• expired

Spriggy - Increased Referral Benefit ($40 Each for Referrer and Referee)


Free money! Increased referral bonus is live for June. Use the OzBargain referral randomiser below to sign up.

Spriggy is some financial app for parents/kids that gives them a physical prepaid Visa card so they can spend all your money. Love it or hate it, they're giving you $40 to try it.

Sign up, get a physical card, top it up ($10 min) and make a purchase on it to get the referral bonus.

They don't perform any form of KYC on your kids (obviously) so you know, you don't have to miss out if you don't have kids.

From the terms and conditions:

June 2023 promotion. Notwithstanding the immediately preceding paragraph, if the Eligibility Criteria is met between 1 June 2023 and 30 June 2023 (inclusive), for each Referred Member, you will receive $40 (rather than $20) paid into your Parent Wallet (or if the referrer is a Child, into your Prepaid Card). Each Referred Member will also receive $40 (rather than $20) paid into their Parent Wallet.

Spriggy is not a free service.

Mod 5/6 4pm: Referrals have been changed to PM only, as Spriggy does not allow sharing on deal sites, see comments. Please PM your friend on OzBargain to ask for a referral code.

Referral Links

Referral: random (33)

$20 for referrer and referee

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closed Comments

  • Thanks OP. I have joined! Hany gets $40 and I!

    • When does the $40 show up

      • I am also wondering this

        • +1

          In the refer a friend T&C it states that at least 1 purchase must be made with the card for the eligibility criteria to be met.

  • Does this stack with the one year offer if you connect with nab?

    • +3

      It does - I signed up a while back when the referral offer was less generous and claimed the one year free from NAB.

      • -2

        what meaning

      • Oh, I’m with NAB and didn’t even know they offered that. Just went to New Accounts menu on the app and can’t even find it?

        • If anyone is wondering, you get the link on the signup email.

      • OP do you connect nab card or bank account does it matter?

        • +1

          They expect you to connect bank account (BSB/acc), not debit card to get the 1 year free

  • +2

    Thanks OP.
    Not sure who Leanne is but hope that $40 helps you

  • Just use the random referral as well from here

  • I hope you cab receive the $40 Matthew

  • Same, used a link here, enjoy Irman!

  • +1

    Says both have to make a purchase on the card to qualify for the $40

  • whats the catch??

    • Make at least one transaction

      • within what period?

    • Also $5 per month fee after 30 day trial

      • +1

        It’s free for a year if you connect to a nab account.

  • Do they perform KYC on a parent?

    • +15

      Did someone say KFC?

      • +7

        Shut up and take my $40 money

    • They don't, but you'll need an SMS code and a physical card sent to you

  • Is it just one $40 even if you have set up two children, or just 1 lot of $40?

    • 1 lot of $40. Maybe sign up the misso for the other kid.

  • +6

    You need to make your first Spriggy card purchase first before getting the $40 bonus. There doesn’t appear to be a digital card offering, so will need to wait for the physical card to be delivered first.

    Physical card will take 7-10 business days to be delivered.

    To make Spriggy first card purchase, need to top up account with min. $10.

    • +8

      To make Spriggy first card purchase, need to top up account with min. $10.
      That's a shame, there'll be a lot of annoyed 'parents' if this promo credit doesn't work.

  • Is cancelation option available on app?

    • +2

      Yes, under Settings -> Help & Legal -> Cancel Spriggy

      • Easy then. Thank you!!

        • +1

          I mean you're asking if you should cancel your account before you've received the bonus…

    • Just transfer it to the child's card and spend it?

  • The referral link shows the below.

    Last Updated: 1 hour 4 min ago Clicks: 2Last Click: 7 min ago

    Does it mean that 2 persons used my referral link?

    • Clicked it, not necessarily used it.

    • Yep, your referral link got opened twice… whether folks followed through all the way to the end is sometimes a different story.

    • Mine only shows Last Update

    • Sorry not a fan of chads

  • Love the app, having been using for over 2 years for my kid.

  • +1

    $5 per month fees unfortunately. Yes you get a free trial so if you are just signing up to get bonus and cancel you'll be fine, but if you wanted to use long term like us, it's a bit annoying.

  • Can we get the money before the 30 days trial ends? As there is a membership fee and cancellation fee

    • +3

      T&C's say money will be credited within 14 days.

      Will be cutting it close with delivery of card, the qualifying transaction taking a couple of days to finalise and then up to 14 days for the $40. Will see maybe the $40 comes a lot quicker but they just say up to 14 days.

      Edit - apparently the 30 day trial starts when the first card is activated. So should have plenty of time to cancel.

    • +4

      My money came through pretty much instantly with my first spend

  • +1

    LoL, the referral wiki numbers went from 73 to 109 now and rising! Sure hope Mr/s Spriggy has a deep wallet.
    EDIT Now 140.
    That's at least 70 ozbargain signups X $40.

    • Thanks chump change for NAB.

      • Actually it seems Spriggy is owned by its team members, and a number of investors.
        NAB Ventures is a shareholder.

    • Now 229, that's 150 x 40, $6,000 free credit (plus the many who would have joined but not added their referral). Don't see this working.

      • Do you see free credit card points working?
        Do you see $4000 cashbacks for refinance working?

        Take refinancing for example… say 1000 people take up the offer. Thats $4 million dollars! Wow…. mind blowing eh?
        Spriggy's case… $6000.

    • When I signed up in the morning it was 39 only in the referral wiki

  • +6


    If the combined balance of your Parent Wallet and kids’ Spriggy cards is more than $10 when you cancel, NO cancellation fee applies and this full amount will be refunded to you.

    If your balance is $10 or less, this amount is retained as a cancellation fee. If you spend this remaining balance before cancelling, no cancellation fee will be charged.

    • +6

      So make sure your balance is either $0 or more than $10 when you cancel to not lose any money?

  • Thanks OP.

  • +1

    Be careful membership fee…

  • Was planning to join. Now I want to join.

    • +1

      Enjoy your $40 Daniel 😊 Yes he made two referrals.

  • +1

    Enjoy your $40 Daniel 😊

  • Enjoy your $40 Adam 😊

  • Serious question can you create spending money accounts for mum and dad too?

    • -3

      Just set them up as a kid. Take the role playing to the next level, stop by the court house for the domestic violence order application while you are at it.

  • Enjoy your $40 Hany!

  • Great deal, the cards look really cool. Would probably use it myself if not for the monthly fee.

  • +1

    Enjoy $40 Lachlan ✨

  • +9

    Won't be shocked if they don't allow any of this:

    T&C you must not:
    distribute the Referral Link by bulk email or in a way that may be considered spam, distribution to strangers, or posting on a third party deal or discount site;

    • Yeah I half suspect they are not going to pay out the referrals, especially as everyone who signed up here will cancel in the first month before getting charged the $5 fee.

    • +1

      How will they know

    • Oh didn't see this.
      Hopefully this is a bit different because it's a "random" link generator, not a fixed link displayed on the site.

      Imagine I could have used my own referral for the main link. Sheesh.

  • +3

    Did anyone else after completing all the steps get this message:
    Oops there been an issue with your child’s card
    We require a few extra details before we can issue your child’s card
    Please contact member support
    It was a pretty straight forward signup process so unsure what could be the issue

    • I made my first account a few hours ago. As soon as I logged in it had a message saying the card is on the way, didn’t have to do any steps.

      Made a new one after referring the misso, when I logged in on that account it has that message about there being an issue and to contact support before they will send the card out. Either they have started cracking down on the referral spam because of this post or some flag has been raised because I’ve used the same address twice. I’ve flicked a message to support but says up to 12 hrs before they respond.

      • Using wife's mobile ?

        • +1

          Yep used her mobile number and her phone for her account.

      • Yeah I had a feeling that may be the case with the crackdown.. hopefully it goes through so Adriana gets their $40! I was gonna share my link to my friend for his kid but will hold off now and wait and see what support comes back with.
        Curious how they will know the people who got the link via a site like OzB compared to a genuine referral..

    • +2

      Just received this reply for the same issue - it appears we need to verify some information before we can get you up and running and a card ordered for your child.

      To complete your membership verification, please provide the following information:

      A copy of a utility bill that clearly shows your name and residential address
      Your child/children’s DOB
      As soon as we get this information from you we can help get your cards ordered and on their way to you.

  • +2

    Inflation means the stuff I would normally do at 20.

    I only do at 40.

  • Thank you and enjoy your $40 Matheui

  • +1

    Do we need to give out real details?

    • +1

      Phone number at least has to be real since they will send you an OTP. Address also needs to be real for obvious reason.

      Other than that they didn’t do any ID check when I signed up.

  • Thanks enjoy $40 wallace

  • -5

    Any prolific sperm donors here?

  • +11

    Note that subscription fees are charged annually, so if you don't cancel before your free trial finishes you will be charged $60 for the whole year.

    • +1

      First year is free for a nab customer

  • +1

    Thanks enjoy $40 Daniel

  • Thanks Mason

  • Thanks Ricardo!

  • Have a good $40 Alan

  • Cheers OP, also $40 for Hyun

  • Thanks Daniel J

  • Enjoy your $40 Louis!

  • $40 for Daniel

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