I own a Toshiba Z20t- C
It's not the fastest, but, it's quiet (no fan) and the screen has the CPU so the base never heats up. So i can put it on a fluffy bed and not catch fire. I can put it on my legs and not burn.
I used to software dev on this laptop but since WFH i mainly use my 'desktop'. So this laptop isnt as used much. But it i used .maybe a handful of times a month.
From bed, the couch, dining table, car service centre, bus, etc so i like the 13 to 14" sizes.
I also like the detachable screen as i detach and watch movies or scribble or view a map or collaborate.
I /really/ love that the detachable keyboard is a sturdy solid one vs the floppy wobbly the tablet-first 2-in-1s seem to have. The toshiba Z20-C is a "laptop first 2-in-1"
but my keyboard is a bit flakey and i'd like something faster.
Ideally, i'd take an upgraded Toshiba Z20t- D —- but that doesnt exist and toshiba/dyanbook is dead for the most part.
Question: Are there any laptop-first 2-in-1s that have the processor behind the screen? I can tolerate a fan, but on the screen, not the base.
Thank you.
The obvious suggestion would be the Microsoft Surface Pro tablets. What do you think of them?