• long running

Free Student Developer Pack (90+ Tools including Free .me/.tech/.live Domain, Web Hosting, Azure, Training & More) @ Github


It's been over 3 years since this deal was last posted so a new post is well overdue for those who are currently studying and aren't aware of these offers from Github. While I've long since left university I could certainly find some of these useful now.

Notable offers include a free .me domain, .tech domain, .live domain, Github Pro, Microsoft Azure credit, Bootstrap Studio, Educative programming courses, Jetbrains IDEs, web hosting and a whole lot more with a full list below.

Full eligibility requirements can be found here

  • Be currently enrolled in a degree or diploma granting course of study such as a high school, secondary school, college, university, homeschool, or similar educational institution
  • Have a verifiable school-issued email address or upload documents that prove your current student status
  • Have a GitHub personal account
  • Be at least 13 years old

Product Benefit
1Password Get 1Password free for a year including 1Password Developer Tools
AccessLint Unlimited use for public and private repositories while you are a student.
Adafruit One year of Adafruit IO+ and discounts on selected hardware.
AlgoExpert Free access to 20 coding interview questions on AlgoExpert as well as a 10% discount on all AlgoExpert products.
Appfigures Free access to analytics tracking, alerts, and the complete line of App Store Optimization tools for one year.
Arduino Free Arduino Create Maker plan for 6 months and discounts on selected hardware.
AstraSecurity 6 month access to website firewall & malware scanner
Baremetrics Get Baremetrics for free up to $2.5k Monthly Recurring Revenue while you are a student.
Blackfire Free Profiler subscription for students and teachers.
Blockchair 100,000 free requests.
Bootstrap Studio A free license for Bootstrap Studio while you are a student.
BrowserStack Free Automate Mobile Plan for 1 parallel and 1 user for 1 year.
CARTO Free account upgrades with increased database storage, real time data, Location Data Services Credits, and premium features for 2 years.
Codecov Free access to Codecov on public and private repositories.
CodeScene A free Student account to analyze private GitHub repositories.
ConfigCat 1000 feature flags, ∞ users for free.
Cryptolens 10 licenses and any number of end-users for free for students.
DailyBot DailyBot Business plan free for 10 users for 6 months.
Dashlane Dashlane Premium free for 6 months.
DataCamp Free 3-month individual subscription for students.
Datadog Pro Account, including 10 servers. Free for 2 years.
Deepnote Our offer includes free use of the Deepnote Team plan while you are a student. The Deepnote Team Plan includes: Unlimited team members & projects, 30-day version history, unlimited basic machines with up to 5GB RAM and 2vCPU, premium integrations (Snowflake, SQL Server, BigQuery, Redshift, and more), and 30-day revision history.
DeepScan Free 6-month trial while you are a student.
DeepSource Free to use for students enrolled in GitHub Education pack.
DigitalOcean Enjoy $200 in platform credit for 1 year!
Doppler Free Doppler subscription while the user is an active student.
Educative Get 6 free months of 60+ courses covering in-demand topics like Web Development, Python, Java, and Machine Learning.
Freshpaint Free Freshpaint Growth Plan while you are a student.
FrontendMasters Free 6-months access to all courses and workshops.
GitHub Free GitHub Pro while you are a student.
Github Campus Experts Apply to become part of the program while you’re a student.
GitHub Codespaces Free Pro level access to Codespaces to use anywhere in your account.
GitHub Community Exchange Learn the skills you need to contribute to open source projects and grow your own portfolio, with GitHub Community Exchange.
GitHub Desktop Open Source by GitHub, free for everyone.
GitHub Pages Get one site per GitHub account and organization, and unlimited project sites.
GitKraken Free GitKraken Client Pro ($59 value) while you’re a student.
GitLens Free GitLens+ Pro while you are a student.
GoRails Free access to all videos and lessons for 12 months.
HazeOver Free app license, including minor updates.
Heroku Enjoy a credit of $13 USD per month for 12 months.
Honeybadger Free Small account for 1 year.
Icons8 3-month All Access subscription with icons, photos, illustrations, and music.
IconScout Free access to 60 premium icons from selected contributors every month for 1 year.
Imgbot Free image optimization for all your public and private projects while you are a student.
InterviewCake Access to the full coding interview prep course for 3 weeks.
JetBrains A free subscription for students, to be renewed annually.
Kodika Kodika Unlimited Pro subscription free for 6 months.
LambdaTest Free LambdaTest Live Plan for one year.
Lingohub Free Professional Plan containing 10,000 text segments for students.
Mailgun 20,000 free emails and 100 free email validations each month for up to 12 months.
Microsoft Azure Free access to 25+ Microsoft Azure cloud services plus $100 in Azure credit. For students aged 18+.
Microsoft Azure (for ages 13-17) For students age 13-17. Free access to Azure App Services, Azure Functions, Notification Hubs, MySQL database from MySQL in-app, Application Insights, Azure DevOps.
Microsoft Visual Studio Dev Essentials Visual Studio Community, Visual Studio Community for Mac, access to Pluralsight training, 1 free year of Azure services with $200 credit for the 1st month and more.
MongoDB $50 in MongoDB Atlas Credits, plus access to MongoDB Compass and MongoDB University including free certification valued at $150.
Namecheap 1 year domain name registration on the .me TLD.
Name.com Build your online presence with a free .LIVE domain name, free privacy protection, and a free SSL certificate.
Netwise Free single unit server colocation package free for 12 months.
New Relic Free New Relic while you are a student. ($300/month value)
Octicons Using Figma designs to build the Octicons icon library
OneMonth Free 30-day One Month subscription.
Pageclip Free basic plan while you are a student.
POEditor Plus Plan for free for one year.
Polypane Polypane free for 1 year.
PomoDone PomoDone Lite plan free for 2-years.
PopSQL Free Premium subscription for PopSQL while you're a student.
Replit Six free months of private repls.
Restyled Run Restyled for free on private repositories while you're a student.
Scrimba Level up your coding skills with interactive courses, projects, and challenges. Learn JavaScript, CSS, React, Python, and more. Enjoy 1 month of free access to Full access to Scrimba’s Pro courses, projects, and coding challenges, which includes 40+ courses.
Sentry Students enjoy: 50K errors, 100K transactions, 1GB attachments, 500 replays, Team features, 1 yr limit (can renew), Disabled On-demand
SimpleAnalytics Starter plan free for one year, including 100k page views per month.
SQLGate Access to most Standard Subscription features for 1 year.
StreamYard Free access to the Essential Plan while you are a student.
Stripe Waived transaction fees on first $1000 in revenue processed.
SymfonyCasts Free 3-month subscription for students.
.TECH One standard .TECH domain free for 1 year and 2 free email accounts with 100 MB free storage
Termius Free access to the Premium plan while you're a student.
Testmail Free Essential plan while you're a student.
Themeisle Free year of Neve Agency WordPress theme exclusively for students.
Thinkful 1 month of access to a web development course.
Tower Free license for Tower Pro while you are a student.
Travis CI Private builds for free while you're a student.
Twilio $50 in Twilio API credits. The credit can only be applied to new Twilio accounts.
Typeform Free professional plan for 1 year.
Vaadin Free Pro subscription license to access the commercial components and tools.
Visme Get 3 free months free access to Visme's Starter plan.
Visual Studio Code These coding packs help you download everything you need to start coding in Java, Python, or .NET.
WorkingCopy All Pro features for free while you are a student.
Xojo Xojo Desktop license free while you are a student.
Zyte 1 Free Forever Scrapy Cloud Unit - unlimited team members, projects or requests. Unlimited crawl time and 120 day data retention.

Originally planned to include descriptions and links above, but exceeded 50,000 character limit by ~28,000 😢

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  • +2

    Weird to see Canva get removed but still offered independently.

    • Follow the money

  • +8

    Standouts -
    DigitalOcean - You can get a cheap instance and host your portfolio/project for quite a long time
    Heroku - You can also host on here, $13 per month seems pretty good
    Frontend Masters - Really good courses. I really like Will Sentance's courses on Advanced Javascript
    GitKraken and GitLens are great for Git. Makes life much easier vs the terminal
    Namecheap - Give your portfolio/project a domain

    • Namecheap - Give your portfolio/project a domain

      Multiple 'Oops! 500 Internal Server Error', and slow as when it worked. Not a good look.

      CloudFlare: Connection timed out Error code 522

      • +2

        Try visit https://nc.me
        NameCheap has their student program standalone for quite a while. Doesn't have to go through GitHub student pack.

    • +5

      Avoid Heroku. Salesforce has, in a surprise to no one, ruined it since they acquired it. You're much better off with DO or AWS (free-tier offers a lot if you're savvy), more bang for your buck and you get more transferrable skills.

    • For a Git GUI, Git Extensions is free and excellent. Windows only.

    • university ID?

  • +5

    Also free GitHub copilot.

    • +1

      100% this, a friend introduced it to me this year and being able to work on projects and assignments and autocomplete entire paragraphs of code at the click of a button was bloody spectacular

  • +4

    This has the be the hardest confirmation of edu I have experienced, having an edu email isn't enough.

      • +1

        I had to upload an enrollment proof and it still didn't work.

      • +1

        Applying on mobile requires you to take a photo using your camera as proof of enrollment, including dates, instead of allowing image uploads. Additionally, the application kept failing, repeatedly requesting a full name and short bio on my account, even though the information was already provided.

    • They've only recently upped it, enough that I don't feel like I can con them this year around (have an edu domain but not working in education). Wouldn't be comfortable giving them that information even if I was.

      • I should have the required materials and it still doesn't work.

      • Nah definitely not recently, at least 4-5 years ago they had me provide heaps of proof that I was enrolled where I said I was (student email, letter of enrollment, last report), I didn't end up doing it because some of the information on those documents is none of their business

  • +6

    my tafe login has finally been disabled after not being at tafe for 10 years

    • +1

      My University email was from before everything went Office 365 so it's dead sadly. However I tested my key fob last year and somehow it still works all over campus. I haven't been a student in 8 years.

      • damn, my tafe worked last year to renew my unidays, now it just says "unauthorised user"

        • Unlucky. I know most universities let you retain emails now when you graduate, but I guess that's not the case for Tafe. Understandable as it would cost them $$$.

    • lol what tafe course did ya do and where'd it take you

  • +4

    someone get rarbg back with these please

    • +1
      1. not the place to host that kinda site
      2. there's a magnet mirror on r/pi r a cy
    • Is it allowed to do naughty things with these tools or will they ban us?

  • So, any tips in getting edu email without paying a cent?

    • -2

      You tell me.

    • +1

      Don’t most devs get at least some equivalent of these from work? What’s the appeal? Freelancing gigs? I’m trying to understand the use case.

      • +2

        From a student perspective, I reckon the use case is pretty niche. If you have a fantastic app idea that you're trying to launch, you can hook into these tools, but I would suggest that's quite rare from a student. People like that have probably already dropped out of Uni and are self-taught and running their business from their parent's garage.

        The idea from the platform's perspective is to get students familiar with their tools, so that they "can't live without them" and continue paying once they start working. However, that's probably somewhat unrealistic too, because students will mostly just use what their lecturer/professor/teacher/tutor tells them or assigns in the curriculum. "Oh, we use Moodle to submit assignments? Fine, I'll do that. No need to learn Git/GitHub/Heroku/DeepScan/whatever this time around."

        And as you say, the above basically applies to most dev jobs as well. Unless you are starting your own app/business or are employed as CIO or tech lead at a start-up, you use the tools that the business already provides/subscribes to.

        • +3

          Hahaha city councils don't allow garage operations anymore last I heard. Something about liveability and housing crisis.

          We used some shell scripts to submit projects back in uni, I actually quite appreciate it now looking back. Generic skills are way more important, ie the way of thinking as opposed to the way of doing. That said, people who can do regex without googling always has my respect.

          • +2

            @Alley Cat:

            That said, people who can do regex without googling always has my respect.

            Haha for sure: https://xkcd.com/208

          • @Alley Cat:

            Hahaha city councils don't allow garage operations anymore last I heard.

            They certainly didn't like FluidTek and MSY operating from their garages and that was a very long time ago. Good memories.

            • @Clear: I’ve heard stories of MSY setting up shops in town halls, sort of a computer market thing a long, long time ago. It really shows your age btw 😛

              • @Alley Cat: The old North Rocks Computer Market. Victoria had the Technology Markets and it still exists today, but significantly smaller and terrible prices.

                It really shows your age btw 😛

                Surprisingly I'm in my 20s ;)

                • @Clear: Still running? That’s very .. boutique.

                  Don’t worry boomer, your secret is safe 🤣

                  • @Alley Cat: I can remember the first time I met scotty and a few of the other staff. They certainly said I look older than I really am.

    • Try this.

    • Get a job at a Uni or TAFE. Not only do you not have to pay a cent, you actually get paid!

  • +1

    Can anyone figure out how to pass the conformation steps for a tafe digital access? Everything I have seems to be rejected by the system

  • Applied with edu.au address and robot-generated enrolment confirmation certificate dated today — thanks OP (probably) — we will see…

    • Let us know how you go!

    • Did the same but also added my real name to my profile and asked ChatGPT to write a short bio for me.

      Just got approved.

      • what website you used for the enrolment cert?

        • It's not a fake cert, I'm actually enrolled in a course and just used the the student portal to automatically generate a confirmation letter (I assume that's what Jacob meant by "robot-generated").

          • @xers: Hi bro, can you explain this? i'm doing a diploma at tafe online. How did you get a robot generated letter?

  • +1

    Can we get the backpack in the picture?

    • Seems they've given it out at events but not in their store sadly.

  • Thanks for taking the time to do this. Would have been awesome if it was grouped into offers with a limited time expiry and offers that are ongoing with continued enrolment :)

  • +1

    Worth noting that while GitHub advertises it as being all through them, most of these offers are just aggregated and you can still go through individual channels for education discounts. In my case notable for Jetbrains, since their application doesn't require enrolment/employment verification like GitHub does.

    Some of the offers aren't even education restricted, just highlighted by GitHub; DigitalOcean gives all new users $200 credit, and the Azure one seems like their regular introductory offer as well (and before MS bought GitHub, they only had the equivalent AWS offer). Mostly only the ones that are "enjoy [pro tier] while you are a student" are actually education offers.

    • DigitalOcean gives all new users $200 credit

      Since when? I never got that when I signed up originally, they don't even give that much if you sign up with a referral

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