Part of Dell's EOFY sales. I think it's an all time low for the DWF model (not counting the outlet refurbished deals).
Instructions here (thanks to doweyy) on how to obtain a code:
Part of Dell's EOFY sales. I think it's an all time low for the DWF model (not counting the outlet refurbished deals).
Instructions here (thanks to doweyy) on how to obtain a code:
I've sent you the matching invoice via PM.
The irony of a student discount on a $1500 monitor
The irony of complaining about indexation on 6 figure HECS debt
7.1% next financial year yuck
these just getting cheaper, where is the inflation !
Only non essential items getting cheaper
The inflation is only at Woolies / Coles on essential items. Dell still has to compete with every other PC hardware company.
yeah I know, its just funny, the longer you wait the cheaper it is but no regrets - I paid $1600 for it few months back.
great monitor
what's your personal opinion on using it for productivity (if you do)? Do you find the feathering effect around the edges of text annoying at all?
I'm currently on the AW3821DW which I bought specifically because I use it for work most days as well as gaming.
@DeToxin: yeah i couldn't really use it for work - too big and curvy
also the text pixel refresh looks weird from time to time
I bought 2 second hand dell p2219h for like $150 and this works much better
it's not just competition though, the demand for electronics isn't as strong in this economic climate. either they could reduce the price, and increase sales or maintain the same price but have lower sales.
When the essential items are expensive, disposable income will reduce which reduces the consumption of non-essential goods such as consumer electronics. Now that supply chain is somewhat restored, in light of rising interest rates it should bring the cost of them even lower.
Most people can live without $1500 monitor but not without food, housing, gas/electricity, fuel etc.
can ppl live without new GPUs though
Ooh…that's a hard one. Probably on same level as "Is there God?".
I only need one. I don’t need another but OMG I love mine.
This code works without access to Uni days AUAFFILIATES5%
Thanks. Have added it to the post.
The AW3821DW is on special too ($1745 with the AUAFFILIATES5% promo code). Might grab a second one, thanks for the heads up.
you used to be able to put both the auaffiliates code and the unidays code at the same time. not the case anymore but still a good price nevertheless
this or buy a refurbished one for 1169?
The reburb one is sold out. This is better anyway as it supports firmware updates.
Bought two for mates. Stacks with Amex 10% for approx $1281.
This or the LG one outside of the aspect ratio difference?
Which LG monitor are you referring to?
probably the 27" one?
The 27" OLED one, other than 240Hz this seems like a better one, no?
If its the 27 G5 avoid it!
Worth paying extra for the AW3423DW?
Anything comparable?
Will buy 10 at $149.93. Where U at Muzeeb?