So I have an AMEX with a low limit $2000
when I get close to that, I transfer money in and this allows me to keep spending, as do my other credit cards.
occasionally I want to make larger payments and have always overpayed the credit card so its massively in credit, but AMEX doesn't like this and then places the card on hold.
speaking to a representative today, they mentioned that the $2000 limit is a maximum monthly limit, regardless if i pay it back earlier, the limit doesn't reset until the end of the statement cycle. I've received conflicting info from various reps and can't find anything specific to AMEX but my general understanding is that the credit limit should reset once I've paid it off, and this works for my other credit cards even with large purchases.
Can someone enlighten me? Is this an AMEX thing?
why would you want to have a credit in your credit card? you're effectively giving them free money and you're not doing anything with it, even in a bank account you'd get 5%….