hrs (NSW time) 14NOV08 .
It had a public lifespan of approx 3 hours.
Congratulations to those who did get it - Keep an eye on this thread to see if they hold true to their word.

UPDATE2: DELL is trying to avoid the contract.
Read this site: to see why I think Dell are breaching Australian law with this one:…

Read the directions carefully!.
Dell have done it again!!! All new and all cheaper!!!

Vostro Slim Tower 220S

  • Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual-Core Processor E2200.
  • Dell 19" Entry (E198FP) Flat Panel LCD Monitor.
  • 4GB (2X2GB) NECC Dual Channel DDR2 800MHz SDRAM Memory.
  • 160GB SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive with NCQ.
  • 16X DVD + / - RW WITH Dual Layer Write Capabilities.
  • Integrated Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator X4500HD.
  • Integrated 5.1 Channel (Audio).
  • 1 Yr Next Business Day Onsite Service.
  • Genuine Windows Vista(R) Home Basic 32 bit SP1 Edition.
  • Microsoft(R) Works 9.0.
  • No Security Trialware.


  • Dell 22" Entry (E228WFP) Wide Screen = $136.40.
  • 250GB SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive with NCQ = $30.80.


  1. Visit this link to go directly to configuration).
  2. Use E-Code: R221122AU (It will appear as $799, look at point #4. below!!).
  3. Customise PC as required.
  4. On the 3rd customise page, YOU MUST UNTICK EVERYTHING. IN "More Accessories" (Except those you want obviously - The Logitec keyboard and mouse is actually quite good value).
  5. Use: HK$7SKXL4F?932. coupon code for an extra 5% discount. (Only valid for up to 3 PCs SEE BELOW for more).
  6. I will supply you with a paypal account for donations. to me :).
  7. Get in quick! This is a "LIMITED TIME DEAL!".


Spend Over $1,500 and purchase LESS than 5 PCs and get 10%. OFF!!!
USE HN0?F6KG3KZTM3. instead of previous coupon code!

Don't forget to pay by internet transfer…
And this is no mistake! Marty Filipowski., senior manager of corporate communications for Dell Australia and New Zealand says "and we (have) reviewed the process to prevent future mistakes.

So obviously this is no mistake - Its all legit!

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closed Comments

  • … I will never get formatting right in this forum!

    Sorry guys!

  • $799

    • That's the starting price. Go to the accessories page down the bottom and untick everything. :)

      • Thx

  • Nice deal. Why do I get the feeling this won't go through either?….maybe it will.

    Stupid Dell. That's the same e-value code as before (I think), so they've screwed up AGAIN on the same situation. Shame there's not more you can remove from the order to make it cheaper…


  • I won't believe $238.64

  • Gone already

    "Due to technical difficulties, we are unable to process your request at this time."
    Not gone if you don't use moneybackco

      • Gave me the error if I used moneybackco..

        going straight through the Dell site was fine..
        Placed my order again..
        this time left it at the 19" screen (upgraded to 20" last time) and upgraded to Home Premium for Vista Media Centre..

        EDIT: Just realised this one has 4Gb RAM, last one only had the 2Gb!!

  • I cannot believe how stupid Dell is, unless they are just doing it to collect customer and credit card information, then use bait and switch.

    I've order 2 anyway, one on credit card and the other via internet transfer.

  • This deal (I hope) will help further the cause for the other order I have. When/if they call regarding this one, I'll be saying "how you can call both of these won't have many customers if you try to cancel everyone's orders".

  • I decided to go against using my crecdict card and have opted into the bank transfer option, ill go to the bank latter.

    This way, that if they do refuse like they did last time,, i can claim that they accepted my money therefore a contract is formed..

    Lets see how this works out!

    • I chose to go CC again.. Don't want them having my money unless I'm going to see one or other of my computers!!

      They'll probably give us both now to screw us over!!

      EDIT: Having seen the deal is ended already and again not having received an email (yet) for my first CC transaction, I logged into my account and processed through EFT..
      Just got an acknowledgement email for the EFT order… still nothing from my CC order, didn't ever get one for the previous deal either.. I wonder why my CC orders failed both times?

  • I'll reserve voting, my order has gone through to acknowledgment email, but I think there is approximately 0-1% chance of actual follow through from Dell.

  • cool! just ordered one!!

  • Yep, works beautifully.

  • cool, ordered one

    just got the email from dell:

    This e-mail is to acknowledge receipt of your Dell Order.

    We will start processing your order after your payment is authorised. At this time you will receive an order confirmation, so please check your e-mail regularly.

  • I can sense someone is going to be fired at Dell again. I highly suspect that someone internal made this 'loop hole' on purpose in order to get their friends and family score a bargain.

    • In that case, I'm so that employee's new best friend if it actually arrives.

  • nice!

    just got my order in for 2 of these babies for my mini-cluster of doom.

  • At least we can argue that $799 IS a reasonable price for a computer now. We just didn't require all the accessories that came with it, so we save a few dollars lol

  • i ordred three what a deal

  • buying one now :D

    hope it works.

    f*ing dell, i'm going to get you knob heads.

  • Each of my colleague ordered one! We ordered four!!!! f*ing dell.

  • The code doesnt work? :S

    • Still working for me.

  • The EFT ref number is internet ref number right???

    • It is - hopefully your bank accepts it. Mine doesn't..that was fun back when I used EFT.

  • ordered 2, one by CC and one by DD ^^ lmao

  • It's amusing to watch Dell cockpunch themselves…

    Now I'm likely to get double the amount of calls about 'technical errors'. Speaking of which, they can hardly use this excuse again right?

    • Now whenever they call we're going to have to ask for a reference number in relation to which order they are calling about, then place them on hold for about 10 minutes while we access our database.

  • Just ordered one, hope it can go through this time. If they call me again to cancel, I will definitely say no.

  • Post updated - Now get up to 10% off the price.

    And this is no mistake! Marty Filipowski, senior manager of corporate communications for Dell Australia and New Zealand says “and we (have) reviewed the process to prevent future mistakes”.

    So obviously this is legit!

    • Wonder how long it'll be before they pull this one…

      Ben V Dell: Awesome find dude! Just for the record, do you remember what time you discovered this?

      Re: 10% off; How PO would you feel if you did take Dell up on the initial 5% discount offer?

    • Argh! APC doesn't even link OzBargain properly. Well, not the first time that happened… :(

  • Im a bit stuck…

    When i ordered it they gave me information about how to deposit the information,, so i left that screen open,, but my computer decided to restart itself,, so ive lost it..

    I know you have to do it at a National Australia bank?? any one know any more information?? what do i do??

    • Dell Australia Pty Ltd

      Account # 106685061

      BSB 242000


      Put you online ref number as EFT ref

      • I could be really mean and paste in my bank account details here ;)

  • thanks,, i should have just opted to do it by internet transfer instead of opting to go into the bank and do it… I guess its too late to change,, or maybe i should ring and ask.

  • damn miss it, now $799 T_T

    • You can check out again, but that's the account number for veostro

  • unfortunately i'm getting the "Due to technical difficulties …." error message as well :\

    • at which step? it seemed OK to me

  • Had to put in an order.
    For the last offer - if they had emailed me Tuesday or Wednesday, preferably with a coupon for $50 or even a free mouse mat in apology but even just a prompt apology, I would have been happy. Now I hope they squirm a bit :-) Makes me wonder how well they are assembling their computers these days? If they are showing as little care and customer focus with their machines then we had better avoid Dell!

  • MISTAKES: While all efforts are made to check pricing and other errors, inadvertent errors do occur from time to time and Dell reserves the right to decline orders arising from such errors.

    Doesn't stop me trying though - right ;)

    Highly doubt they'll let it go through.

    • Anyone can place a disclaimer anywhere for anything, it doesn't make it right.

  • The "R221122AU" code doesn't come up anymore… :(

  • well i just did it, @fazz use the 2nd dell link as it links straight to there…doubt ill really get it though..meh worth a try lol

  • @Ben V Dell, did you want to update the link to the one I posted to the eValue code directly?…

  • I hope we don't need to take legal action ^_^ to solve this problem.

  • shit i don't believe it here we fkn go again!

  • Done and dusted.

    Don't forget the 10% discount, just added too - And hope that Mr Filipowski is a man integrity. If he is going to put himself on public record like that, he may have wanted to check his systems first.

  • it's at 799 now

  • I'm sorted. Don't need a PC really but at $275 (my final price coz I optioned up the wireless keyboard & mouse!) I'm laughing. I have a higher spec Intel Core2Duo system offline at the moment due to faulty motherboard. So $275 essentially just bought me a motherboard. Now I got 8GB of RAM, spare HDD's, a spare E2200 CPU blah blah blah… After I eBay a few of those things I reckon this computer will be close to FREE for me. Lol loving it. Would have bought the 5 systems if my credit card was healthier.

  • dang.. should i buy??? should i not?????

  • Use Direct debit man, they are not going to honor CC i think.

  • To all the people whining about it being $799 thats because you haven't read anything been written above. $799 includes all the accessories you don't need! Take all that away and it comes down to around $250 before the discount coupon is added.

  • I just ordered one with a E8400, 22" LCD, and 250GB HDD. Comes out to under $640. I will sell the monitor so it works out cheap for me :)

  • Ordered 1 with cc, let see…

  • I just ordered two with the recommend upgrades $805 for 2 pcs. Since I have the previous order that Dell tried to get me to cancel I can't see how they refuse this one. Who is up for a class action if they try it on this time!

    Not voting +ve until order confirmation (the real confirmation) comes thru.

  • itsross, You mentioned you got a service call with the dell techo, what PC/Notebook you got and was it purchased recently? cheers

    • It is the Inspiron 1525 laptop. About 6 month old and the 3rd service call I've had from Dell. They're pretty poorly built machines.

  • I got 2, great work Ben v Dell. I definitely think we should get some sort of plan ready for when those F ers at Dell try and kybosh it. Strength in numbers.

  • missed out even trying last time. followed the instructions to get the price down :) Now to wait and see.

  • wow, someone screwed up on the dell end I'd guess!

    Those optionals should be unticked to begin with I think…

  • I ummed and erred for half an hour about ordering 3 and in the end I don't think I will order any, first I'd have to be home when they deliver all the huge boxes, then stuff around selling what not on feeBay which might be full of them, then have to be there when the courier company picks them up for delivery to whoever bought the computer or screen (package will be too big for AusPost), then ATO checks these things (probably not for such small purchases of only a few, though still), then Dell's warranty transfer is for the whole package and screen cannot be done separately to the computer and it all seems like too much hassle for couple hundred bux…

    Still a good bargain since the screen is $320 on its own currently (other discounts notwithstanding), but we'll see if Dell honours it, usually they do methinks, but if they call upon T&C, ou well, you can try but can't ya ;)

  • if i dont go into the National Australia bank and pay overnight do they think that they will cancel my order before that???

    As soon as i pay, im claiming a contract has been formed and ill go to court if i have to!!! Its a matter of principal! Just like the guy in america that went all the way to the supreme court as he was charged an ectra 40 dollars on his insurance premium, and he won!! He's my inspiration!

  • Also ordered one, cannot help stop buying…

  • This is hilarious, I can't stop laughing xD

    Maybe people will be able to order until Monday, when they work again ^^

  • I cant order it, I dont have a company name, any way I can still get it?

  • I forgot to send my payment ref. How do I edit this or send them the ref #?

    • Dude I just got another one in. This time for just 1 machine paying by direct deposit, just covering my bases.

    • Edit: never mind.

  • I am a bit confused. I've selected eft as a payment method :
    "Payment Type: Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)"
    I expected it would ask me to make a transfer, but it even did not ask me for any kind of bank account details.
    The order went through :
    "Thank you, your order has been submitted successfully."
    I've never paid via eft before (used my credit card instead) and expected that the money will go from my bank account to Dell right away. Did I do something wrong ?
    PS thanks for the information on the deal.

    • No you have to login to you netbank facility and move the funds into the dell acc# using the Internet Reference Number as refno#

    • You have to move the money to them, they don't direct debit from your account. You should have been given Dell's bank account so you go to your bank (or online) and move money to them.

      • GOT IT

  • Interestingly the Order Acknowledgment hasn't come thru for the last order hmmmm? Lucky I kept a screen capture

  • Seems to have been taken down. I ordered 2 before this happened though

    • Still fine here.

  • Still available.

  • ok, I clicked on the picture at the top the first time which got me in. This time when I checked that took me to a different page.
    Got it figured out now

  • Search can't find this e-code "R221122AU" any more. I guess it's GAME OVER!

  • GAME OVER guys :)

  • Click the direct link…

    Read the instructions here properly

    • I did follow the instruction but the op has been edit. Thanks for your response!

  • I got mine in.

  • @ POWERRevolution - use this link… and go from step 3

    I got too excited when making my purchase and accidentally entered 'steet' instead of street; noticed this in the acknowledgment email i received from Dell =[ I've just updated my address details, does anyone know if I need to contact Dell so they are aware of the mistake, or should it have processed in due time before they ship the computer (if they do).

    • Everyone got excited and made mistakes.. My friend ordered one and forgot to record his ref #.. tried again, now forgot to add the upgrades he needed.. LOL..

      Slow down boys i think this will not be over until next Monday when they pop into their office realizing 10000+ orders.. LOL

      The manager should log in to ozbargain to realize they make mistakes.. we find out quicker than their staff are doing :P

      • Exactly lol.

    • I think the delivery guy will know that steet means street :)

  • Still available now.

  • Ive placed an order but received no acknowledgment email. Should I be worried?

    • My first acknowledgment email came thru instantly, the second one took 30 minutes. I'd the say the site is getting a work out.

      • Cheers. Just got it :)

  • Thanks guys I found it :

    Please note: You will need to use YOUR internet banking service to pay for your order,
    Dell can not automatically transfer the money.
    Please use your Internet Reference Number (as in the Thank You page) when making your payment from your Internet banking service. This unique number will help us track your payment,
    Account Name : Dell Australia Pty. Limited
    Account Number : xxxxx061
    BSB : xxx-000
    Bank Name : Citibank Limited

  • Let's just hope Dell doesn't go bust and calls in an administrator on Monday, otherwise we'll all loose our $$!

  • Just got my acknowledgment email.

  • just got my email too, if this goes through I'll finally join the realms of dual coreness!

  • just realized I forgot to put in the Internet payment number as the disscription for the bank transfer as per dells instructions written in ultra fine print. It won't make a difference to the order but of will make it interesting to get the cash back if this goes bad. Just so everyones aware my friend and I spoke to a Dell senior member only 30 minutes before this happened, his name was Winston and he's in Australia. He told us that as long as we have transferred money we have a legal contract with Dell and they will honor the sale and since we did the first order with credit card they wont honor it, so thanks mate I just did my order on this screewup and did direct deposit so I look forward to getting my machines and ringing you back you smug little man.

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