This was posted 1 year 9 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] Firewatch $8.98 @ PlayStation


The lowest price since Jan 2020.

I’ve played it and highly recommend it. It’s not particularly long but for under $10 it’s definitely worth it. It’s a first person puzzle, mystery, story-focused game. It’s definitely for adults as the setting is a man who’s divorced from his ill wife and moves to the wilderness to be a fire spotter. The amount of emotional investment that’s created despite not seeing any other characters is impressive.

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closed Comments

  • +13

    Brilliant little narrative game with excellent art style and voice acting. Def worth it at this price.

  • +1

    Short, but good.

  • +5

    $9 for an enjoyable walking sim game

    Worth checking out

  • Hmm… Will I play this game before it inevitably goes free on PS Plus / Epic Games…

    • +2

      It’s been on Game Pass so very good chance of that happening. It is really enjoyable though so not a bad price.

  • +3

    Really enjoyed this. Great story.

    Really immersive for a walking simulator. Well worth the full price I originally paid.

  • +3

    Brilliant mystery experience. Would have loved some kind of follow up to this. Well worth the $9

    • +2

      Development on In The Valley of Gods was put on hold in July 2019, partially due to head writer Sean Vanaman moving to the writing team for Half-Life: Alyx, which had not been announced to the public at the time. In November 2019, it was noted by journalists that Claire Hummel, Jane Ng, and Rodkin had removed In the Valley of Gods from their Twitter profile descriptions. The game also disappeared from Campo Santo's website and the original announcement trailer was made private on YouTube, though the website and its Steam profile page were still available. It was later revealed by Rodkin that the game was put on hold as he and the other designers of the game had been busy working on other projects at Valve, such as Half-Life: Alyx, Dota Underlords, and Steam.

      Some more reading here

      A bit sad, would have definitely been interested in playing this one. There aren't many games like Firewatch, the closest thing is probably Road 96, but even then it's a different feel. Not a bad game in it's own right, though.

      • Re: Road 96, better on Switch or PlayStation?

        • +1

          Can't say sorry, didn't play on either (I played on PC). Some Reddit threads suggest it isn't the best on Switch, frame rate being a bit choppy here and there and some complaining about the controls.

          Would expect PlayStation performance to be better, but obviously can't play on the go like the Switch can.

        • Sequel coming out soon with a song by The Midnight in it. Keen

  • +3

    Loved this. Get it!

  • had to jump through a few hoops but getting that alternate ending was worth it

  • Firewatch is also the first appearance of the PlayDate… several years before it was originally announced.

  • +1

    I actually bought the Firewatch Dynamic Theme Bundle (Full Game) for $6.59 last year Christmas. I only bought it for the dynamic wallpaper but after seeing the deal and some gameplay, it is my type of game and look forward to playing it!

  • +1

    Boy, I miss Important If True.
    I really wish Campo Santo made more games. A phenomenal dev team.

    • +1

      I loved that this art style is kind of iconic now. Not saying completely original but it is instantly recognisable as Firewatch.

      • +1

        Olly Moss is a great artist with a distinct style. He did all the posters for the podcast series A Life Well Wasted. I'd recommend anyone who loves video games to give these a listen.

  • Great game! Anyone got any similar ones to recommend?

    • +1

      I'd recommend the remastered Alan Wake. It's much different mechanically (a 3rd person action game) but the story and tone are very similar. They share a love for suspense and storytelling.

  • +2

    Great game and awesome for those who have an itch for a short, meaningful story :)

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