This was posted 12 years 7 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Garmin Nuvi 50 $88 with FREE LIFETIME MAP Updates (Via Redemption)


On Now!

Product Link…
Product Specs
Redemption Page

Other points of interest
* Free Deliverly Online
* $22.50 gets you an extra 2 years of replacement warranty (after first year has finished)
* I work at JB, however am posting purely as consumer & OzBargainer not a Representative :)

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JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • looks like id better head into a JB hifi tomorrow then - thanks for the heads-up!

    • +1

      it better be on sale tomorrow or i'll be very grumpy! awesome bargain though

    • Repco has a deal on the MY30T which is 3.5 inch, with safety alerts and three years of Maps. It is only $75 if purchased individually or an unbelievable $49 if you spend $50 or more. I got my three bottles of Magnatec oil for only $19.99 each, so qualified. No brainer, almost as cheap as a hard copy manual! Cheaper to buy new nav than to buy updated maps.

  • +1

    Any particular reason why this is on sale?

    • I think Father day is coming

      • +8

        @ylang, because of Father's Day????

        I guess too many of them end up in the wrong house ey hahaha ….

        • @tight i am looking for the father day's gift,so thats the only season I am thinking of

    • Maybe to make way for a newer model?

      • +3

        with unlimited free map upgrades, who cares. i would still be on my first GPS from 2006 if the maps werent hopelessly outdated and nearly impossible/offensively expensive to update.

    • Check out Repco deal on MY30T - only $49 when you spend $50 in store. Ends tomorrow.

  • +3

    The unlimited map upgrades might not be so unlimited when newer models are released and garmin stop making maps for the older versions.

    • +3

      Here's their "Lifetime" disclaimer:

      Free Lifetime Map Updates entitle you to receive up to 4 map data updates per year, when and as such updates are made available on the Garmin website, for this specific Garmin product only until this product's useful life expires or Garmin no longer receives map data from its third party supplier, whichever is shorter. A product’s “useful life” means the period during which the product (a) has sufficient memory capacity and other required technical capabilities to utilize current map data and (b) is capable of operating as intended without major repairs. A product will be deemed to be out of service and its useful life to be ended if no updates have been downloaded for such product for a period of 24 months or more. The updates you receive will be updates to the same geographic map data originally included with your Garmin product when originally purchased. Garmin may terminate your Lifetime Map Updates at any time if you violate any of the terms of the End User License Agreement accompanying your nüvi product.

      • +1

        Sounds like it's essentially 3 years of map upgrades, which is what all other brands offer too.

      • "has sufficient memory capacity and other required technical capabilities to utilize current map data" yeah right, this may sound cynical but all they have to do is give you 1 or 2 updates then make the newest map update 1mb too big to fit and bam! you're up for the next newer model!
        not sure with Garmin but if you could customise your map data, like include basic street data but leave out optional data like nearby shops/foreign voices etc you could keep the gps unit for a lot longer

      • +2

        I wonder if the ACCC should look into this. They fined ISPs for using the word "unlimited". The word "lifetime" is on the misleading side also.

        • Well I suppose they can say it is for the life of the product. Products have their own lifetime in terms of being useful. I think it'd only become an issue if they only increased the requirements to bar out the older models rather than offering something to justify it.

      • If you continually update your maps, at least within a two year period, then the device is still considered "useful". So download those 4 map updates every year automatically, and update your GPS 4 times a year, and you'll be blessed with new maps for the life of your device.

        I am still use a nuvi 250, which I purchased the "Lifetime Map Updates" for AU,NZ,US and EU maps, and have been since 02/02/2010.

      • Can't we just install the maps to an SD card, since the device has a slot?

      • +4

        Drive around Brisbane's freeways and you'll find out why map updates are handy. :)

      • Because what you need is what everyone needs. The road I drive on every single day didn't exist 2 years ago.

      • +2

        why would you need a gps for your own street?

    • Actually disagree on this.

      The Garmin maps are still backward compatible to models from 6-7 years ago (GMAPSUPP.IMG files are still used). In fact, you can use the Nokia version of the Garmin Navigator from 2005 and still make it work with the current maps today (as long as you unlocked it). Or you can still load up the maps using the Garmin PC mapmaker software from those days as well.

      The biggest changes they have made are the 3D buildings, Lane assist and Voice searches. These are supplemental files as opposed to being on the map IMG itself.

      From my understanding, they shouldnt be updating the mapping schema any time soon that will mean old devices will not work.

  • Which screen size do people find best wehen using a GPS? 4.3 inch or 5 inch?

    • +1

      4 inches

      5 is a bit big I think

      • +7

        That's what she said.

        • That's what she said.

          She's satisfied with only 4"?

          That is way below average.

    • I'm got a 4" TomTom and it could be bigger.

      Although what I'd really like is higher DPI. My TomTom is only 480x272, the same as the Garmin Nuvi 50. My iPod Touch's screen is a lot easier to read, especially with street names on maps. Pity it doesn't have GPS.

      • I use the TomTom app on my Iphone and it is brilliant.

    • 3.5 inch my Navman is.

      • +1

        lol, thanks Yoda.

    • I've got my ipad mounted on the windscreen. can't go back to small gps anymore.

      • Sorry this is off topic but if you don't mind me asking.
        What ipad mounting device do you use?
        Where did you get it and how much did it cost?
        Do you have any suggestions based on your experience with the device?

        • I bought it on ebay for around $10, all in plastic.
          Been using it for almost 2 years now, never had any problems.
          when I mount it, I just need to push the ipad (with cover) against the dash board, so it doesn't move around while driving.

      • +3

        you would say the same thing about the ipad when you mount a 32" tv with hdmi input

        • +1

          Do you mind if I ask what kind of car(truck? tank??) you drive?
          Btw, I do watch TV on, err, my TV, not the ipad.

  • So is there any special on the Nuvi 40? That model also comes with lifetime maps and should be cheaper than the Nuvi 50 model.

  • +1

    jb hifi product link:…

    Only 2 hours battery life, is this good at all?

    • This GPS was designed for in-car use, not pedestrian use. It has no pedestrian navigation features, so hence the smaller battery capacity. Besides, it's too bulky to fit inside a pocket anyway.

      It's a no-frills GPS that's supposed to be priced at around the $100 dollar mark.

  • So this model is the "Navteq" maps version, as opposed to the "Sensis" maps version.

    Anyone know if one is better than the other?

    I know my TomTom uses Sensis maps, but TomTom want >$100 per year for map updates and if the Navteq maps are ok, a once off $88 sure is appealing.

    • Navteq is owned by Nokia. Their maps power Bing Maps and, of course, Nokia Maps and Nokia Drive.

    • The Navteq maps are pretty good, and map accuracy is better in some rural areas.

      You lose the "nice" logo version of the POI for shops, petrol stations etc, since the Navteq maps have the generic icons used worldwide.

      If you manage to see the Nuvi 50 010-00991-35 (with Sensis maps), then I'd grab that one while it lasts. Garmin has said they will honour lifetime subscriptions with Sensis maps.

  • +1

    Nice price - I'd buy one but I don't know the way to my local JB Hifi - I think i need a GPS ……ummm

  • Anyone know if there's Chinese (Mandarin/Cantonese) text and or speech?

    • Connect the GPS to the PC (usb cable NOT included… I use my old one), and log into Garmin website. Register and go to dashboard and it will get you download other language including Chinese. Speech only I think.

  • The Garmin Nuvi 40 was on sale for $88 @ Good Guys in their last catalogue. I love mine!
    I got my redemption code by email.

    • Did it take long? Registered today and email say upto 8 WEEKS.

      • No, it didn't take long. I sent my redemption submission by email, & posted my copy of receipt & serial no. by snail mail. I was emailed the redemption code as soon as they received it- within 3 days, at the most!

  • I assume the lifetime updates cover Australia & New Zealand maps? CMIIW thanks …

  • It doesn't come with a mount?

  • I am seeing $118 in the catalogue, help ??

    • -5

      yeah, learn to read

      • +1

        read what ? smartarse

        • +1

          it was the first sentence before it was edited: "starts tomorrow" (today)

        • Unless you don't get to read this until tomorrow (which will then be today) but it will actually mean yesterday.

        • the comment was made 23:03 (day before) which the deal was not active yet
          if geordie had bothered to read the description s/he would know that

  • +1

    i bought this unit for the mrs a few weeks back for a similar price but without lifetime maps, it's a good GPS, has all speed alerts, current speed zone etc, the screen is a good size but the resolution isn't stellar. All in all it's a great buy for the price, get in on it.

  • What about the NUVI40? Not keen on massive screens.

    • it's really not a huge difference in size..

    • +1

      For me I'm going for the Nuvi 40 which is $88 at The Good Guys. I understand the only difference is the size of the screen at the same resolution, so the 50 makes sense if it sits further away from you. I'll be upgrading from an older 3.5” TomTom.

  • Anybody use garmin to get maps for other countires for when travelng?

    • I bought the nuvi 30 when it was 60 odd bucks earlier this year. Have installed Japanese maps on it and will try it out next month.

    • I used my 3 year old garmin in Italy and Croatia and worked all fine.

      • How much were the maps?

  • If I recall correctly, dick smith has BOGOF GPS offer, heard it on the radio

  • To all people have experience with GPS,is this a good deal? First time I am looking so I have no idea
    Thank you in advance

    • +2

      Yes (IMHO). A 5" GPS with lifetime maps from a name-brand manufacturer for <$100 is a good deal.

      It's a basic model, so if you want Bluetooth hands-free, higher res screen, or voice-activated navigation (ie you speak where you want to go) then you might want something else - but you'll pay 3x-4x as much as this unit.

  • From JB's product page:

    It comes in 2 mapping versions and has preloaded maps for the lower 48 states plus Hawaii and Puerto Rico or full coverage of the U.S. and Canada.

    So which one are we getting? :D

  • Can anyone recommend a GPS with both Australian and New Zealnd map? Going to NZ in early Oct and need one for the trip. Thanks heaps

    • yes, this one.

      • most of the Garmins do.

  • Is this model better than the Nuvi 1390?

  • Anyone know if this is Resistive or Capacitive Touch Screen? Or how it responds?

    • +1


    • +3

      Resistive screen.

      Quite a bit of lag when typing and searching for addresses. I think it's because the device has an auto-fill / auto-correct function which searches through it's database as you type the address, which makes it lag.

      GPS lock on is fast and no problems with navigation.

  • +1

    Cheers OP - just price matched at the Good Guys using gift cards, making it $70.40 :)

    Can confirm it comes with Oz and NZ maps, car charger and suction mount.

    • So is that $70.40 because of the price match (with 10% price beat) or cause you're using gift cards?

    • Same here! ;) I was wondering whether I shoould have taken the additional 2 years warranty for $19 though

  • The sign in Bondi said $118, but of course it was $88 after asking for it. Awesome deal!

  • Wait.. I read in JB hifi website as follow:

    It comes in 2 mapping versions and has preloaded maps for the lower 48 states plus Hawaii and Puerto Rico or full coverage of the U.S. and Canada. nüvi 50’s speed limit indicator shows you how fast you can go on most major roads. With its "Where Am I?" emergency locator, you always know your location. It also comes preloaded with millions of POIs and offers the ability to add your own.

    Maybe they should throw in free flight to US/Hawaii as well ;)

  • How is this unit compared to navman my80T?

  • Picked up two. One to replace my crappy Navmann MyNav15 and one for a present for a friend who needs a GPS.

    Played with it in store. Touch responsivness was fantastic. Much better than the MyNav15. Though there didn't seem to be a way to quickly get back to the main menus, had to hit back A LOT in some areas, though this could be me not knowing how to use it yet.

    • After having a bit more of a play, I can say this is a great deal for $88! Can't wait to road test it this evening.

    • +1

      Their terminology is a little different.

      Garmin=Australia Terms


      • You'd think they'd change it with a firmware update. Oh well.

    • +2

      there didn't seem to be a way to quickly get back to the main menus

      The manual says to hold the back button to quickly get back to the main menu.

  • +2
  • +1

    Picked up 3 this morning from Joondalup WA. They had lots of stock but will sell fast as it is in the bin at checkout.
    This device has a basic version of the Garmin software. You can't modify speed limits, it only shows basic lane guidance, but I am replacing 3x Nuvi2360LT ($250) with these due to the free map updates. I NEED up to date maps more than bluetooth and voice control.

    As I own a Limousine service I use Garmins all day, everyday and love them. Very rarely send me wrong.

    • How good or bad is this basic lane guidance? I want this feature when I travel to Melbourne CBD near the big bridges and I keep getting confused which lane to take and end up having to do U turns or detours most of the time.

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